Delta Force: Hawk Ops Interview: Devs Targetting Early 2025 Launch For The Title

"Yep, we’re on track for an early 2025 release!"

Story Highlights

  • Delta Force is one of the most classic first-person shooter franchises.
  • Its latest iteration, Delta Force: Hawk Ops, has recently been launched for alpha testing.
  • We spoke with Shadow Guo, the Game Director at Team Jade, over an email Q&A session.

Delta Force: Hawk Ops is the latest entry in the iconic Delta Force series. Although the franchise began over two decades ago, it remains a favorite among both longtime enthusiasts and new fans of the first-person shooter genre. 

While the developers have not disclosed much about its release date, Delta Force: Hawk Ops recently kicked off its alpha testing phase. To learn more about this testing and the developer’s plan to launch the title, we spoke with Shadow Guo, the Game Director at Team Jade, over an email interview

Delta Force: Hawk Ops
Delta Force: Hawk Ops Is A Free To Play First Person Shooter – Source: Steam
Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work on Delta Force: Hawk Ops?

Guo: Hey there! I’m Shadow Guo, the Game Director at Team Jade. I’m currently leading the development of Delta Force: Hawk Ops, a project we’ve poured our hearts and minds into for the past four years. When I’m not working on the game, I love streaming it for our players and chatting with the community. It’s an amazing way to connect and share our development journey.

The team has just confirmed the alpha test for the game, but details have been sparse. Can you share what players can expect?

Guo: We’re thrilled to be including both multiplayer modes in the alpha test. First up is Havoc Warfare, a grand war simulation with two playable maps. Then there’s Hazard Operations, our adrenaline-pumping extraction shooter mode, featuring three playable maps. Whether you prefer playing solo or teaming up with your friends, both modes will be ready for you to dive into.

Talking about the alpha test, how long do you anticipate the alpha testing phase will last?

Guo: We’re committed to gathering comprehensive feedback from the community on every aspect of the game, from gameplay features to performance, connection stability, and localization. So, to ensure a smooth final release for everyone, we plan to run the alpha test for at least three weeks this time.

Delta Force: Hawk Ops
Delta Force: Hawk Ops Alpha Was Launched Recently – Source: Steam
Talking about the alpha test, how long do you anticipate the alpha testing phase will last?

Guo: We’re committed to gathering comprehensive feedback from the community on every aspect of the game, from gameplay features to performance, connection stability, and localization. So, to ensure a smooth final release for everyone, we plan to run the alpha test for at least three weeks this time.

The single-player campaign is described as a remake of Black Hawk Down. Will it offer a distinctive experience compared to the original?

Guo: Allow me to clarify here: we’re not remaking the 2009 classic. Instead, we’re working on a faithful reboot. We can’t reveal too much just yet, but I can say that our team is incredibly excited about what we’re creating.

What inspired you to bring back the original campaign for Delta Force: Hawk Ops?

Guo: The 2003 campaign holds a very special place in my heart. We wanted to create a game that honors the legacy of the franchise while welcoming new players. The Black Hawk Down campaign is our love letter to Delta Force fans, both old and new.

Delta Force: Hawk Ops
Delta Force: Hawk Ops Is Targetting 2025 Release – Source: Steam
Delta Force: Hawk Ops has already reached over 100,000 Wishlist adds on Steam. How has the feedback been from the franchise's fans?

Guo: It’s actually over 600,000 now! We’re humbled by the passion and support from our players. We’ve tried to be as transparent as possible throughout the development process, showcasing the game at events like Summer Game Fest and TwitchCon Rotterdam. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we’re continuously listening to the community to make the game even better.

While most developers are still targeting last-gen consoles to reach a bigger audience, what was your approach behind skipping the last-gen platform?

Guo: It’s a bit early for us to discuss console plans in detail, but we’ll share more information when the time is right.

Although the franchise is returning after 15 years, did the team look up at any recent action shooter before working on Delta Force: Hawk Ops?

Guo: We’re always looking for great games to play and draw inspiration from. However, we’re also deeply committed to honoring the legacy and identity of Delta Force. Our goal is to blend the original flavor with fresh, innovative elements to create a unique experience.

Delta Force: Hawk Ops
The Title Has Already Been Wishlisted By Over 600,000 Players – Source: Steam
How was the team's experience working on the Unreal engine? What was it like to remake the original campaign on Epic's latest engine?

Guo: Our team has been working with Unreal Engine for a while now, and it’s an incredible platform for bringing our visions to life. Our partnership with Epic Games has been fantastic, helping us ensure that Delta Force: Hawk Ops looks stunning and runs smoothly. Using Unreal Engine 5 for the campaign allows us to deliver a truly immersive experience.

While the developers have previously worked on Call of Duty Mobile, do you think Delta Force: Hawk Ops will offer a unique experience compared to other titles in the genre?

Guo: Absolutely! While Call of Duty: Mobile sets a high bar, Delta Force: Hawk Ops is designed to deliver a unique experience with its enhanced tactical depth and immersive gameplay. We’ve meticulously crafted the game to push the boundaries of strategic planning and real-time decision-making. Players will face situations requiring careful coordination, advanced tactics, and a keen awareness of their surroundings. This level of immersion and complexity makes Delta Force: Hawk Ops stand out from other titles, providing both seasoned veterans and new players with a refreshing and challenging experience.

The lead developer on the project has mentioned before about a planned launch in early 2025. Is that still the timeline?

Guo: Yep, we’re on track for an early 2025 release!

Do you have any plans to launch the title on subscription services like Game Pass or PlayStation Plus?

Guo: It’s still too early to talk about that, but we’ll keep you posted.


Is there anything else you’d like to share with the audience? Anything we haven’t covered yet?

Guo: I just wanted to say again that we’re incredibly excited to bring Delta Force: Hawk Ops to a broader audience. We can’t wait for you to get your hands on the game, dive in, enjoy it, and let us know what you think! Your feedback will be invaluable as we continue to refine and perfect the experience.

YouTube video

Delta Force: Hawk Ops has already been wishlisted by over 600,000 players, and while the exact release date of the game has not been announced yet, it will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC in early 2025. We thank Shadow Guo for taking the time to answer our questions and Joe Meng for helping with the interview.

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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