After playing FPS Games for nearly 10000 hours, I can assure you that 80% of the entire player base in online gaming is filled with average players. Now, if you are one of those who would like to include themselves in the 80%, then I can assure you that you are in safe hands. In this guide, I’ll make sure you get out of that 80% average player’s group and become Absolute Pro At Any FPS Game.
- Warmups are essential.
- Aim trainers like KovaaK 2.0, Apex Aim Trainer, and Steel Series Aim Master enhance skills.
- Always prioritize tracking your stats by constantly monitoring and comparing your performance.
- Develop deep knowledge of the game mechanics, maps, weapons, and players.
- You can learn from pro players by watching skilled streamers.
- Always stay focused and attentive during matches and understand opponents’ perspectives.
- Keep your crosshair at head level for quicker aiming.
- Avoid frequent changes to settings after every death, as consistency is key.
- Choose high-quality headphones and mice for better performance.
- Avoid overconfidence in engagements and engage wisely.
1. Warmups are Must

While thinking that ESports & Gaming are in the same category as outdoor sports, you might forget to align sports aspects in gaming. Sports athletes are always required to warm up before any game. Therefore, as a gamer, it must be your duty to warm up before jumping into a competitive match.
So, how can you warm up before matchmaking? You should get started with practice mode, gun game, or deathmatch. During Warmup, always pay attention and concentrate. Likewise, Practice your wrist & arm movement through long sprays and snap as many headshots as possible.
In short, drag your mouse as much as you can, and make sure your muscles are warm before you jump in matchmaking.
Advantages of Doing Warmup Before a Game:
- Improves Reflexes.
- Increases Consistency.
- Tweaks Muscle Memory before Match Making.
- Improves Aim.
Aim Trainer’s For Mastery

Aim Trainers are very similar to warmups. However, they provide you with the ability to practice in a specific niche. For example, my reflexes are pretty bad in any FPS game. So what I do is that I jump in an Aim Trainer like KovaaK 2.0, and make a custom match where I’m strictly focusing on my reflexes. I’d highly recommend highlighting your weak points and then adjusting them in Aim Trainers.
Consistently use Aim Trainers, and keep warm-up as a priority before jumping in any FPS game.
Recommended Aim Trainers: KovaaK 2.0, Apex Aim Trainer, and Steel Series Aim Master
Advantages of Aim Trainers:
- Help you get better at specific aspects of your game.
- Provides you with a variety of options to practice with.
- Improves Aim & Reflexes.
- Helps you identify the weak points of your gameplay.
2. Stats Should Be Your Priority

If you are playing the same game all day and you are not checking up on your stats. Then, you are seriously wasting your time. In order to become absolute Pro At Any FPS Game, you have to grind and always aim for the top. As many professional players recommend. You always have to keep an eye on your stats. Keep comparing your performances every day. Always push the limits, analyze your mistakes, and keep grinding.
In-Game Stats Importance & Significance:
- Lets you know which day your performance went bad, and then you can analyze the mistakes of that specific day.
- In-game stats represent you as a player.
- Creates a competitive nature to get better every day.
- Good Stats can attract ESports Organizations that would love to have you.
3. Know Everything about the game

Knowing Everything about the game you are playing is essential. If you want to become better, you should start exploring everything about that game. Some might skip it, thinking experience will do it. Well, the experience will do it, but taking a genuine interest in the game is very important.
Tip: Use Twitch & Reddit to find more new things about the game you are playing.
Firstly, try to understand everything about the game. Make sure you know everything about the game, like weapon damage, legends, vehicles, competitive players & teams, tournaments, maps, aim-angles, and many others. In short, you should be an encyclopedia of that specific game.
Advantages of having good knowledge about the game:
- Helps you in decision-making (like picking spots for dropping or choosing between two weapons).
- Inspires your teammates to also improve at the game.
- Having the most knowledge about that specific game can also help you become a great squad leader.
4. Watch The Pros

The only way you can get good at any FPS Game is through watching the pro’s themselves. Watching professional players play your favorite game can be extremely beneficial. For beginners, try to browse through Twitch and look for skillful streamers.
While watching, make sure you are always learning new things. Secondly, also analyze their gameplay and learn their approach. That is to say, see from their perspective how they dealt with challenges. On the other hand, consistently watching better players can also train your subconscious mind to play like them.
Apart from Pro’s, also keep yourself updated with all the relevant tournaments happening.
Advantages of Watching Pro Players Play:
- Assists in Decision Making.
- Builds Knowledge about the game (finding new combos, tricks, learning new playstyles, guides, and many more)
- Watching ESports Tournaments is highly recommended for Becoming Good At Any FPS Game
5. Concentrate
Concentration, as you would have expected, has also made it to my list. This factor has the least description, but to be honest, it is the most important aspect of becoming a pro.
Under no circumstance should you ever get into matchmaking if you are already stressed and cannot concentrate on the game. Concentration is really important, as it’s the main factor behind good Aim and Consistency. Likewise, many pro players go for matchmaking during the freshest hours of the day.
Pro Tip: Avoid matchmaking during stressful hours because it can severely impact your reputation & stats.
6. Aim Placement

