Atlus Has No Plans For New Game Announcement

They issued a press release on the official website.

Japanese company Atlus, developers of well-known RPG social simulations like Megami Tensei, its spinoff Persona, and creators of arcade machines like Purikura, has made clear that no new games will be announced at the Persona Super Live P-sound 2022 concert. The concert is to be held on 8 and 9 October.


  • Rumors were afoot, since May, that Atlus planned to announce a new game during next month’s concert.
  • The company denied those rumors through an official press release.

Atlus’s game releases are very rare. Their team strives to go for quality rather than quantity. And quality games they do produce.

They gained international fame with the release of Persona in 1996. The game is the perfect blend of RPG and fighting genres. This game helped them cement their position in the RPG world. Since then all of their IPs have been immensely successful.

They have a huge following around the world. The fans of the franchise have been starved for game releases by the company, with very few games released in the last decade. Their last game, Persona 5 Royal, came out back in 2019.

So, when ATLUS announced that they were planning to hold a concert to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Persona, the fans began hoping that they might announce a new game.

Official Press Release (Translated)
Official Press Release (Translated)

The rumors about the supposed announcement were making rounds on the internet since May. But now the company has refuted such rumors. They released a statement on their website, in Japanese, that translates into the following,

Notice about Persona Live 2022

There are no plans to announce new game titles at this live.

We are preparing for every day, with the best live that will satisfy all visitors and viewers.

This statement put rest to those rumors. The fans are understandably disappointed but it seems they are used to it by now. Some are still optimistic that they might be saving it for the PlayStation showcase. 

Nobody knows if they are even working on a new IP or not. However, the fans can only hope that Atlus are more open about their ongoing projects and get better at communicating with the franchise’s fandom.

What will be their new project? Will it be a remaster or a new game entirely? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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Matt Hunter is our New Releases Editor with one of the coolest Aliases ever. He loves chasing after the latest scoop in the gaming and tech industries and covers it with the utmost urgency. You’ll find him breaking some of the best news stories for his audience. He also likes to dive into interesting leaks and rumors. You can also follow Matt's gaming activity on his Steam Profile. Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Ghostwritten for Several Publications || Broken 300+ Articles || Mainly Covers New Game stories on eXputer

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