Roblox Tower Heroes Codes [September 2024]

Unlock new skins, coins & stickers in Roblox Tower Heroes using this free codes!

Freebies in video games can be exciting for all players. You can redeem various codes in Roblox Tower Heroes to get exciting rewards. Customizing your game can be fun; after redeeming these codes, you can obtain exciting free skins for characters. You can also get other exciting rewards, such as coins and stickers with the help of the game codes guide page. 

Key Takeaways
  • Tower Heroes’ codes can give you Skins, Coins, and Stickers.
  • Stickers can be used for fun emote expressions.
  • Make sure only to enter the Active codes.

List Of Roblox Tower Heroes Codes

  • Last checked: September 1st, 2024.

The internet is full of both expired and active codes that you can find on various websites. It is important to separate the active codes from the expired codes regularly. Expired codes will not work, so redeem the following active codes to get amazing rewards. 

Codes Rewards
BDAY_400M  Redeem for 50 coins, a party dumpster sticker, and a golden goblin follower (new)
EGGHUNT2024 Redeem for easter sticker

Expired Codes

These are expired codes, so redeeming them will not give you any rewards. Save your time by avoiding redeeming these codes.

Valentine2023 You will obtain a brand new skin
crispytyph You will get typh hazel stickers
2020VISION Redeem to get a free streamer skin
Encore Get exciting stickers and characters after redeeming the code.
HEROESXBOX You will get an Xbox Skin
CubeCavern Get an exciting WizSCC skin
THSTICKER Redeem to obtain stickers
PixelBit You will obtain 20 coins
TEAMUP Redeem to obtain a team up sticker
ENEMYPETS You will get spider stickers after redeeming the code
ODDPORT Get free cool skins and stickers
FRANKBDAY Redeem to get Frankbday skin
PVPUPDATE You could get a modifier
NEWLOBBY Expired code
SPOOKTACULAR This code could be redeemed for smiley sticker and bat boy skin
ONEYEAR_TH Expired code
APRILFOOL You would get negative 20 coins and a gun wizard skin
Karts&Chaos Expired code
TEAMSPARKS Redeem to get a metaverse skin
valentine2021 Valentine’s day skin reward after redemption
FastFood Expired code
TreeBranch Expired code
xmas2020 Expired code
July42020 Expired code
thxgiving Expired code
100MIL Expired code
PoisonShroom Expired code
halloween2020 Expired code
DevHiloh Expired code
4JULY2021 Redeem to get fireworks modifer
Easter2022 Could be redeemed for the maoi sticker
COOPERATE You could get 3 new stickers after redeeming
1MIL Expired code
lunar2021 You could get lunar coins and skin
happy2021 Expired code
CartoonyWizard Expired code

How To Redeem These Codes

Redeem Tower Heroes Codes
Tower Heroes Redeem Box

You can redeem the Tower Heroes’ codes by following the simple steps below;

  1. Once you are on the main menu screen, Click the Roblox logo icon on the left side of the screen.
  2. After clicking it, a redeem code text box will open
  3. Type the code in the box, keeping in mind the capitalization, gaps, or any punctuation in the codes.
  4. Click redeem to get your rewards.

Why Are The Codes Not Working?

  • Codes may not work if you enter a code incorrectly; make sure that you are entering the code exactly the way it is to avoid errors. The best way is to copy the codes from here and paste them into your Tower heroes text box.
  • Make sure that your internet connection is working properly.
  • Avoid expired codes; if your code is not working, double check to ensure that you are not typing any expired codes.

Where To Find More Codes?

The official pages of @Pixel_bitStudio, @Hiloh23, @SmellyRBX post the Tower Heroes codes in their profiles regularly. So make sure you follow these accounts to get all the latest active codes. You can also join some player communities to get the codes if they are discussing them.

Final Thoughts

Tower Heroes’ codes can give you fun rewards; You can use the stickers for various emotes expressions that can liven up communication with your friends. Furthermore, you can use the coins to buy useful stuff and skins to customize your character. 

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Rabiya is a versatile writer at eXputer who can cover everything from guides to tier lists and the hottest news in the gaming industry. Rabiya earned her Bachelor's in English Literature, further enhancing her writing skills. With hundreds of hours on Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, Rabiya has proudly played video games for eight years. Follow Rabiya's gaming activities on her Steam and Xbox Profiles!

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Tier Lists & Guides || Education: Bs English Literature, Ms. Applied Linguistics, Writing & Editing Course, English for Journalism.

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