An Easy Solution To The Wisdom Puzzle In Stellar Blade

Become a master mathematician by solving this tough problem.

The Wisdom Puzzle mission is actually the continuation of the Simple Puzzle near the elevator in Stellar Blade. In order to solve this puzzle, players must again make their way to the elevator near the Presence Chamber. Additionally, the puzzle itself requires players to solve another numerical problem to get the passcode for the keypad.

Key Takeaways
  • The Wisdom Puzzle is the continuation of the Simple Puzzle mission.
  • It features a tougher mathematical problem than the Simple Puzzle mission in Stelllar Blade.
  • After solving the four equations, players will obtain a four-digit password.
  • The password must be entered on the keypad near the Presence Chamber’s elevator.

What Is The Answer Of The Wisdom Puzzle

wisdom puzzle stellar blade
The location of the keypad near the Presence Chamber’s elevator (Image Captured by eXputer)

The direct answer to this problem is 5005 which is the four digit passcode that you must enter on the keypad near the Presence Chamber’s elevator to solve the puzzle.

As for the exact method of solving the Wisdom Puzzle, it took me quite a while before I landed on an answer. I had to analyze all of the four equations in the puzzle carefully and it became frustrating. Thankfully, the answer isn’t that hard to reach once you realize the exact method.

Basically, each equation has two different numbers on the left side. First, you’ll have to add these numbers and then subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Lastly, multiply the answers you get by adding and subtracting to obtain the number on the right side of the equation. Implementing this same method on the fourth equation will get you the passcode, which is 5005.


wisdom puzzle stellar blade
The location of the Bulletin Board where you can obtain the rewards (Image Captured by Us)

Once you’ve entered the correct password in the keypad, make your way back to the Bulletin Board from where you started the mission in the first place. After arriving at the location shown in the image above, you can obtain the rewards for completing the Wisdom Puzzle quest. The rewards include 1000 Gold and a Queen of Arithmetic Badge.

This concludes my guide on the solution of the Wisdom Puzzle in Stellar Blade. I have not only given the exact answer to the puzzle but have also mentioned the location where you need to go to solve the problem and get rewards. I hope that the guide allowed you to further progress in the game. Let me know if you’re enjoying your time with Stellar Blade in the comments below!

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Community Feedback
Lucinda Burke

The solution to this one really had my head shaking. How can anyone come up with this methodology? Thanks for highlighting the answer and method.


Man I seriously hate math based puzzles or anything similar in my video games bruh, thanks for the quick answer!!

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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