Why No Other Fighting Game Can Hold A Candle To Tekken 8

Tekken 8 gives you the ultimate fighting experience.

Story Highlights

  • Tekken 8 is easy to learn but near-impossible to master so players keep improving.
  • It includes different modes and even a character customization menu.
  • The training mode makes learning more fun than any other game.

Fighting games have always been extremely popular, from the era of arcade gaming to today. There used to be some big names in the industry, like King of Fighters, Street Fighter, and of course, Tekken. However, as time passed, every fighting game franchise slowly lost its footing in the gaming industry, except Tekken. And with the release of Tekken 8, the series has established itself as King of Fighters (pun intended).

What’s so great about Tekken 8, and why can no other fighting game even come close to its grandeur? Let’s find out.

Tekken 8 Has More Depth And Character

Bandai Namco dropped a bomb on the gaming world when they released the 8th game of the Tekken Series. The game became popular worldwide due to the good reputation it has made along the way. Playing Tekken requires a lot of skill if you want to be the best in the room.

The game has many different fighters that have learned to fight through different means. Two good examples of this are the martial artist named “Marshall Law” and a taekwondo user named “Hwoarang”.

The game provides you with a roster of 32 fighters in the base game from which you can choose the one that best suits your play style. Having so many fighters, each having a different combination of moves set on different button inputs, makes it nearly impossible to master every character.

The game also excels in reputation because of its stages. Bandai Namco put their souls when creating the environments by adding different layers to the maps. “Descent Into Subconscious” is a stage where a player can break the floors and go down a level twice. Other maps have different styles, for example, a map named “Ortiz Farm” has llamas roaming around aimlessly.

Most fighting games such as Street Fighter 6 do not have a story mode to play. Having a story mode to come back to gives the player something extra to play when there are no friends around to brawl. Bandai Namco executed the story mode of Tekken 8 very well by continuing the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches.

What makes Tekken special compared to other fighting games to you?
byu/Kunimitsu23dsw1t inTekken

New Modes Including The Character Customization Menu

Tekken 8 has many modes that were already in the previous games such as story mode, practice, and VS mode. However, this time around BANDAI NAMCO came up with something different and added Tekken ball in the game to kill time.

In this mode, a player picks their own and the opponent’s character like in any other mode. The twist is, that you can’t damage each other by landing a direct blow. The only way to dish out hurt is by hitting a ball hard enough so that it hits the opponent.

Nobody expected Tekken 8 to introduce a character customization menu, which was never a part of Tekken 7, but that’s exactly what Bandai Namco did. You can customize an existing fighter’s appearance to such an extent that there remains no resemblance between the original and the customized character. The game allows you to change everything about the character from hairstyle and color to body type, face shape, and even clothes.

Fighting in Tekken 8 | Source: Bandai Namco
Hworang Is One of the Most Iconic Tekken Characters | Source: Bandai Namco

The Training System In Tekken 8 Is Out Of This World

Tekken 8 becomes a very difficult and challenging game when you’re facing an opponent who knows the moves of their character. To help you improve your game, Bandai Namco introduced a training system. Not only can you train the character you want to main, but the training mode also allows you to get a read on your opponent.

Training in Tekken 8 is not like boring, old-school type. This time around, it’s so advanced that it can even let you know the moves you could have used in a particular situation throughout the fight which would have given you the upper hand. You can replay the movement and the game shows the button inputs of the counter you could have used and allows you to execute it against the opponent’s attack.

There are Super Ghost Battles, which allow you to fight against an AI imitation of any player and fight against their level of skills. To make it even more interesting, you can also fight against an AI-generated opponent of yourself. Adding these systems to the game made learning much more effective and fun.

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Ahmad's idea of a successful life involves three things: unlimited time to play video games, a chiseled body with abs that can grate cheese, and all-you-can-eat buffets at all times (ironic, I know). This final-year medical student is a religious enjoyer of all categories of video games and has developed full-fledged opinions on games you've probably never even heard of. As an opinion writer at eXputer, he combines all of his gaming, gym, and medical knowledge to deliver content you won't find anywhere on the World Wide Web.

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