Capcom Has No Plans for A Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake For Now

"If the opportunity comes, maybe.”

The Resident Evil series has been undergoing a renaissance for the past few years, with the series making an extremely powerful comeback in the form of 2017’s Resident Evil 7 followed by the universally praised Resident Evil 2 Remake and Resident Evil Village. 

Major Takeaways:

  • Currently no plans for Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake.
  • Code Veronica Remake could happen given the opportunity.

Capcom has slowly been releasing remakes of prior Resident Evil titles, with a remaster of the remake of the first Resident Evil game (Yes, I know how it sounds) released in 2015 and the latest re-release being Resident Evil 3 Remake in 2020. 

Since then, Resident Evil fans have been wondering whether Code Veronica will be getting a similar remake as Resident Evil 2 in the near future. In fact, a Code Veronica remake is one of the most highly-demanded titles that fans want to see remade. 

It seems Capcom has certainly taken note of these demands. In an interview with Noisy Pixel, Resident Evil 4 Remake Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi was asked if these remakes would continue past Resident Evil 4 and if he would like to work on a remake for Code Veronica.

Hirabayashi-san responded that while there are no definitive plans to develop a remake for Resident Evil Code Veronica, it might happen if the “opportunity comes”.

In another recent news, Capcom has finally shown off the long-anticipated remake of Resident Evil 4 in a 5-minute-long gameplay trailer alongside another 2-minute-long story trailer. The gameplay trailer shows many of the iconic locations from the original game in brand-new next-gen fidelity. 

Resident Evil 4 Remake has been touted as a reimagining of the original game that aims to please the fans and introduce new players to a beloved classic. 

“This is being done by reimagining the storyline of the game while keeping the essence of its direction, modernising the graphics and updating the controls to a modern standard,”

Resident Evil 4 Remake will release on 24th March 2023 and is currently available to pre-order for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam. 

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Noisy Pixel

Nameer Zia is a video game News Writer on eXputer obsessed with hunting down all the latest happenings in the industry. Nameer has been gaming for more than 15 years, during which he has spent more than 3,000 hours on Overwatch 1 & 2. As a literature student, his literary chops feed into his passion for games and writing, using eXputer as the medium to deliver the latest news in the industry. Websites such as GamingBolt and IGN have also credited his works.

Experience: 4+ Years || Previously Worked At: Tech4Gamers || Education: Bachelors in English Literature.

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