I’ll call Aim Placement as a fairly underrated aspect. In other words, Aim Placement is really the base of getting better at any FPS game. Mostly, beginners always struggle with movement. That is because they keep their crosshair below enemy levels and do not concentrate on it. When they see an enemy, they are forced to move their crosshair horizontally as well as vertically.
Tip: Always keep your crosshair on the enemies’ head level.
Advantages of Aim Placement:
- Once you spot the enemy, you only have to move the aim sideways.
- Significant Increase in Headshots.
- Increase Consistency.
- Maintaining crosshair levels can also help improve movement & concentration.
7. Stick To One Setting

One of the biggest problems with players who want to become better is that they constantly change their settings. I’ve gone through this phase, and I must say its ridiculous. Whenever a player dies in-game. He instantly blames his death on bad settings and immediately changes it. Now Just think for a moment.
You played one round with 1.5 Mouse Sensitivity. In the next round, you changed settings, and now you are going to play with 2.0 Mouse Sensitivity. Question yourself, how can you get better at any competitive game with this type of mentality?
Note: Pro Players use one setting for all of their games.
8. Choose Your Gear Wisely

If you really want to become good at any competitive game. You must leave no compromisation with gear. Always buy the best headphones, mouse, and keyboards. The main hardware is Headphones and Mouse because they can really change the way you approach a game. For instance, good headphones will help you hear enemy footsteps very clearly. Therefore, you can understand the game much better and play accordingly.
On the other hand, a good mouse with an extremely relevant grip can become your #1 source for an accurate aim. In addition, it can really smoothen your movement as well.
Advantages of Good Hardware:
- Excellent Gaming Headsets will help you focus on the game through noise cancellation.
- Taking action through enemy footsteps can improve your reflexes.
- Good Headphones come with a nice mic that can strengthen your communication with teammates.
- Mouse with a suitable grip can really change your playstyle and transform you as a player.
9. Overconfidence and Engagement

As I enter the later stages of the guide. I wanted to point out the very basic rule of thumb that every player should follow.
Always take engagements wisely and never mess with someone superior. To clarify, if you have a pistol and you are messing with someone who has a Sniper across the map. You are doing it all wrong, buddy.
In order to become an absolute pro at any competitive game. Every player should play really smart. He shouldn’t be greedy for kills or loot. The goal is to become consistent and adopt a playstyle that can do wonders for your stats.
Pro Tip: Focus on Staying Alive, Avoid Jumping to Kills!
10. Play With Better Players

Lions roam and play with lions because they are on the same level. Therefore, good players must also play with those that are on the same level.
Before you jump straight into matchmaking, make sure you are always playing with good players. Do not queue for random teammates because, most of the time, you will get frustrated with their communication, teamwork, and overall skills.
Fact: There are always high chances of improving your stats with better players.
11. Go For Tournaments And Competitive Matchmaking Platforms

The last factor that you should consider in your journey of becoming good at games is Esports. Regularly participate in tournaments. Always give your 100% and play with the best teams to gain more experience. Apart from tournaments, you should avoid regular matchmaking and jump on competitive platforms like Faceit, ESEA, and SoStronk.
These Tournaments and Competitive Matchmaking platforms are filled with professional players. There are always new things you can learn on these platforms moreover, when you play on these platforms. You will automatically get better at any competitive game. The playstyle improves greatly, and you’ll eventually become a mature player.
12. Understanding Your Shortcomings:
Many gamers tend to overlook the importance of self-assessment in improving their gaming skills. Instead of merely practicing aim, it’s crucial to pinpoint the root causes of inconsistent performance. This entails understanding whether it’s slow reflexes, tracking issues, or other factors negatively affecting your aim.
- Enables players to identify their shortcomings.
- Allows for targeted practice on specific weaknesses.
- Utilizing tools like death cameras for self-analysis.
- Emphasizing the value of real gameplay for skill development.
13. Avoid Sprinting While Shooting
In many first-person shooter (FPS) games, sprinting while firing a weapon can drastically reduce accuracy due to bullet spread mechanics. To address this issue, avoiding sprinting continuously during gameplay is recommended. Instead, players should adopt a slower, more tactical approach, moving quietly while checking corners for potential enemies. Additionally, crouching can significantly improve accuracy by reducing player movement and the associated bullet spread, providing a strategic advantage.
- Eliminates bullet spread’s negative impact during sprinting.
- Encourages a more deliberate, strategic approach to movement.
- Highlights the accuracy benefits of crouching.
14. Gain Mastery With All In-Game Weapons
Players often have preferred weapons in FPS games, but these may not always be available. To become a well-rounded player, it’s crucial to master not only your favorite weapons but also less common options. This ensures adaptability and competence regardless of the situation, promoting a more versatile and unpredictable playstyle.
- Ensures competence with all available weapons, enhancing adaptability.
- Keeps opponents guessing due to your ability to wield various weapons effectively.
- Reduces reliance on specific weapon availability, contributing to more consistent performance.
- Allows for better decision-making based on the weapon selection.
Ending the guide, I’d like to mention that these factors will only work if you consistently practice and apply self-discipline to your gaming routine. I can assure you that being good at games is ridiculously fun. Everyone is talking about your gameplay, organizations are looking to hire you, players on Discord are always messaging you for games, and there is just so much respect and confidence when playing. Follow the footsteps in this guide, and you will see improvements within a few days.
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