Clash Royale Tier List: All Cards & Decks Ranked

Here's an up-to-date Clash Royale tier list if you want a quick understanding of the complicated yet fun cards and decks of the game.

The Clash Royale invites players to build exciting battle decks and overthrow their foes in exciting real-time combats. To induce more spice to this mechanism, the game features up to a hundred cards and four champions for employing them.

Key Highlights
  • Clash Royale offers over 100 cards and multiple decks for players.
  • The tier list ranks cards based on special abilities, unique attributes, elixir cost, and overall contribution to the deck’s strength.

Comparison Between All Clash Royale Cards

P.E.K.K.AS7.0EpicTroopP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseGround
Mega KnightS7.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyGround
GolemS8.0EpicTroopHog MountainBuildings
WizardS5.0RareTroopSpell ValleyAir & Ground
Hog RiderS4.0RareTroopBuilder's WorkshopBuildings
ExecutionerS5.0EpicTroopSerenity PeakAir & Ground
Electro WizardS4.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyAir & Ground
Minion HordeS5.0CommonTroopHog MountainAir & Ground
BalloonS5.0EpicTroopRoyal ArenaBuildings
Baby DragonS4.0EpicTroopP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseAir & Ground
Ice GolemS3.0RareTroopFroozen PeakBuildings
Ice WizardS2.0LegendaryTroopSpooky TownAir & Ground
BanditS2.0LegendaryTroopRascal's HideoutGround
WitchS5.0EpicTroopP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseAir & Ground
KnightS3.0CommonTroopTraining Camp Ground
MusketeerS4.0RareTroopTraining Camp Air & Ground
PrincessS3.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyAir & Ground
LumberjackS4.0LegendaryTroopSerenity PeakGround
ValkyrieS4.0RareTroopBone PitGround
The LogS2.0LegendarySpellElectro ValleyGround
Ram RiderS5.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyBuildings
PrinceS5.0EpicTroopRoyal ArenaGround
Mini P.E.K.K.A.S4.0RareTroopTraining Camp Ground
BomberS3.0CommonTroopBone PitGround
MinerS3.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyGround
ArrowsS3.0CommonSpellTraining Camp Air & Ground
Royal GiantS6.0CommonTroopRoyal ArenaBuildings
ZapS2.0CommonSpellBuilder's WorkshopAir & Ground
HunterS4.0EpicTroopHog MountainAir & Ground
Magic ArcherS4.0LegendaryTroopRascal's HideoutAir & Ground
Night WitchS4.0LegendaryTroopSerenity PeakGround
Cannon CartS5.0EpicTroopMiner's MineGround
MonkS5.0ChampionTroopSilent SanctuaryGround
Heal A1.0RareSpellHog MountainN/A
CannonA3.0CommonBuildingBarbarian BowlGround
PhoenixA4.0LegendaryTroopSpooky TownAir & Ground
EarthquakeA3.0RareSpellSpooky TownN/A
BowlerA5.0EpicTroopRascal's HideoutGround
FurnaceA4.0RareBuildingHog MountainGround
TeslaA4.0CommonBuildingHog MountainAir & Ground
GraveyardA5.0LegendarySpellSpooky TownGround
FreezeA4.0EpicSpellFroozen PeakAir & Ground
Lava HoundA7.0LegendaryTroopRascal's HideoutBuildings
Elite BarbariansA6.0CommonTroopHog MountainGround
PoisonA4.0EpicSpellJungle ArenaN/A
Mega MinionA3.0RareTroopBarbarian BowlAir & Ground
FirecrackerA3.0CommonTroopSpooky TownAir & Ground
Skeleton ArmyA6.0EpicTroopP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseGround
SparkyA6.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyGround
MirrorA1 extra Elixir of last played cardEpicSpellMiner's MineN/A
Dart GoblinA3.0RareTroopJungle ArenaAir & Ground
MinionsA3.0CommonTroopTraining Camp Air & Ground
Dark PrinceA4.0EpicTroopRoyal ArenaGround
Royal GhostA3.0LegendaryTroopSpooky TownGround
ArchersA3.0CommonTroopTraining Camp Air & Ground
TornadoA3.0EpicSpellMiner's MineN/A
Inferno TowerA5.0RareBuildingSpell ValleyAir & Ground
Goblin GangA3.0CommonTroopJungle ArenaGround
GuardsA3.0EpicTroopP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseGround
FireballA4.0RareSpellTraining Camp Air & Ground
Ice SpiritA1.0CommonTroopFroozen PeakAir & Ground
Goblin BarrelA3.0EpicSpellP.E.K.K.A.'s PlayhouseGround
Inferno DragonA4.0LegendaryTroopElectro ValleyAir & Ground
X-BowA6.0EpicBuildingHog MountainGround
BatsA2.0CommonTroopBuilder's WorkshopAir & Ground
Barbarian BarrelA2.0EpicSpellJungle ArenaGround
Spear GoblinsA2.0CommonTroopGoblin StadiumAir & Ground
Electro DragonA5.0EpicTroopSpooky TownAir & Ground
SnowballA2.0CommonSpellFroozen PeakAir & Ground
RageA5.0EpicSpellSerenity PeakN/A
Giant SkeletonA2.0EpicTroopFroozen PeakGround
LightningA6.0EpicSpellFroozen PeakN/A
Goblin GiantA6.0EpicTroopJungle ArenaBuildings
Electro GiantA7.0EpicTroopRascal's HideoutBuildings
Mother WitchA4.0LegendaryTroopMiner's MineAir & Ground
Goblin DrillA4.0EpicBuildingSerenity PeakGround
Golden KnightA4.0ChampionTroopExecutioner's KitchenGround
CloneB3.0EpicSpellMiner's MineN/A
SkeletonsB1.0CommonTroopBone PitGround
Royal HogsB5.0RareTroopRoyal ArenaBuildings
BarbariansB5.0CommonTroopBarbarian BowlGround
RocketB6.0RareSpellBuilder's WorkshopAir & Ground
Goblin CageB4.0RareBuildingGoblin StadiumGround
FishermanB3.0LegendaryTroopMiner's MineGround
Skeleton BarrelB3.0CommonTroopJungle ArenaBuildings
Bomb TowerB4.0RareBuildingSpell ValleyGround
GoblinsB2.0CommonTroopGoblin StadiumGround
TombstoneB3.0RareBuildingBone PitGround
Flying MachineB4.0RareTroopBuilder's WorkshopAir & Ground
Battle RamB4.0RareTroopBarbarian BowlBuildings
Fire SpiritsB3.0CommonTroopSpell ValleyAir & Ground
Archer QueenB5.0ChampionTroopRoyal CryptAir & Ground
Skeleton KingB4.0ChampionTroopExecutioner's KitchenGround
GiantB5.0RareTroopTraining Camp Buildings
Heal SpiritsB1.0RareSpellRascal's HideoutN/A
Mighty MinerB4.0ChampionTroopRoyal CryptGround
Three MusketeersC9.0RareTroopRoyal ArenaAir & Ground
Barbarian HutC7.0RareBuildingJungle ArenaGround
Goblin HutC4.0RareBuildingGoblin StadiumGround
MortarC4.0CommonBuildingBuilder's WorkshopGround
Battle HealerC4.0RareTroopFroozen PeakGround
Elixir GolemC3.0RareTroopSerenity PeakBuildings
ZappiesC4.0RareTroopHog MountainAir & Ground
Electro SpiritC1.0CommonTroopSpell ValleyAir & Ground
Skeleton DragonsC4.0CommonTroopSpell ValleyAir & Ground
Elixir CollectorC6.0RareBuildingMiner's MineN/A
Wall BreakersC2.0EpicTroopSpooky TownBuildings
Royal DeliveryC3.0CommonSpellSerenity PeakN/A
RascalC5.0CommonTroopRascal's HideoutGround
Royal RecruitsC7.0CommonTroopRoyal ArenaGround

