Green Hell Devs Have No Intention To Release The Title On Subscription Services

"We do not have such plans to be featured there."

Story Highlights

  • Green Hell is a survival video game developed and published by Creepy Jar.
  • The game’s current-gen update is currently being worked on.
  • We spoke with Jacek Sliwa, Project Leader of Green Hell, over an email interview. 

Green Hell was released half a decade ago and has since become a massive hit for Creepy Jars, selling over a million copies within its first year. Fast-forward to 2023, the developers confirmed that the title had reached an even bigger milestone, selling over 5 million copies.

The team is currently working on the current-gen release of the game, which is planned to launch before the end of the year. To understand more about its development and upcoming updates, we spoke with Jacek Sliwa, the Project Lead of Green Hell, over an email interview.

Green Hell
Green Hell Is Already Half A Decade Old – Image Credits: Creepy Jar
Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your work on Green Hell?

Jacek: Hi, I’m Jacek Sliwa and I’m the Project Leader of Green Hell.

It was recently announced that Green Hell would be released for current-gen consoles later this year. Is the team still confident about the release, or do you think it could be pushed to 2025?

Jacek: We’re in the final stage of production for this edition, so expect it sooner than later.

Has the team faced any difficulties while developing the title for current-gen consoles with all the updates that have been released since the game's launch? Could you share your experience working on the current-gen consoles?

Jacek: Rather than making this edition a simple upgrade from the previous gen, we’ve decided to make it a completely new port. So we’re working here entirely from scratch directly from the PC version in order to make this edition the best experience possible on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles. Players can also expect completely new content – previously not available on consoles.

The 3 big updates warmly received by the PC community include: “Storage & Transportation” – an update that adds mechanics aimed towards organizing and facilitating base building and resource management, as well as “Fortifications” & “Flamekeeper”, which hugely expand the combat and defense options in hostile interactions with the Amazonian tribes in the game.

Green Hell
It Has Already Sold Over 5 Million Copies – Image Credits: Creepy Jar
Since you are releasing Green Hell on current-gen later this year, are you planning to drop last-gen consoles immediately, or would the game still see updates on last-gen consoles for a certain period?

Jacek: We’ve been updating the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game since June 2021. As we’ve hit a technological barrier that we cannot overcome as an indie studio, we had to make some decisions to move to the next generations of consoles – PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S and focus our resources here.

Considering the studio has another title in early access at the moment, do you think the success of Green Hell has helped the studio in other projects?

Jacek: Definitely! The vision for StarRupture – our next title, which is an FPP open-world sci-fi base-builder – was made because of the things we’ve discovered during the development of Green Hell. This time we’re not restrained with the design of gameplay mechanics by the ultra realism we wanted to keep in Green Hell. The sci-fi genre gives us a lot more room for our imagination and gives almost no constraints. Also – StarRupture will be released with the co-op play from the very launch of Early Access – something that we weren’t able to do with Green Hell. And we know that our player base loves playing together.

Do you have any plans to release the title on subscription services like Game Pass or PS Plus, especially with how it allows the title to reach millions of people?

Jacek: We do not have such plans to be featured there – currently, we’re observing how this market grows, and how it works.

Green Hell
The current-Gen Update of The Title Is Currently In The Works – Image Credits: Creepy Jar
As the team has already released two updates Flamekeeper and Anteater in the first half of the year, what are your future plans with the game?

Jacek: After releasing two updates for Green Hell on PC in the first half of the year—Flamekeeper and Anteater—we’ve already teased the next, big update that we’re working on. Players who want to express their style and design itch can already expect something great to come to the game later this year.

Considering the plethora of outstanding survival games in the industry, what do you believe sets Green Hell apart and contributes to its massive popularity?

Jacek: We think that Green Hell is totally unique in its genre, because of its authenticity. We wanted to create the ultimate survival sim, and thanks to our super hugely talented team, we’ve managed to accomplish this goal and surpass not only ours but also players’ expectations that this could be done.

We’re super grateful to our passionate community for bringing us new ideas, and feedback, so we could make it even better.

What else can fans expect from Green Hell in 2024 and beyond besides the current-gen console updates?

Jacek: Players can definitely wait for the next, big update we’re planning for the PC version. We’re also exploring some ways to bring the most devoted fans of the game some exciting and meaningful merch, and we hope you will be able to hear about it soon.

Green Hell
Green Hell Is One of The Most Popular Survival Games – Image Credits: Creepy Jar
Although the team has already developed two prequels for the game's story mode, do you have any plans to release more story modes?

Jacek: We think that we’ve already told the story we wanted to tell – at least for now – and we’re not planning to add more story updates to Green Hell. Currently, we’re focusing on enriching the gameplay experience, which can help players in both single-player and co-op to have new unique adventures and simply have a great time and memorable experience out of it.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Jacek: We’d love you to check out and wishlist our next project – StarRupture, a very ambitious and complex game on which we’re actively working. We’re putting into it a lot of our team’s experience and the huge passion we have for sci-fi, and we hope that as players have travelled with us to the Amazonian Jungle, they will also go with us for another exciting journey – to another galaxy!

YouTube video

Green Hell was released in 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. While the game skipped the current-gen consoles at launch, the developers are currently working on bringing the title to the latest platforms. We are thankful to Jacek Sliwa for answering our questions and Shawn Petraschuk for helping us.

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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