SOLVED: Skyrim Invisible Armor Glitch

The Skyrim invisible armor glitch causes the armor pieces worn by characters to be invisible on the model, resulting in an empty armor slot.

The “Invisible Armor” glitch in Skyrim refers to a bug where armor pieces worn by the character of the player or NPCs are not visible on the character model, resulting in an empty or floating armor slot. The glitch is a cause of frustration among the fans of Skyrim since it significantly affects their overall game-play experience.

Although there may be many potential causes for this error to occur, the most common reason this glitch might occur is network connectivity issues. If you are one of the players who is facing the same issue, don’t worry, our guide has got you covered since it provides extensive info on the skyrim invisible armor glitch.

Key Takeaways
  • The invisible armor glitch In Skyrim causes the armor worn by the characters to disappear.
  • It may be caused by a number of reasons, most often internet connectivity issues.

To fix the Skyrim Invisible Armor glitch, players can try the following:

  1. Updating Skyrim
  2. Restarting their PC 
  3. Removing conflicting Mods.
  4. Make sure the load order is correct.
  5. Re-equipping their armor
  • If necessary, seek assistance from the mod community or the game developer.

How To Fix The Skyrim Invisible Armor Glitch

Invisible Armor Glitch
Invisible Armor Glitch

Users can use some of the methods listed below to fix the Skyrim invisible armor glitch.

Update Skyrim

 Ensure that Skyrim has been updated to the most recent version. The developer of the game, Bethesda, frequently publishes patches and updates to address bugs and glitches, such as the invisible armour glitch. Look for any updates that are available, then install them if necessary.

Skyrim udpates
Skyrim updates

Restart The PC

Many players have claimed to have resolved the invisible armor issue simply by restarting their PC; therefore, before trying anything complex, it’s a good idea first to try restarting or rebooting the PC and look for any window updates.

Mod Conflict

 If you use mods with your own version of Skyrim, it’s probable that one of them is to blame for the invisible armor glitch. Disable any mods that alter character or armor models, and then check to see whether the problem still exists. If it doesn’t, one of the mods is probably to blame for the issue. To fix the problem, you might need to troubleshoot or update the conflicting mod.

Removing Mods
Removing Mods that may cause glitch

Load Order

The order in which modules are loaded can potentially impact the game’s performance and generate glitches. Check the sequence in which your mods are loaded. Mods that modify related game elements, like character models or armor, should often be loaded after mods that modify the base game.

Re-equip Armor

Re-equip armor by taking off and putting back on the damaged armor parts. Remove the armor from your inventory, then reapply it. Sometimes the invisible armor problem can be resolved simply by re-equipping the armor.

Equiping Armor
Equiping Armor in Skyrim

Console Commands

Use console commands to try and fix the problem if you are playing Skyrim on a computer. Then, click on your character and type the command “unequipitem [item ID]” without the brackets, replacing [item ID] with the ID of the afflicted armor piece. To open the console, use the “~” key. To re-equip the armor, type the command “equipitem [item ID].” This may make the game update the armor’s appearance and resolve the glitch.

Contact Game Developer

If none of these solutions work, you may need to seek help from the Skyrim modding community or Bethesda’s customer support for further assistance.

Ending Remarks

In conclusion, the invisible armor glitch in Skyrim can be irritating for players because it has an impact on the layout and functionality of armor in the game. However, there are a number of possible fixes for this issue, including upgrading the game, removing conflicting modifications, checking the sequence in which mods are loaded, re-equipping armor, using console commands, or loading a previous save file.

It’s critical to keep in mind to backup your save files and, if necessary, seek assistance from the mod community or the game developer. Players who follow these instructions may be able to fix the invisible armor bug and keep experiencing Skyrim’s rich world.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out our latest guide on Skyrim: Best One-Handed Weapons [Top 25] and Skyrim Standing Stones [Definitive Guide]

Up next:

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Huzaifa is eXputer's Review Editor, who’s all about RPG games. He’s got several years of experience critically judging games and writing his unbiased thoughts on them. You can also find his content published on sites like Twinfinite & GearNuke. Huzaifa has been gaming for 23+ years, during which he managed to amass 400+ hours on Elden Ring! You can follow his gaming activity on his Xbox and Steam Profiles.

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At GearNuke & Twinfinite || Mainly Covers RPG Guides & Latest Games Reviews || Education: Bachelors in Hospitality.

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