Alan Wake 2 In Final Stage Of Full Production, Says Remedy

In a new financial report, the studio's CEO also revealed how the quality of work on the title has impressed him.

Story Highlights

  • Alan Wake 2 is now in its final stage of development according to Remedy Entertainment.
  • In the recent financial report, the studio’s CEO revealed how the horror title is progressing toward its 2023 launch.
  • Furthermore, the quality of the game and the speed of the development has seriously impressed the CEO.
  • In addition, the financial report states that the horror game is “great” and fans will love it.

According to Remedy Entertainment, Alan Wake 2 has entered its final stage of full production ahead of the game’s release this year. The developer is gradually progressing toward the title’s 2023 launch and has now started work on the last major phase of development. Even though there is still some polishing left, the quality of the game has impressed the studio’s CEO Tero Virtala.

In the recent Remedy Quarter 1 2023 financial report, Virtala updated the investors about the upcoming horror game. He mentioned how Alan Wake 2 has everyone at the studio excited and is in work with a full staff. The project will only scale down when the long-awaited sequel is near launch as its final development is ongoing. According to the CEO, the Remedy title is going to become a “great” game and will launch this year:

Alan Wake 2 is on its way to becoming a great game and has everyone excited at Remedy. We have started the last major phase of full production to get the game ready for launch later this year. The project is fully staffed, but we will be able to start scaling down the team size gradually as we progress towards the launch.”

Later in the financial report, Tero Virtala goes on to say how Alan Wake 2 is the main focus of Remedy Entertainment. As per the CEO, the game holds a lot of promise and the velocity of development has impressed him. The quality of the upcoming horror adventure is already impressive and Virtala thinks everyone will be proud of it.

Previously, Remedy Entertainment mentioned how Alan Wake 2 was in production in its 2022 annual financial report. The studio reassured fans that the game going to make its 2023 release date, saying it was in the “full production phase.” Further ahead in the documents, the studio expanded on Alan Wake 2 mentioning how the sequel fits into the “premium games with additional payable downloadable content” model.

Therefore we’ll most probably get DLCs for the upcoming game after the initial release. We also get some more info about the theme of Alan Wake 2 in the documents. Remedy says that players can expect a more “twisted, layered, and deeper dive” into the world we saw in the 2010 game. Hence, the third-person horror game will be the studio’s first foray into survival horror.

In addition, Alan Wake 2 will be an Epic Games exclusive on PC due to the deal between the two parties. Epic is covering the full development and marketing costs of the game according to the documents. Due to this agreement, Remedy will only get 50% of the net revenue after Epic recoups the publishing and development costs. The studio holds full ownership of the IP now after buying it from Microsoft and that will not change.

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In both of these reports, Remedy mentions how players will love the sequel and seems confident about its financial return. Considering how Alan Wake Remastered failed to make any revenue, they definitely need the horror title to fulfill its potential. It sold much less than the studio expected and did not generate any royalties until the latest update in November.

The original was more successful for Remedy Entertainment, selling over 3 million copies during its lifetime. Combined with the 2012 spin-off Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, the series has sold over 4.5 million units. With a television series from AMC also in development, the franchise’s future is looking bright. However, only time will tell if Alan Wake 2 will stick its survival horror landing and release this year.

Remedy also mentioned how the horror title was coming together on all fronts in 2023. Hence, everything points to Alan Wake 2 launching this year. But, whenever it comes out, the game will definitely be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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