Clash Royale Cards Tier List

Clash royale tier list (cards)
Clash Royale Cards Tier List

This Clash Royale cards tier list will tour you through four separate tiers that rank from the best to not-too-ideal card tiers. That said, cards dwelling in the highest tiers are the ones you should prefer the most.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that the cards ranked lower in the list are entirely useless. They just don’t help very much in front of the beasts ranked in the S-Tier. 


Cards of the S-Tier are undoubtedly the best Clash Royale cards. They show viability across various decks and have maintained a solid position for quite some time now. 


Of course, not as outstanding as you expect a Tier-S card to be, but the A-tier cards are definitely worth your attention. They perform absolutely devastatingly in various situations to aid in flipping the course of a battle. 


Though the B-Tier cards are the most probable to get overlooked by players, they still pack some decent abilities to aid you through complex scenarios. Nevertheless, they might fit just a particular deck and not all. 


These cards are relatively niche-specific than being generalists and pack limited utilities that too for only some Clash Royale decks. Some also require too much elixir during battles. However, you can’t just avoid them wholly. 


This tier list of the Clash Royale cards and decks was curated after investing a ton of effort into experiencing the fascinating latest meta ourselves. During the process, our team also collected information from multiple online sources.

We at eXputer also believe in collecting authoritative opinions of long-time as well as skilled rookie gamers; therefore, we worked on that, too. 

To reflect our hard work and put forth the most definitive and actually practical hierarchy of the Clash Royal cards and decks, we tried our best to justify each strength and weakness. 

That’s all about our Clash Royale card rankings; which cards are your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! 

We’ll also be delighted to know what you think about any of the rankings in our tier list. Meanwhile, our team will try to update this post continuously, given the meta changes Clash Royale tends to welcome quite often.

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Tehreem is a Tier List Writer on eXputer who loves playing, researching, comparing, and writing about games that she enjoys. She’s a Pokemon-obsessed, high-on-caffeine kind of gal. She’s got several years' worth of experience writing about the games she loves. When she’s not playing or writing about RPGs, she can be found binge-watching her favorite shows. Feel free to get in touch with Tehreem or even game with her on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Studying English Literature.

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