Grand Theft Auto 6 Has Been Rated MA15+ In Australia

Citing strong drug use and sexual scenes.

Story Highlights

  • Grand Theft Auto 6 was rated by the Australian Classification Board in April 2023. It was given the rating of MA 15+, citing strong sexual content and drug use.
  • Considering the reasons stated and the rating assigned to GTAV, MA 15+ seems to be an unusual choice. This has led to fans believing it to be a placeholder.
  • Grand Theft Auto 6 was officially announced in a blog post by Rockstar Games back in 2022. Since then, there hasn’t been any major update via official channels.

Grand Theft Auto 6 was rated by the Australian Classification Board in April, earlier this year. A rating of MA 15+ was assigned to the title, citing “Strong *** Scenes & Drug Use.” According to the ACB, children under the age of 15 may not legally watch, buy, or hire MA 15+ rated material unless they are in the company of a parent or adult guardian. 

Grand Theft Auto 6 seems to have been rated in Australia in April 2023.
Grand Theft Auto 6 seems to have been rated in Australia in April 2023.

Now there are several aspects of this that are raising people’s eyebrows. GTA6 was officially announced by Rockstar in a 2022 blog post. Since then, there have been cases of leaks claiming to have new information on the game. Meanwhile, this rating by the ACB managed to slip under the radar for several months.

Some may think the site was hacked but that seems illogical as government sites would have security and prevention protocols in place. In case of a breach, they would have the resources to clean up the damage caused within a reasonable span of time. Others believe this rating to be a placeholder for when Grand Theft Auto 6 actually gets closer to release.

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The latter is a realistic assumption considering the discrepancies in ratings between GTA6 and its prequel, GTAV. The latter was labeled as R18+ citing drug use despite the game having strong sexual content, etc. It goes without saying that the sequel of this game will follow the long-running tradition of incorporating explicit content. 

Given the facts, assigning a rating of MA 15+ to GTA6 seems highly unusual. The rating means “Mature Accompanied,” meaning that children ages 15-17 would have to be in the presence of an adult guardian or parent to purchase this game. Considering the content it contains and has been rated for plus the label assigned to its prequel, MA 15+ seems a bit out of place.

Grand Theft Auto 6 is currently in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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Australian Classification BoardAustralian Classification BoardAustralian Classification Board

Saad is a News writer at eXputer. With vast journalistic experience working for a multitude of websites, Saad currently reports to eXputer with the latest news and dishes out his opinions on a frequent basis. He's currently studying Game and Interactive Media Design, which has further increased his knowledge about the ins and outs of the industry.

Experience: 1+ Year || Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Media Science.

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