Are you having a difficult time obtaining Devil Fruits in Grand Piece Online? If that is the case, then you are in the right place. This guide contains the latest Grand Piece Online Codes that players can redeem for Devil Fruit Notifier, Stat Point Reset, Race Rerolls, Devil Fruit Reset, and plenty of other freebies.
Players can use these Codes to change their Race and reset Stats Points such as Strength, Stamina, HP, and more. Furthermore, this guide also covers how to redeem these Codes and where to find additional Codes so, make sure you do not miss that.
- Grand Piece Online Codes can be redeemed for various useful freebies.
- These freebies include Stat Point Reset, Race Rerolls, XP Boost, Drop Rate Boost, Devil Fruit Reset, and more.
- FREE10ROLLS5 is currently one of the many Active Codes.
- Players can redeem the Codes by pressing the M key, clicking on the Settings button, entering a Code in the text box, and pressing the Enter key.
- To discover additional Codes on their own, players can join the Developer’s Official Discord Server and follow the Official X Page.
- To quickly resolve any code-related errors, check out the Ultimate Code Guide.
- Bookmark this page and visit often to stay up to date with the latest Codes.
Active Codes
The list below contains the most recent and active codes. Make sure to redeem them before they expire.
- Last Checked On: August 1st, 2024.
Codes | Rewards |
FREESPRESET2 | Redeem this code for a Reset (New) |
LuckyDrops7 | Redeem this code for 3 Hours of 2x Drop Rate (New) |
LOTSOFREROLLS | Redeem this code for 20 Race Rerolls (New) |
LuckyDrops6 | Redeem this code for 3 Hours of 2x Drop Rate (New) |
MOBILESOON4 | Redeem this code for free rerolls |
MOBILESOON3 | Redeem this code for free rerolls |
MOBILESOON2 | Redeem this code for 10 Rerolls |
SHESAYSSENPAI | Redeem this code for free rewards |
ABYSSALKARATE | Redeem this code for 10 Rolls |
FISHMANV2SOON_2 | Redeem this code for 10 Race Rerolls |
FISHMANV2SOON | Redeem this code for 48-hour x2 Drop Boost |
MOONLIGHTASCENSION4 | Redeem this code for 10 Race Rerolls |
HAPPYNEWYEARS10ROLLS | Redeem this code for 10 Rolls (New) |
HAPPYNEWYEARS2XDROP | Redeem this code for a 48-hour x2 Drop Boost (New) |
FREE10ROLLS5 | This Code can be redeemed for 10 Free Rolls. |
HAPPYTHANKSGIVING | Use the Code to obtain 30 Rolls. |
FREESPRESET1 | Claim the Code for a SP Reset. |
10FREEROLLS | Obtain 10 Rolls using the Code. |
FREE48HR2XDROP5 | Redeem the Code for a 48-hour 2x Drop Boost. |
FREE24HR2XDROP3 | This Code can be redeemed for a 2x Drop Boost for 24 hours. |
5FREEROLLSYAY | Claim the Code for 5 Rolls. |
FREE24HR2XDROP2 | This Code can be redeemed for a 2x Drop Boost for 24 hours. |
spresetFREE2 | Claim for a SP Reset. |
FREE48HR2XDROP4 | Redeem for a 48-hour x2 Drop Boost. |
List Of Expired Codes
Below, I have compiled a list of all the Codes that are expired and no longer working. Feel free to try these Codes for yourself.
