Red Dead Redemption 2: How To Make Money Fast?

Here are 8 ways through which you can make money in Red Dead Redemption 2!

Since the very first mission in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will notice the importance of money. Which will ultimately make you think of earning faster money. Although, the game from the very beginning will teach you basics like hunting or robbing trains. But still, if you are new to the game, you should know that along with these common practices, there are some other incredible ways too.

Our guide rightly jumps into this discussion and will help you teach dozens of methods through which you can earn faster and easy money.

Key Takeaways
  • In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can run out of in-game money quickly which is a very big problem.
  • Hence, players should be aware of some points through which they can make money faster in RDR 2.
  • One effective way to earn is by hunting exotic birds, you can carry a lot of them at once and each sells on average $10.
  • Robbing trains is also an excellent choice, although it is tricky to do, the rewards from it are worth it.
  • Looting is also a great way and one good place is looting Bandit Camps, you can sometimes find high-value items to sell.
  • If you want an easy way, you can try treasure hunting, the rewards obtained from them are huge in value to sell.
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How To Make Money In Red Dead Redemption 2?

At first, making money seems too tedious in video games, especially in open-world titles like Red Dead Redemption 2. However, with a huge world comes tons of opportunities and activities through which you can make some extra cash. Here are some useful methods of making money in RDR 2.


red dead redemption 2 fast money hunting
Hunting In Red Dead Redemption 2 [Screenshot by eXputer]
The number one as always will be hunting. Red Dead Redemption 2 also allows you to hunt various animals. These animals and skins can be sold at fences. On average, each carcass will get you $5-$8. 

You can also search for Legendary animals, and those would sell for much higher. I find hunting exotic birds to be much easier. You can easily find breeds like Herons, Cranes, Pelicans, and Spoonbill. They sell in a range of $10 to $15. Most of the time, you will find these expensive birds across North of San Denis.

Other than birds, just always hunt any animal you see. Be that a skunk or muskrat or even a deer. Just grab their pelts in your satchel and they will always get you some sort of money. 

Animals in Red dead redemption 2
Viewing animals through binoculars [Screenshot by Us]
There is one important thing you should know while going on hunts. There are three types of pelts, and all are represented by their stars. Always look for three-star pelts, because they are going to get you the highest amount of money. Now you might be asking how do I know the pelt level? just simply use your binoculars and the stars will show on the bottom left.

Moving on, never use a shotgun or any heavy rifle on small animals. They will explode and you will get nothing. I recommend using a bow and Varmint Rifle for small ones. Likewise, use some heavy-caliber rifles for heavy predators like bears and alligators.

Sell Horses To Stable Master

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Selling Horses [Screenshot by Us]
Another easy and quick way to make money in Red Dead Redemption 2 is through Selling Horses. Some people find this boring but trust me, it’s really fun. Sometimes you will find great horses in the wild, and other times you will just gather dozens for a decent sum.

So the way it works is that you have to locate some horses in the wild. Afterward, lasso them, and bring them to the Stable. Most of the horses go for an average of $2. Good breeds go higher, and it all depends on whether the horse is stolen, brought, and most importantly its stats.

Pro Tip: Whenever you see a merchant or caravan, steal its horse because they’re usually valued highly. There are good horses in town too, but it’s riskier to steal while being inside a town.

Robbing Trains

red dead redemption 2 fast money train robbing
Rob everything you can find [Image Credit: eXputer]
Robbing Trains is one of the best methods to earn money in RDR 2! Although a lot of players wouldn’t call this method easy. I think it’s worth the extra effort. Usually, most players don’t know how to rob a train. they die while jumping on the train, other times they get into a cargo only.

The best way to rob a train is to first ensure that you are going on a passenger train. Here are some steps you should try following for a successful train robbery:

  • Kill all the guards but not the passengers.
  • Be warned that if you aren’t hiding your face, you will get into a lot of trouble.
  • Carry some explosives because often you will need them to open safes.
  • The trains are usually filled with suitcases, vaults, bonds, and all sorts of jewelry items.
  • Once you rob the train, go for the passengers. Point a gun at each of them, and they will automatically hand you their money.
  • I’ve noticed that passengers are a lot rich than normal civilians.

After you complete the robbery, take everything to the fence and sell them. With this method, you can earn up to $200 with each robbery.

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Asking for money! [Image Credit: eXputer]
Some train routes are so good, that you wouldn’t even get a bounty. For example, the train from Annesberg to Wallace Station goes through a long tunnel, in which you can finish the robbery.


Best Fishing Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2 [Screengrab by Us]
If you aren’t a big fan of violence and want to make money in peace. Fishing is the best option for you. If you fish with the right method and explore the correct places. You can earn up to $50 in a small amount of time. But before you do that, you should know the basics.

