Suicide Squad, Rocksteady’s Greatest Failure, Needs To Be Taken Off Life Support

It's already on its last legs; kill it with fire before it butchers anything else.

Story Highlights

  • The latest round of Suicide Squad ruining iconic characters features the ridiculous “Mrs. Freeze.”
  • The vain and soul-less live service continues to suffer from a content shortage and delayed updates.
  • Butchered characters, storylines, hollow gameplay, this mess needs to be put out of its misery now.

It’s a new day, but Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League ruining it unfortunately stays constant. I’ve always found live services and their predatory execution to be a plague for modern gaming, but this particular name is breaking all records.

Ever since Suicide Squad was unveiled, I watched in horror as this abomination eventually became a reality. It was a flawed project since day one, and time has done nothing but make it an even more horrible one. It’s standing on its last legs at this point, but it’s not going away without enraging a couple thousand more people.

YouTube video

Way To Butcher Beloved Characters

I’ve discussed countless flaws of Suicide Squad till now, but nothing comes close to the way it ruined the presentation of many iconic, beloved characters. Believe it or not, the “predatory live service” is not my top reason to hate it.

I was deathly excited about a new big-budget Suicide Squad game from Arkham Devs, which makes this disappointment all the more heartbreaking. Tell me, what good is a superhero game if every character throws away its originality and picks up guns? In what universe does Captain Boomerang or King Shark use guns and not their namesake abilities? You’re telling me a monstrous Shark would rather shoot people than bite their heads off?

In Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (2023), every single character, including King Shark, is given a gun. This is because the game developers were trying to impress the CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn.
byu/Sha_Shock inshittygamedetails

If only this was the only insulting aspect. I’ll never forgive Suicide Squad for what it did to the legendary Batman. I’ll leave the details for you to find out yourself, but trust me it’s not going to be pretty. Speaking of Batman, have you seen the new “Mrs.” Freeze? Suicide Squad Season 2 is supposed to be a major update, and it will center around a gender-bend Mr. Freeze. Who on earth thought this was a good idea?

Look how they massacred my boy | Source: Suicide Squad
Look how they massacred my boy | Source: Suicide Squad

You had Mr. Freeze, you had Captain Cold, but no, you decide to go ahead with this monstrosity. Suicide Squad butchering characters I’ve grown fond of is its greatest violation and my utmost reason to hate it.

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad
byu/Chunky-overlord inbatman

Post-Launch Support At Its Worst

Next comes the game’s performance as a live service, and as expected, it brilliantly flops here as well. Since launch day, Suicide Squad had nothing meaningful to offer in terms of gameplay engagement and variety, and this is true to this day. The game fails as a superhero presentation, it fails as a live service, and it fails as an ongoing game, what else is left?

Ah yes, so many of us are "enjoying" the "plenty of new content"…
byu/FeganFloop2006 inSuicideSquadGaming

Suicide Squad had a botched launch and content shortage, but things wouldn’t been as bad as they are right now if the game received appreciable post-launch support. Content problems and shortages are to some extent expected in a live service at launch. Once the game picks up the pace with consistent updates, things get better. Fail to do so, and it may never recover. Remember Redfall?

Suicide Squad is not the least bit exciting | Source: u/Heraclitus94 (Reddit)
Suicide Squad is not the least bit exciting | Source: u/Heraclitus94 (Reddit)

Not only did Suicide Squad have nothing impactful to offer, but its subsequent updates were all even more subpar. I don’t think I need to remind you just how much of a mess the Joker update was. Besides, the delay between content additions is downright baffling. As ridiculous as it is, the Mrs. Freeze update was supposed to begin on the 11th. Now it’s been pushed back to the 25th. Can a game as shaky as Suicide Squad afford these kinds of delays?

<HATED DESGIN> The ̶J̶o̶n̶k̶l̶e̶r̶ ̶ Joker from Suicide Squad Kill the Justice. Another nail in the coffin for this game.
byu/KronxDragonhoof inTopCharacterDesigns

Suicide Squad Needs To Die

I know you’ve grown tired of hearing about Suicide Squad and its follies at this point. You just want to forget it, and trust me I’d want nothing better myself. Which is why I came up with this proposition. Suicide Squad is without a doubt Rocksteady’s greatest mistake, and the sooner it goes away, the better.

The biggest downgrade in gaming's history | Source: eXputer
The biggest downgrade in gaming’s history | Source: eXputer

I couldn’t believe that the same Rocksteady responsible for the legendary Batman: Arkham series could create something like this. Of course, some internal politics, what with WB turning everything live service and Rocksteady’s staff changes and shifts being responsible for this, what matters is the end product, and this horrid existence is what we have.

byu/WMROIN from discussion

The circumstances aside, the Rocksteady name will be forever associated with this game. The longer Suicide Squad stays, the more it’ll be sullied. Anyone can see that its shutdown is but a matter of time, so better sooner than later. Look at Marvel’s Avengers, it’s no longer around and I’m pretty grateful for that. Rather than making an even bigger mess, death was a better solution.

It No Longer Seems Possible ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Will Last The Year
byu/WMROIN inpcgaming

The same can be said for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Its reputation is unsalvageable and its sins grave. Before it ruins even more characters and stories, Rocksteady and WB need to put an end to this abomination now.

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Hanzala is a dedicated writer who expresses his views as opinion pieces at eXputer. He's always been fascinated by gaming and has been an avid consumer of many different genres for over a decade. His passion for games has him eager to encounter the latest RPGs and actively look for new Soulslike to challenge. He puts forth his experience and knowledge of gaming into captivating opinion pieces.

Experience: 8+ months || Education: Bachelors in Chemistry.

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