Codes | Rewards |
SUBTO2Y8Z | Claim the Code for Double Drop for 15 minutes. |
270KLIKESDFNOTIFIER | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Notifier for 240 minutes. |
SUB2DUZZK | Redeem the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
THEYWILLUPDATEGPOTONIGHT | Use the Code to obtain 30 Race Rerolls. |
spresetFREE | Claim the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
ArickuSub | Obtain a Devil Fruit Notifier for 15 minutes. |
275K2XRACEREROLL | Obtain x2 Race Rerolls. |
DAHNOOBDFRESET | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
tiktokvznity | Redeem the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
FREE24HR2XDROP | This Code can be redeemed for a 2x Drop Boost for 24 hours. |
265KLIKESSPRESET | Claim the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
iBeTurtle | Claim for a Free Devil Fruit Reset. |
315KLIKESSSPRESET | Obtain x2 Race Rerolls. |
X220KLIKESSPRESET | Claim for a Free Skill Point Reset. |
770KLIKES18XRACEREROLLS | Obtain 18 Race Rerolls by redeeming the Code. |
230KLIKESSPRESET | Redeem the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
255KLIKESSPRESET | Obtain a Stat point Reset. |
SUB2ETHER | Attain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
720KLIKES32XRACEREROLL | Obtain x32 Race Rerolls. |
110kSPRESET | Use for a Stat point Reset. |
235KLIKESSPRESET | Gain a Stat point Reset. |
105kLikes2XDROPRATE | Claim the code for 2x Drop rate. |
phogiving | Obtain a Devil Fruit Notifier for 24 hours. |
BeanboiResetsYourSP | Claim the Code for a Stat point Reset. |
250k2XRACEREROLL | Claim for a Free Race Reroll. |
115kDFNOTIFIER | Attain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
225KLIKESDFRESET | Redeem the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
640KLIKES23XRACEREROLL | Obtain 23 Race Rerolls by redeeming the Code. |
900K30REROLLS | Claim the Code for 30 Race Rerolls. |
215KLIKESDFNOTIFIER | Redeem for a Free Devil Fruit notifier. |
240KLIKESDFRESET | Use the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
350K2XRACEREROLLS | Claim the Code for 2 Race Rerolls. |
200k2XRACEREROLL | Redeem to obtain 2x Race Rerolls. |
360K2XRACEREROLLS | Claim the Code for x2 Race Rerolls. |
210KLIKESDFRESET | Use the Code for a Free Devil Fruit Reset. |
shutdownfixSPRESET2 | Obtain a Free Stats Point Reset. |
355K2XRACEREROLLS | Redeem for x2 Race Rerolls. |
shutdownfixSPRESET3 | Use for a Free Stats Point Reset. |
205KLIKESRACEREROLLS | Use to obtain 2 Race Rerolls. |
335KLIKES2XRACEREROLLS | Gain x2 Race Rerolls. |
90kLikesDFNOTIFIER | Obtain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
MistYuuTT | Claim the Code for double Drop Boost. |
130KSUBSSPRESET | Obtain Stat Reset. |
320KLIKES2XRACEREROLLS | Redeem for x2 Race Rerolls. |
GOROFLIGHT | Redeem for x2 Drop Boost. |
100kLikesSPRESET | Use for a Free Stat Point Reset. |
sub2kamikazeqt | Claim for a Free Stat Point Reset. |
V2640KLIKES23XRACEREROLL | Gain 23 Race Rerolls by redeeming the Code. |
325KLIKES2XRACEREROLLS | Obtain x2 Race Rerolls for free. |
200kLIKESSPRESET | Obtain a Free Stats Reset. |
SUB2VZNITY | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
315KLIKES2XRACEREROLLS | Claim for 2 Race Rerolls. |
RichestPlug | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
195KDFNOTIFIER | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Notifier. |
SUB2CHASEAINETOR | Redeem the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
125KSUBSDFRESET | Redeem for a free Devil Fruit Reset. |
185kLIKESSPRESET | Redeem for an SP Reset. |
SUB2MUSCLEMUFFIN | Use the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
340K2XRACEREROLLS | Claim for 2 Race Rerolls. |
Sub2HunterGodSlayer | Attain a Stat Point Reset for free. |
190KLIKESDFRESET | Use the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
SUB2ICEYDIO | Obtain a Stat Point Reset. |
GPOZachMemes | Use the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
180k2XRACEREROLL | Gain x2 Race Rerolls. |
120KSUBS2XRACEREROLLS | Claim for a Race Reroll. |
SUB2SCIGPO | Redeem the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
175KLIKESSPRESET | Redeem for Stat Point Reset. |
SUB2ANCHOR | Use for a Stat Point Reset. |
435K8XRACEREROLLS | Claim for free Race Rerolls. |
170kLIKESSPRESET | Redeem the Code for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
XERONICALAMGOATED | Claim for a Devil Fruit Reset. |
