Epic Steps Up To Combat Cheating In Fortnite

Using restricted hardware will now get you banned from the game.

Cheating has been a problem in online games for a long time. It’s been around since the early Call of Duty era and continues to this day in games like Fortnite. No matter what companies do, cheaters always find a way to bend the rules.

Arguably the game it persists in the most is Fortnite. Being one of the most popular games on the planet it’s no surprise that’s the case. Hackers ruin the experience for other players and it’s been a huge worry for the developers.

Epic Games have taken a lot of measures to crack down on the cheaters in Fortnite. But, they always seem to find a way around it and disrupt the game even more. Now, epic has introduced new strict features that will further restrict cheaters and prevent hackers from ruining Fortnite. 

Major Takeaway: 

  • Epic is kicking players who use restricted hardware in Fortnite
  • If you try to bypass this, you will be given an immediate ban 
  • This move is significant in cracking down on cheaters

Using any restricted hardware will now get the player immediately kicked from the game. Hypex on Twitter reported this news and also put up a screenshot to prove this. An error message is clearly visible for a player using such a restricted device in Fortnite. 

Hardware options that are restricted from the game include the Cronus Zen and Cronus Max adapters. Using any of these in Fortnite will not allow you to compete in the game now. Also if the user tries to bypass this, they will get an immediate ban from the game.

So, Epic has really gone down on cheaters and hackers with this Fortnite restriction. If you don’t know about Cronus Zen and Cronus Max that’s not a problem. Both of them are basically controller adapters which give players a huge competitive advantage

Using these will let you play the game without any lag when converting from mouse to controller. You have the highest possible speed and accuracy at your disposal. Players can also play in player lobbies undetected through these. 

Hence, they give a clear superiority to the user which is unfair. That is why these controllers are a form of cheating and banning them as Battlefield does is fair. The advantage given by these controllers isn’t based on skill and they are thus banned in Fortnite.

Epic cracking down on this form of cheating is significant. More games will follow suit in completely abolishing the use of such hardware through permanent bans after Fortnite. Everyone is equal while playing games so anything that gives unfair superiority should not exist.

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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