Crafting is a core mechanic in The Forest since this is the method by which players create most of the tools, weapons, armor, and consumables that they require to survive in the hostile game world.
- Crafting is a key mechanic in The Forest that allows players to create many unique weapons and tools.
- The crafting system is a little bit more complex in this game. To open the crafting menu, open your inventory.
- Now, right-click on each required item to send it to the crafting mat located in the middle of the screen.
- You must memorize the appearance of each required item and send it to the crafting mat.
- If all of the items on the crafting mat are the ingredients of a certain item, an icon will pop.
- Now, you have to right-click on this icon to craft the item.
The process is not complicated, but it is a bit more involved than some other crafting systems you might find in similar games.
How To Craft Items In The Forest

First, to craft an item, open up your inventory to bring up a menu with all of the items you are currently carrying on you. It’s a bit cluttered, but you should quickly learn how each material looks visually.
Now, right-click on each of the required components one by one to send them to the Crafting Mat in the middle of the screen. If the combination of materials is correct, a gear icon should appear, and you can right-click this again to craft your desired item.
Right-click on the item one final time to put it back into your inventory.
Craftable Weapons
Below I have listed all of the weapons in this Crafting Guide for The Forest:
Crafted Axe

An essential melee weapon that can be crafted early on with easy to find components.
Materials Required: 1 Stick, 1 Rope, and 1 Rock.

The Slingshot can be used to fire small rocks from a distance. It is more suited to hunting small animals like rabbits and lizards, as opposed to larger enemies.
Materials Required: 1 Stick, 1 Cloth, and 1 Electrical Tape.
Crafted Bow

The Crafted Bow can be used for both hunting and combat.
Materials Required: 1 Stick, 1 Cloth, and 1 Rope.
Crafted Club

A powerful early game weapon that can deal significant damage to enemies.
Materials Required: 1 Stick and 1 Skull.
Upgraded Stick

The Upgraded Stick can be used as a weak makeshift weapon during emergencies, but its primary purpose is to be used as a Fire Torch.
Materials Required: 1 Stick and 1 Cloth.
Upgraded Rock

The Upgraded Rock can be used as a slow-moving but capable weapon when no proper ones are available.
Materials Required: 1 Rock and 1 Cloth.
Weak Spear

A simple weapon that can be used for both melee and ranged combat.
Materials Required: 2 Sticks.
Upgraded Spear

The Upgraded Spear is a powerful weapon that can also be used in both melee and ranged combat but is suited mostly for one-on-one encounters.
Materials Required: 1 Weak Spear, 2 Cloth, and 3 Bones.
Incendiary Spear

This is an Upgraded Spear that has been set alight, so it is capable of dealing with burning damage on top of the melee damage.
Materials Required: 1 Upgraded Spear, 1 Cloth, and 1 Booze.
Craftable Ammunition And Projectiles:
Regular Arrows

A simple wooden arrow that can be upgraded into other more powerful variants.
Materials Required: 1 Stick and 5 Feathers.
Bone Arrows

Arrows made of Bone inflict more damage than Regular Arrows but also require more components.
Materials Required: 1 Stick, 5 Feathers, and 5 Bones.
Poison Arrows

Not only do Poison Arrows deal damage to enemies over time, but they also slow down their attack and movement speed.
Materials Required: Any 5 Arrows and either 4 Twin Berries, 4 Snow Berries, 1 Amanita Mushroom, or 1 Jack Mushroom.
Fire Arrows

These arrows set enemies on fire and deal with burning damage.
Materials Required: Any 5 Arrows, 1 Cloth, and 1 Booze.

The Molotov is an incendiary explosive that can be thrown to deal with burning damage in a small area.
Materials Required: 1 Cloth and 1 Booze.

A timed explosive can be used to kill enemies and destroy different structures like buildings and blocked passageways.
Materials Required: 1 Booze, 1 Circuit Board, 1 Coin, 1 Wrist Watch, and 1 Electrical Tape.
Head Bomb

The Head Bomb is the most powerful explosive in the game, but it is somewhat challenging to control.
Materials Required: 1 Bomb and 1 Cannibal Head.
Sticky Bomb

A bomb that sticks to whichever surface it is thrown at.
Materials Required: 1 Bomb and 1 Sap.
Craftable Armor:
Lizard Skin Armor

The simplest form of protection you can acquire during the start of the game.
Materials Required: 1 Lizard Skin.
Stealth Armor

An enhanced variation of the lizard skin armor that gives you a slight stealth bonus.
Materials Required: 1 Lizard Skin and 15 Leaves.
Bone Armor

The Bone Armor provides twice the amount of protection as the Lizard Skin Armor, but it also requires many more components.
Materials Required: 6 Bones and 3 Cloth.