345K2XRACEREROLLS | Redeem for x2 Race Rerolls. |
FruitResetCookie | Redeem the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
165k2XRACEREROLL | Redeem the Code for 2x Race Reroll. |
115KSUBSPRESET | Claim for a Stat Reset. |
155kLikesRACEREROLL | Gain x2 Race Reroll For Free. |
SUB2LAMA | Redeem for a 2x Drop Boost. |
giftfromphoeyu | Claim for a Stat Reset. |
BLESSINGBYGPO | Claim the Code for 4 hours of Devil Fruit Notifier. |
160kLIKESSPRESET | Gain a Free Stat Point Reset. |
SURVIVORGR3GG | Redeem the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
305KLIKES2XRACEREROLLS | Redeem for Free Race Rerolls. |
35kBl0x | Claim for x2 Drop for 15 minutes. |
FREEDFRESET | Obtain a Devil Fruit Reset for free. |
150kDFNOTIFIER | Claim the Code for a Devil Fruit Notifier. |
TYTISBIGBOY | Redeem for x2 Drop for 15 minutes. |
145kLIKESSPRESET | Obtain a Stat Point Reset. |
470K14XRACEREROLLS | Redeem the Code for a free Race Rerolls. |
SUB2ASHZX! | Use the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
DragGotCombos | Redeem for Devil Fruit Reset. |
Sub2SenpaiCiro | Claim the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
100KSUB2XRACEREROLLS | Redeem for x2 Race Rerolls. |
135kLIKESDFNOTIFIER | Redeem for a Devil Fruit Notifier. |
DomlolXPhoeyu | Claim the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
140kLIKESSPRESET | Use the code for Stat Point Reset. |
SUBTOTSKTBOY | Redeem the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
295KLIKESSPRESET | Claim the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
CookieGuyONTOP | Gain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
FREE1HOUR2XDROPRATE | Gain Double Drop Rate Boost for 1 hour. |
LOVEACYIENE | Claim the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
300KX2RACEREROLL | Claim the Code for a free Race Rerolls. |
130kLIKESSPRESET | Use the Code for a Free Stat Reset. |
Ba1teD | Obtain Double XP Drop Rate for free. |
2Y8ZTHEGOAT | Claim the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
SUB2BIRD | Attain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
ZON20KSUBS | Claim the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
290KLIKESDFRESET | Redeem for a free Devil Fruit Reset. |
Sub2ThiefDayz | Obtain a Devil Fruit Notifier for free. |
440KLIKESSPRESET | Use the Code for a Free Stat Reset. |
SUB2PEEPGUY | Use the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
P3dr0S2Pizza | Claim for a free Stat Point Reset. |
SUBTOJUSTDYN | Claim the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
Havocthe3rdXTester | Obtain a free Stat Point Reset. |
Sub2Yuto | Redeem the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
SUB2PEPPA233 | Claim the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
285K2XRACEREROLL | Claim the Code for a free Race Rerolls. |
KonnaTBonTOP | Redeem the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
SUB2KAGE | Use the Code for a Stat Point Reset. |
Sub2P3dr0 | Redeem the Code for Double Drop Rate. |
AGZGANG | Claim for a Free Devil Fruit Reset. |
SUB2COSMOS | Redeem the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
ilikehomura | Use the Code for Double Drop Rates. |
SUB2SAGEz | Obtain x2 Drop for 15 minutes. |
280KLIKESSPRESET | Attain a free Stat Point Reset. |
How To Redeem The Codes?

To obtain your rewards, you need to redeem the Codes first. Luckily, the process of redeeming Codes in Grand Piece Online is quite easy and straightforward. Follow the list of steps below to redeem your Codes successfully.
- Begin by launching Grand Piece Online.
- Next, press the “M” key on your keyboard to open the Menu.
- After that, click on the Gear Icon to open Settings.
- Copy a Code from the list of Active Codes above.
- Paste the Code into the gray text box that says “Enter Code.”
- Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Enjoy your freebies!
That is everything I have for you regarding the game’s codes. These codes can offer you a substantial amount of useful freebies to help you progress through your journey. Therefore, I highly recommend that you take full advantage of these Codes.
If you have any questions, make sure to leave a comment in the comment section below. Additionally, make sure to check out the Ultimate Tower Defense Codes for even more goodies.
Thanks! Do share your feedback with us. ⚡
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