Zenless Zone Zero Is Setting New Standards For Hoyoverse Titles

Despite the acronym, ZZZ is anything but a snoozefest.

Story Highlights

  • Zenless Zone Zero’s story and gameplay differs from the traditional Hoyoverse formula.
  • Players can go even on dates with allied agents to increase “Trust” levels and earn rewards.
  • Despite shortcomings, ZZZ has the potential to set new standards for Hoyoverse titles.

Hoyoverse has once again embarked on an ambitious journey with their latest project, Zenless Zone Zero. This urban fantasy action RPG introduces a fresh and distinct experience, diverging significantly from its predecessors while maintaining the high-quality production values that fans have come to expect. However, as with any new endeavor, it comes with its share of both triumphs and shortcomings.

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Innovations Of Zenless Zone Zero

Zenless Zone Zero breaks away from the traditional fantasy setting of Genshin Impact and embraces a sci-fi urban environment. Set in the vibrant and post-apocalyptic city of New Eridu, the game combines a punk aesthetic with elements of roguelike gameplay, creating a unique atmosphere that feels alive and engaging.

The city is filled with quirky locations like ramen bars manned by robots and arcades with mini-games, reminiscent of the stylish environments found in Persona games. This fresh setting is a welcome change, providing a new backdrop for players to explore and enjoy. And that’s not even mentioning the biggest new change. Going on dates.

That’s right, after completing “Chapter 2 Interlude” and “Anby’s Problem”, you can ask any of your allied agents out on a hangout event with you. Depending on how well you interact with them, you can increase your “Trust” level with them. At a certain level, you can do an “Advancement Task” to get bonus rewards. Lycon fans go wild, pun not intended.

You Can Never Match A Lycon Fan's Freak
You Can Never Match A Lycon Fan’s Freak | Source: Twitter

Combat And Gameplay Mechanics

One of the standout features of Zenless Zone Zero is its combat system. Unlike Genshin Impact’s open-world exploration and elemental combat, Zenless Zone Zero opts for a more contained but intense experience. Players control agents, highly stylized characters with flashy attacks, led by the player’s character, a Proxy.

The combat is fast-paced, drawing comparisons to hack-and-slash titles like Devil May Cry, and features mechanics such as perfect dodges, assists, and parries. This approach offers a more immediate and thrilling combat experience, making every encounter feel dynamic and exciting.

Another innovative aspect is the TV mode, adding a roguelike element to the game. Players solve puzzles on a grid of old-school CRT TVs, navigating the Hollow Visualization TV Wall to unlock missions and battles. While this concept is interesting, it may not appeal to everyone, as it diverges significantly from traditional exploration mechanics.

Istg, if they remove this feature, I'm quitting this game
byu/Present-Audience-747 inZenlessZoneZero

Challenges And Shortcomings

One of the most significant challenges Zenless Zone Zero Faces is its limited exploration. While New Eridu is a vibrant and detailed city, it lacks the expansive open world that made Genshin Impact so captivating. The confined setting might feel restrictive to players who enjoy the freedom of exploring vast landscapes and discovering hidden secrets.

Additionally, the game’s storytelling is currently less compelling than Genshin Impact’s. Genshin Impact immediately engages players with a clear goal: finding the protagonist’s missing sibling. In contrast, Zenless Zone Zero’s narrative feels less defined, with gaps in the lore and an unclear direction.

This lack of a strong, cohesive story may hinder player investment in the game’s world and characters. But I’m not going to rag on the story this early into its release. After all, it’s only been out for a few days by the time I’m writing all of this. It took some time for Star Rail to get its footing right as well, so I’m trusting Hoyoverse to deliver. Or else…

I can't believe people say the story in this game is bland.
byu/skyarsenic inZenlessZoneZero

Gacha Mechanics And Character Variety

Like other Hoyoverse titles, Zenless Zone Zero employs gacha mechanics for character acquisition. However, in typical gacha fashion, it also introduces the familiar frustrations associated with them, such as the temptation to spend real money and the randomness of character pulls. Though I admit it’s at least a bit less punishing than Genshin’s.

The character designs are exceptional, showcasing Hoyoverse’s talent for creating memorable and stylish characters. From fashionista mercenaries to burly bear-men, the variety is impressive. However, the viability of certain characters is restricted by faction and elemental synergies, making some agents less valuable unless paired with specific allies.

Combat is too easy
byu/Haunting-Dog1788 inZenlessZoneZero

A Promising Endeavor

Zenless Zone Zero is a bold and ambitious project that introduces several innovative elements to the Hoyoverse portfolio. Its urban sci-fi setting, dynamic combat, and roguelike mechanics set it apart from its predecessors, offering a fresh and engaging experience.

Despite its shortcomings, Zenless Zone Zero has the potential to carve out its own niche within the Hoyo-verse. With continued development and player feedback, it could address its weaknesses and further refine its strengths, ultimately setting new standards for future Hoyoverse titles. Now if you don’t mind, I have an agent invite with Ellen to get back to.

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Saif is a seasoned video game journalist who works for eXputer. His passion for gaming was nurtured by playing on arcade emulators since his early childhood. Specializing in writing opinion pieces, he dives into the intricacies of the latest titles, the gaming industry, and the wider community. A sucker for good storytelling and a love for immersive worlds, Saif eagerly explores the latest releases while turning his thoughts into engaging and entertaining articles. Writes Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Psychology.

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