6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

A rush of adrenaline bar none.

Story Highlights

  • Some video games focus on keeping their protagonists fairly overpowered in terms of ability or strength.
  • These games offer a different sense of rush, which makes them quite entertaining to play. 
  • Titles such as Prototype 2, Cyberpunk 2077, and Just Cause 3 are some fine proponents of the thought.

Everyone loves a game where you’re dripped out with power right from the get-go. I mean, I know I’m a sucker for those, and I’m sure you are as well. Video game titles where you start from nothing and build yourself up as you go along the course of the campaign are awesome and all as well, but it’s a different feeling when you know you have the means to decimate your foes in ways more than one, and that too at the very beginning.  

Let’s check out what some of these games are and what exactly they bring to the table. 

You’re The Boss In These Games; Not The Other Way Around

I will say this before we get started: The following entries are subjective and reflect only my opinion. If you wish to contribute to the list, make sure to spark a discussion in the comments section ahead. 

1. Doom Eternal 

DOOM Eternal Deathmatch
Doom Eternal Takes No Prisoners | Source: Bethesda

What do you expect from a protagonist called “Doom Slayer?” That’s right, absolute mayhem. We’re talking about one of gaming’s best characters in history, and hell’s worst nightmare all in the same sentence, with Doom Eternal, for one, adding more fuel to the fire. This particular title starts you off with kick-ass gameplay, terrific visuals, and enjoyable combat that you won’t be letting go of anytime soon. 

Oh, and word has it that Doom Eternal could be getting official mod support soon. Better stick around for that if you want to triple the fun.  

2. Prototype 2

Prototype 2 Is Badass | Source: WSGF
Prototype 2 Is Badass | Source: WSGF

As far as the title of this article goes, this game is the definition of a “game that makes you feel overpowered” down to the bone. Prototype 2 serves as the sequel to Radical Entertainment’s 2009-released Prototype, putting James Heller in the spotlight this time around instead of Alex Mercer. Heller is a roided-up mutant with multiple powers under his belt, including shape-shifting, increased speed, and strength—you name it, he’s got it. 

The gist of Prototype 2 is: You roam around Manhattan with freakish abilities, and consume people and their memories, all the while unraveling a betrayal-driven plot as well.  

3. Cyberpunk 2077 

Netrunner Build in Cyberpunk 2077
The Possibilities Are Endless in Cyberpunk 2077 | Source: eXputer

All right, this one’s an exception as far as the overall theme of the article is concerned, but I couldn’t help but include it. Let me tell you why was that in just a second. 

Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPS and an action RPG that really sinks it in that it’s a dog-eat-dog world. While the game does not start you off with a lot of punching power under your name, things take an extremely interesting turn when you start getting the hang of how things roll in Night City. I’m talking about body implants like the Sandevistan, Gorilla Arms, and everything of the sort that allow you to get so OP toward the end of the game.

YouTube video

4. Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman: Arkham Knight
Batman: Arkham Knight Is One of the Greats in the Superhero-Flavored Video Games Genre | Source: Rocksteady 

I’ll always remember Rocksteady for the gift of the Batman: Arkham franchise (not you Suicide Squad). All Batman games that this London-based studio pushed out hold a special place in my heart, especially Batman: Arkham Knight, where you genuinely feel as if you’re the Caped Crusader himself.

Cutthroat combat, great writing, terrific visuals, and all the fancy gadgetry coming straight from WayneTech is nothing to miss out on, as our lovely protagonist towers over Gotham’s criminals like a bat out of hell. While you’re at it, give the other titles a go as well—they’re one of the best superhero game franchises ever made

5. Just Cause 3 

Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3’s Open-World Chaos Is Ridiculously Fun |  Source: Avalanche 

Talk about relentless, creative freedom at the heart of an open-world game that just doesn’t know when to call it quits. Just Cause 3 belongs to Avalanche’s popular Just Cause franchise of action-adventure, free-roam games, featuring excessive destruction, satisfying gameplay, and explosion sequences that are a spectacle to watch and observe.

Rico — the protagonist — combines the efficiency of his grappling hook, parachute, and wingsuit to traverse the fictional island of Medici, thereby allowing him to wreak havoc as per his convenience. 

6. Asura’s Wrath 

Asura Final Fantasy 16
Asura’s Wrath is a Hidden Gem Lost in Time | Source: CyberConnect2

Rage-fueled games such as Asura’s Wrath that get the whole “making the protagonist OP as hell” notion right only come along once in a while. Everything from the storytelling and the visuals down to the gameplay and combat make it a treat to experience, especially considering how it came out more than 12 years ago, still managing to hold its own remarkably.

To give you a little background, Asura is the protagonist, and a demigod by nature. The game moves back and forth between beat-’em-up and shoot-’em-up styles while showcasing the immense strength and power of Asura on both fronts. The story of Asura’s Wrath is nice and tight, making the game such a sleeper hit from back in the day. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at eXputer.com, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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