Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Deluxe Edition to Arrive in June 2021

Ryu Hayabusa is back to wreak havoc

Ninja Gaiden is a series that tells the tale of an insanely skilled ninja called Ryu Hayabusa. He harbors superhuman physicality to exact revenge on the people who took his father’s life, but in doing so, he makes a deep dark discovery that has the potential to devastate the world.

The franchise involves three Ninja Gaiden titles to date with no prospect of a follow-up game anytime soon. However, what’s confirmed is an upcoming Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Deluxe Edition, and that is set to bring back a notion of nostalgia. The following is a screenshot of the game’s listing on the Japanese PlayStation Store. 

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Deluxe Edition on the PlayStation Store (Translated)
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Deluxe Edition on the PlayStation Store (Translated)

The Deluxe Edition is ready for pre-order and will cost about 6,050 Japanese Yens which convert to 55 United States Dollars. It’s expected to include the trilogy of Ninja Gaiden, along with a digital artbook comprising 70+ pages and the soundtracks for the game as well with over 180 entries.

The Nintendo Switch version for the Deluxe Edition will be available for pre-order in May, according to Famitsu. Owners of the game will also get a free upgrade to their respective next-gen consoles. The Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition will release on 10 June 2021.

Have you played Ninja Gaiden? Tell us what you think of this Deluxe Edition down in the comments section.

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