  • Firstly, there are two types of fishing in Red Dead Redemption 2.
    • The first is normal fishing, in which you will hunt normal fishes like Perch, Rock Bass, Trout, and Pike.
    • The other method is for legendary fish.
red dead redemption 2 fast money legendary fish
Legendary Fish [Screengrab by Us]
In normal fishing, all you need is bait and a fishing pole. Once you have caught a few fish, rack them up and sell them to the Butcher. The majority of fish sell from $2.00 to $8.00.

Legendary fishing requires a bit of patience but it’s worth it. All you have to do is meet Jeremy Gill, located at South East of Flatneck Station at Hill’s Landing. He will guide you with a few tips, and also give you the legendary map.

Here are a few tips for Fishing in Red Dead Redemption 2:

  • Never use dynamites to find shortcuts. They will significantly damage your honor.
  • Do not flick frequently, it’ll scare the rest of the fish away.
  • Drop bait at a medium distance.
  • Fish at the right location.
  • Reel patiently and in the opposite direction.
  • Use Eagle Vision to spot fish.
  • Ripple is where most fishes are.

Loot Everything

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Looting traveler [Screenshot by eXputer]
Do you really want money in Red Dead Redemption 2? Then loot everything, mean it! The game allows you to loot a wide range of things, and trust me. If luck is on your side. You can get good items and money from everywhere.

For example, if you see an animal in the wild, hunt it, get its skin, and sell it. Similarly, if you see any person, cart, or anything, loot it. Just be careful, that you are wearing the mask and not leaving any clues. Other than this, also refrain from doing it close to the city, because there are good chances you will get a bounty on your head.

Bandit Camp

red dead redemption 2 fast money bandit camp
Bandit Camp [Image by Us]
The Bandit Camps are too good to be ignored. Bandit camps can be located by looking out for smoke trails in the sky. The bandits are well equipped and sometimes they can be more than just one. Here is a picture of a bandit camp from a long distance.

rd2 fast money guide
Smoke from Bandit Camp [Image by eXputer]
The bandits usually have decent loot and items. Apart from Bandits, there are also travelers who camp in a similar fashion. They can also be rich and carry pelts of three stars.

Treasure Hunt

red dead redemption 2 fast money treasure maps
Treasure Map [Screenshot by eXputer]
This is perhaps the easiest way to earn lots of money in Red Dead Redemption 2. The treasure hunt is three passage connected to mystery, in which players explore various maps that eventually lead them to gold.

The gold bars are worth $4,500, and all you have to do is follow certain steps. The locations are hidden, and there are a few sets of requirements. Don’t worry though, once you know where the locations are. It gets really easy.

Gang Hideouts

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Del Lobo’s Major Gang Hideout – Full of loot [Image Credit: eXputer]
Another routine part of the game, that I also consider easy money is Gang Hideouts. There are a total of 6 gang hideouts in Red Dead Redemption 2. If you own the ultimate or special edition, it comes with 7.

Depending on the gang hideout, each is guarded and likewise, the loot also depends on its status. Clearing a Gang hideout isn’t that easy, but it’s well worth it. To explain it more, you can kill the leader, get a treasure map, and also loot dozens of soldiers, stashes, crates, and countless items that are scattered all over the place. Just make sure that you come prepared or else it’ll end up horribly.

Avoid Death

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Death Penalty [Image Credit: eXputer]
I know this method nowhere mentions how to earn fast money. But I must highlight it. The majority of Red Dead Redemption 2 players focus on earning more money, but they ignore the aspect of dying. Whenever you die in Red Dead Redemption 2, you always end up losing $1500. This is a lot of money.

If you compare it to your earnings, you will notice that it’s hours and hours of hard work that you lose in a glimpse. Avoiding Death isn’t that hard, just don’t loot people in towns, kill unnecessary lawmen, and break laws.

Why Is Money Important In Red Dead Redemption 2?

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Buying pieces of equipment [Image Credit: eXputer]
Like many other open-world games. Red Dead Redemption 2 is all about money. There are dozens of things you can do, and to be very honest. The game isn’t really enjoyable without money. Here are some things I like to do with my money in Red Dead Redemption 2:

  1. Buy New Guns, Ammo, and Iron Sights.
  2. Customize Weapons, Horses, and much more.
  3. Play Poker in a nice suit.
  4. Get a nice haircut and stylish items to wear.
  5. Upgrade camp.
  6. Search and purchase Items for Crafting.
  7. Buy Expensive Horses.

That’s not all, there are multiple other activities and things you can buy with money while playing RDR2!

With that, our Red Dead Redemption 2 Money making guide comes to an end. By using even a few of the methods mentioned above, you can easily fill up your pockets and become rich in RDR 2!


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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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