Shinobi602 Believes Xbox’s Multiplatform Approach Is A Smart Move As Console Sales Struggle

"Xbox consoles have certainly fallen far behind the competition, and I’m not sure any number of exclusives will really change that dynamic!"

Story Highlights

  • Shinobi602 has been one of the most well-known insiders in the gaming industry with a fairly good track record.
  • He has correctly leaked much information about many titles in the past, such as the announcement of the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
  • We spoke with Shinobi602, over an email Q&A session.

Shinobi602 is a well-known insider in the gaming industry who has been talking about video games and sharing insider information for well over a decade. Although he started from places like GameFAQs and Gamespy, his popularity rose when he moved to platforms like NeoGAF, Twitter, and ResetEra, where he is active currently.  

To learn more about his thoughts on the recent Xbox strategy to go multiplatform and the industry’s current state, we spoke with Shinobi602 over an email interview.

Hi-Fi Rush
Hi-Fi Rush Studio Was Recently Closed By Xbox – Source: Tango Gameworks
Could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself?

Shinobi602: I’m Nate, and I’ve been working in video games for over 6 years in the areas of community management, brand management, and communications across independent developers and publishers, and now at Keywords Studios. You can also find me online on Twitter and other spaces as Shinobi602!

Over the last few years, how do you think the industry has evolved? Is it for the good?

Shinobi602: It’s constantly evolving in all directions. Some are good, some are bad. The continuing layoff purges are extremely sad to see, especially when profits are growing and publishers are making record revenue. We’re also seeing a continued push towards evergreen titles that generate recurring revenue, which takes up a lot of resources. At the same time, I think the quality of games in general has never been higher, and there’s so much variety out there, especially in the indie space.

Looking at the recent closure of studios like Tango Game Works, which released Hi-Fi Rush, the highest-rated Xbox title, last year, do you think it will have a negative impact on the industry?

Shinobi602: I can’t see it in any other light other than a negative one. Tango created one of Xbox’s most unique and exciting titles in years that was beloved by players and was considered a success by all accounts. If that’s not enough to ensure the team’s and its developers’ security, then how do different studios gauge success? How do they feel good about the art they’re making? I think it’s an impact that was felt across the industry in different ways.

The Last of Us Part 2
Naughty Dog Has Been Working On Multiple Last of Us Remakes – Source: Naughty Dogs
Talking about the layoffs, do you think it is why many publishers are milking their top franchises instead of working on new ones? Can we expect to see more layoffs even of our beloved studios in the future?

Shinobi602: It’s an unfortunate reality that budgets for games have grown by a huge amount compared to generations before. I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone to say that publishers want the most return on their investments, and often, the safest route is the one they’ll take. There’s still risk-taking happening, new teams forming, and new IPs coming, but popular franchises are popular for a reason: people love them.

As an analyst, where do you see the gaming industry in the coming years?

Shinobi602: I wouldn’t call myself an analyst, but in terms of an overall picture, I think games will be in a great spot. There’s work that needs to be done for sure, especially about ballooning budgets, but I think the industry’s never been as creative and diverse as it is today, and I know that will continue well into the future. I believe PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo will continue to be strong platforms that cater to everybody’s needs.

Is there any title you are anticipating? A title you have high hopes for?

Shinobi602: I love being excited, so I’m always anticipating a bunch of games! I’d say the one I’m looking forward to the most for the rest of the year is Dragon Age: The Veilguard. I really like what I’ve seen and read so far, and I think that team has taken the time to really cook up something great. It’s been a tough several years for BioWare, but I have hope this new Dragon Age will be the start of an awesome redemption arc for the studio.

More And More Studios Are Focusing On Live Service Games Nowadays
Almost every major publisher is developing or already has a live service title. Do you think it is the right approach, considering so many studios had to shut down after the failure of it?

Shinobi602: It’s hard to say because some publishers and teams are equipped for it, and others aren’t. There’s always going to be those companies and shareholders out there chasing that golden goose because once you hit the jackpot, you’re set for a very long time. But I think oftentimes; many teams fail because they’re either too late or they don’t realize the number of resources it takes to tackle and then maintain a popular live service game.

It can be the right approach if that’s what a team is specifically built for, but it’s very, very difficult to take a team known for strong, single-player experiences and transition them into live service. It’s a failure 9 times out of 10.

What do you love about the industry? What motivates you to stay in it?

Shinobi602: I love the people in it and the variety and breadth of experiences that are getting made every year. I’ve met so many wonderful acquaintances over the years who have become awesome personal friends, and I’ve learned so much wisdom and knowledge in a short amount of time. Likewise, I’ve been playing games since I was 4 years old, and there are tons of games coming out all the time that pique my interest and get me excited. It’s not all perfect, as we’ve clearly seen the devastation from layoffs over the last 12 months, but it’s hard to see myself doing anything else. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

What are the titles you've recently been playing? Any recent releases that you had a great time playing?

