How Some Video Games Tackle Immersion Better Than Others

You're missing out big time if you haven't had the joy of experiencing these yet.

Story Highlights

  • The video games industry often puts out extremely immersive games that are just on another level.
  • If you’re on the hunt for such titles, I recommend pursuing the likes of Dishonored and Subnautica. 
  • Games such as Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk 2077 also fit the bill perfectly in this respect. 

Casting a lens on technology and how far we’ve come on this front, it’s a wonder how video games are capable enough to make players truly feel something, whether that’s sparking an emotion or immersing the player in such an involved manner, that time itself stops ticking away at the moment. But here’s the kicker: Not all games out there are special enough to pull off something like that. 

And that’s exactly what compelled me to put together a piece going over some of the most top-tier games out there in terms of delivering an experience that’s as immersive as it gets. Whether you dive into these to escape your loneliness, or you’re simply looking to form new forms of experiences with certain titles, make sure to read until the end of the write-up for favorable results. 

These Games Have Their Own Way Of Making You Feel A Certain Way

Don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below if you want to contribute to the listicle with a suggestion of your own. 

1. Dishonored

Dishonored Is an Obvious Way for the Topic at Hand | Source: Arkane Studios

It’s a tragedy too huge honestly that the talented maker of Dishonored — Arkane Austin — is no more because Microsoft decided to shut it down earlier this year, alongside multiple other studios, including Tango Gameworks. Learn why this is so bad by picking up Dishonored, a first-person action-adventure and stealth-action game with an atmosphere that’ll have you going for days, not to mention a deep-dyed storyline that intrigues players from start to finish. 

 I highly recommend Dishonored for all the above reasons and then some, and especially for the fact that it looks incredibly good graphically, even to this day. Might as well give it an honest shot

2. Subnautica

Subnautica Will Offer Gameplay Like No Other | Source: Unknown Worlds Entertainment 

Unknown Worlds Entertainment’s Subnautica is one hell of a time, and quite an experience like no other game in the industry right now—I’ll go even far as to claim the latter, really. The game takes its time with the pacing, but take it from me, the narrative of the action-adventure takes such a bizarre turn, that you’re never going to see it coming. 

It’s played from a first-person perspective and genuinely has that feeling of amazing accomplishment seeping in when you’re playing it, especially when you get past a major milestone. Not all games out there can offer you that. Everything from the progression system and the lore down to the visuals is flat-out remarkable with Subnautica and nothing you should ignore from here on out. 

3. Metro 2033 Redux 

Metro 2033 Redux
Metro 2033 Redux Is a Gem of a Game | Source: 4A Games 

I have more memories with Metro 2033 Redux than I have with my childhood best friend and don’t get me wrong, but I’m not mistaken when I tell you that this is one of the most immersive shooters ever made. An exceptionally photorealistic art style, followed by a terrific difficulty balance that makes you count every shot, but doesn’t overdo it with how hard everything gets as well. 

I can’t really describe the way the title will make you feel, especially with its grim setting, so I just recommend getting into the action straight away without a second thought in mind. The new Metro title can’t come sooner, really.

4. Ghost Of Tsushima 

Ghost Of Tsushima
Ghost Of Tsushima’s Samurai Action is Unmatched | Source: Sucker Punch Productions

I got my hands on Ghost of Tsushima as soon as it came out, and boy was it one of the best decisions of my life. An epic tale of a samurai-turned-sneak-master coupled with terrific gameplay, sensational visuals, amazing world design, and so many quality-of-life touches that made the experience more than just thrilling are some of the highlights of the legend that Ghost of Tsushima is. 

eXputer wrote a review on the game’s PC port, rating it 4/5 for its optimization, cinematic duels, and the “Legends” add-on. 

5. Cyberpunk 2077 

Cyberpunk 2077 Features One Of The Most Gorgeous Open Worlds Ever Created In Gaming History | Image Source: Steam
Cyberpunk 2077 Has a Gorgeous Yet Grim Open World | Image Source: Steam

A game like Cyberpunk 2077 only comes along once in a very long while, and after having witnessed the different phases of development and progress that this action-adventure FPS RPG has gone through, I can vouch for the greatness of this title in 2024. Kudos to developer CD Projekt Red for sticking around and not giving up on the IP. 

On launch, it was nothing less than an unmitigated disaster, but now, Cyberpunk deserves its redemption across the board. Talk about upgraded visuals in a gorgeously designed city that has its own way of grasping the player’s attention, advanced combat mechanics to keep some of us RPG veterans hooked, and, of course, the star of the show—Cyberpunk’s first-and-final Phantom Liberty DLC. 

eXputer reviewed the expansion and rated it 4.5/5.0, with author Usama Mehmood remarking, 

With the release of Phantom Liberty, CD Projekt Red has finally delivered the grand RPG they promised all those years ago.” 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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