Gamers Need To Understand That Popularity Cannot Turn A Bad Game Into A Good One

Some video games are secret gems hidden under the shadow of popular titles, hence left untouched.

Story Highlights

  • If a game is hyped, it does not mean for it to be a good title.
  • Video games should be determined by their gameplay rather than popularity.
  • Underrated games should be given chances by video gamers.

I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. I started by playing Pokemon Red because it was highly popular back then. Every kid on the block was catching Pokemons and showing them off to each other. Regardless, the Pokemon games are an amazing series to be played, providing an unforgettable experience. However, this is not the case with every popular title out there.

Many games are highly popular, but they feel lackluster as a video game. On the contrary, many games are not known to the majority of the gamer community and are hidden gems to be played. I think these games should be given a chance so the world has more exposure to such experiences, and more light can be put on these titles, making them successful and not stopping sequels due to less consumerism.

Let us dive deep into the conversation below.

Popularity Is A False Facade

The Vast Yet Empty World Of Dragons Dogma 2
The Vast Yet Empty World Of Dragons Dogma 2 | Image By eXputer

Many games are extremely popular before the release. This makes the particular title very hyped by the fans. This hype then turns into greater expectations for the game. The expectations are then shattered when the game fails to deliver. Let’s take Dragons Dogma 2, for example. The first game was released back in 2013 and received a good reception.

YouTube video

Eleven years later, the sequel for this game was released. Prior to the release of Dragons Dogma 2, the fans were expecting great innovation in exploration and combat. When the game was finally released, it shattered the dreams of the original veterans and the new players. Dragons Dogma has a lackluster combat with little to no variety and a world with nothing but emptiness to explore.

Help me settle an argument: Is every popular game a good game?
byu/arandompersonpassing ingaming

Another example of this is Skull and Bones by Ubisoft. It was said to be the first quadruple-A title ever—a game so big and visioned by the developers to be the epitome of gaming.

Upon release, fans were extremely disappointed as the game consisted of many flaws. It has repetitive missions. There is an extreme lack of content, and don’t get me started on the technical issues. 

The Beauty Beneath The Rock

Beautiful Level Design And Intricate Puzzle Solving In Gris
Beautiful Level Design And Intricate Puzzle Solving In Gris | Image By eXputer

We talked about the popular games that failed and how, as I said, popularity does not matter for a video game to be good. There is a huge list of video games that are not that famous, but when you play the title. You are left there wondering why this game did not get more attention. 

YouTube video

A Plague Tale series is a great example of this. The game is based on a feeble protagonist who can not fight the enemies head-on. To deal with this, you have to stealth around your enemies and tactfully strategize to overcome the hurdle.

Gris is an indie side scroller, and it is one of the most beautiful video games I have ever played. It was developed by an indie studio and got less exposure due to the studio’s lack of popularity

YouTube video

Perspective Of A True Gamer

The Characters Glitching Out In The Bug Filled World Of Skull And Bones
The Characters Glitching Out In The Bug Filled World Of Skull And Bones | Image By eXputer

I would like to conclude my read by saying that regardless of whether the game is famous or not, it should be given a chance. Playing these and many other underrated titles opened my eyes and paved the way for me to play and enjoy such experiences.

I really hope you dive into the iceberg of video games and find what resonates with you. Adios!

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Najam Ul Hassan is a News Reporter on eXputer who enjoys investing hours in his favorite video game titles. When he’s not playing games, he’s practicing Journalism. He began his career on eXputer after combining his limitless love of video games and all things geek with his considerable writing experience. He has been cited numerous times by several noteworthy publications and sites such as Game Rant, Yahoo, PlayStation LifeStyle, VGC, VG247, TheGamer, among others. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Masters in Mass Media Communication || Written 300+ News Stories.

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