Shinobi602: I’ve been playing a bit of Helldivers 2 over the last couple of months, and I adore it. Just a whole bunch of maniacal fun times, and I call it my Starship Troopers simulator (which is a fantastic film). I’m also playing through Stellar Blade and having fun with that one!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Was A Commercial And Critical Failure – Source: Rocksteady Studios
Looking at Xbox's recent approach to going multiplatform, do you think the publisher has taken the right step? They have great exclusive releases coming, like Indiana Jones, Elder Scrolls 6, and many others.

Shinobi602: There’s some contention over the approach. On the one side, you’ll see some say that it takes away any incentive to buy an Xbox, while on the other hand, folks will say they’re doing what they feel is best to grow their business. I tend to fall in the latter group because, on the face of it, the Xbox console platform has been on the decline sales-wise over the last decade. Game Pass grew for a good while, though it seems like it’s gradually tapering off.

At the same time, Xbox consoles have certainly fallen far behind the competition, and I’m not sure any number of exclusives will really change that dynamic. So if that’s not really changing, you have to pivot and do something. I think putting your games where many more players are makes sense and from what we can see across charts like digital downloads on PSN, they’re doing great on there. There’s still a strong incentive to pick up an Xbox, and that’s Game Pass.

Talking about Xbox, do you think it's a good idea to release a franchise like Call of Duty Day One on Game Pass, as it will impact the title's sales?

Shinobi602: That’s a really tough one. I’m not privy to all the numbers that have been crunched to quantify anything. It’s a guarantee that premium sales of the game will drop, at least on the Xbox platform. Clearly, Xbox feels that having it in Game Pass on day one will reap benefits, and maybe the number of players who subscribe can offset any loss in sales, but it remains to be seen. I personally don’t think many Call of Duty players are going to drop their platform of choice and pick up an Xbox just to subscribe to the service for the game, but we’ll see what happens.

Recently, many anticipated releases like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League have failed to impress players, while underrated titles like Helldivers 2 and Palword have seen much success. How do you think it affects the overall gaming market?

Shinobi602: It shows that there’s a hunger for new experiences that sort of capture that online viral zeitgeist if you will. I haven’t played Suicide Squad myself, but I think there’s more context in that as an IP; I’m not sure Suicide Squad has a ton of pull. And I think most Rocksteady fans were looking for something else from that team, while games like Helldivers 2 and Palworld felt like they seemingly came out of nowhere with gameplay loops that were highly addictive and rewarding. A lot of teams around the world will definitely take notes and learn from those launches.

Ghost of Tsushima is arguably one of the best AAA experiences created in the last decade | Image Source: Steam
Ghost of Tsushima PC Port Was Finally Released Earlier This year – Source: Sucker Punch Productions
The Ghost of Tsushima PC port, which was recently released, has been well received by fans and has already become Sony's biggest single-player PC release. Do you think it's time Sony considers realizing titles on PC a little sooner?

Shinobi602: I think they’ve been threading the needle pretty well so far in keeping their core PlayStation audience happy with great exclusives for a time, then porting over. It seems they’ve landed on a 2-year cadence of PS5 release -> PC port or thereabouts.

I’m sure launching their big exclusives sooner on PC would net even higher sales, but they seem to have a strategy in place where they’re keen to keep growing their console base and still net some good returns on PC later. Maybe they’re happy with it, maybe they’re not. But it seems like it’s not hurting them if Ghost of Tsushima’s huge launch four years later is any indication.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers? Something we haven't touched upon yet.

Shinobi602: Nothing, really; thanks so much for having me and picking my brain. It was fun! And play Mass Effect, people!

best sci fi games ps5
Mass Effect Is One of Bioware’s Most Popular Franchises – Source: BioWare

Shinobi has reported information ahead of time on multiple occasions, including the official announcement of God of War (2018) and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, making him fairly credible in the gaming community across the board. We thank Shinobi602 for taking the time to answer our questions. 

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Mudassir is a seasoned journalist with a passion for uncovering the stories behind our favorite virtual worlds. Armed with a trusty notepad and a keen curiosity, he dives headfirst into the gaming industry's most exciting personalities. His knack for insightful questions and his ability to connect with developers and gamers alike makes his interviews a must-read. While on the lookout for the next person to interview, Mudassir keeps himself busy by writing news surrounding the gaming universe. Experience: 4+ Years || Senior Journalist || Education: Bachelor's in Psychology.

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