Snowshoes stop the player from sinking while walking on snow. They also provide a boost to movement speed,
Materials Required: 5 Sticks and 2 Ropes.
Rabbit Fur Boots

Provides 20% protection from cold weather and further increases stealth.
Materials Required: 3 Rabbit Fur and 2 Ropes.

The Warmsuit provides 100% protection from cold weather. Doesn’t have any damage reduction.
Materials Required: 1 Raccoon Skin, 4 Boar Skin, 6 Deer Skin, 1 Rabbit Fur, 2 Cloth, and 2 Ropes.
Craftable Containers:
Water Skin

Allows you to carry water with you wherever you go.
Materials Required: 2 Deer Skin and 1 Rope.

A Pouch lets you gather mushrooms and berries for crafting or eating.
Materials Required: 2 Rabbit Fur.
Stick Bag

A Stick Bag Increases the number of sticks you can carry to 20.
Materials Required: 1 Rabbit Fur, 2 Ropes, and 3 Cloth.
Rock Bag

The Rock Bag Increases the amount of rocks you can carry to 10.
Materials Required: 1 Boar Skin, 3 Ropes, and 1 Cloth.
Small Rock Bag

Increases the amount of small rocks you can carry to 25.
Materials Required: 1 Rabbit Fur and 1 Rope.

The Quiver allows you to carry 20 more arrows at a time.
Materials Required: 3 Rabbit Fur and 1 Rope.
Spear Bag

The Spear Bag allows you to carry five weak spears.
Materials Required: 2 Boar Skin, 2 Deer Skin, 2 Cloth, and 3 Ropes.
Craftable Weapon Upgrades:
Speed Upgrade
Increases the speed of a weapon but slightly reduces damage.
Materials Required: 1 Feather, 1 Sap, and 1 Weapon.
Damage Upgrade
This Upgrade increases the damage output of a weapon but slightly reduces speed.
Materials Required: 1 Tooth, 1 Sap, and 1 Weapon.
Damage+ Upgrade
The Damage+ Upgrade significantly increases the damage output of a weapon but also considerably reduces its speed.
Materials Required: 1 Booze, 1 Sap, and 1 Weapon.
Poison Upgrade
Applies a temporary poison buff to your weapons that only lasts for a couple of hits.
Materials Required: 4 Twin Berries, 4 Snow Berries, 1 Amanita Mushroom, or 1 Jack Mushroom.
Fire Upgrade
This Upgrade sets your weapon on fire and allows it to inflict burning damage for a short time.
Materials Required: 1 Cloth and 1 Weapon.
Flashlight Upgrade
Attaches a Flashlight to a select few weapons, such as the Chainsaw, Flintlock Pistol, Crafted Bow, and the Modern Bow.
Materials Required: 1 Flashlight, 1 Electrical Tape, and 1 Weapon.
Craftable Miscellaneous Items:
Repair Tool

The Repair Tool allows you to fix damaged structures. It can also be used to gather resources and knock down barriers.
Materials Required: 2 Sticks, 1 Rock, 2 Cloth, and 10 Sap.

The Rope is a crafting component that is used to make weapons, armor, and containers.
Materials Required: 7 Cloth.
Herbal Medicine

A simple remedy that heals the player for 50 hit points.
Materials Required: 1 Aloe and 1 Marigold.
Herbal Medicine+
An improved variation of the Herbal Medicine that restores all 100 hit points.
Materials Required: 1 Aloe, 1 Marigold, and 1 Cone-flower.
Energy Mix

A basic concoction that restores 50 points of stamina.
Materials Required: 1 Cone-flower and 1 Chicory.
Energy Mix+
An improved Energy Mix that restores all 100 points of stamina.
Materials Required: 1 Chicory, 1 Cone-flower and 1 Aloe.
Unique Craftable Items:
Flintlock Pistol

A unique single-shot ranged weapon that deals a significant amount of damage.
Materials Required: Gun Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

The Toy is a unique item that has importance to the main story. Besides that, It can also be used as a weapon.
Materials Required: Toy Torso, Toy Head, 2 Toy Arms and 2 Toy Legs.
The Forest Crafting Guide has now been updated in 2024, and make sure to learn Crafting in Terraria as well.
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