Battlefield 2042 Update 4.0.1 To Bring Feedback-Oriented Changes

The small update will release next week and fix issues fans have been complaining about.

Story Highlights

  • Update 4.0.1 for Battlefield 2042 will release next week and will fix small issues based on fan feedback.
  • Important changes include tweaks for weapons like AC9, RPT-31, and SVD and adjustments to the Tracer Dart.
  • Bugs affecting Specialists have also been fixed in this update.

Electronic Arts will release update 4.0.1 for Battlefield 2042 next week and sort out problems following the launch of season 4. These small changes will resolve some issues regarding Quality of Life and balance. In the coming weeks, the next Game Update 4.1.0 will also come out and solve more issues based on fan feedback. For now, EA has released the Patch notes for update 4.0.1, which gives us an in-depth look at all the changes.

First up, AI Soldiers will spawn correctly during the prologue stages of Battlefield 2042. Regarding audio, the issue of scrambling Voice Lines even after exiting the vicinity of an enemy X6-Infiltration Device will be fixed. Furthermore, the devs have done an audio pass on the X6-Infiltration Device and addressed the audio overload. The device will also register audio pings at a reduced rate.

Moving on to gadgets, M18 Claymore sensors will not trigger through walls after this update. Healing per second has also reduced and the Repair Tool will replenish by 15% moving forward. The Tracer Dart underwent some changes in Battlefield 2042. For starters, it will last 16 seconds instead of 12 seconds.

In addition, the Designated UI Indicator appearing under the world while hitting gadgets with the Tracer Dart will be a thing of the past. Bugs affecting the Tracer Dart’s ability to designate moving targets will be rectified. Moving on to specialists in Battlefield 2042, the developers have fixed the issue of hiding Blasco from the minimap and updated his Tutorial Video.

The effectiveness of Crawford’s Critical Repair Trait will go down from 100% to 40%. Issues causing Irish’s APS-36 to intercept C5 will be overhauled. Last but not least, the Field of View bug for Rao’sVolatile” cosmetic will be rectified. Players will also see changes in Soldiers in this upcoming Battlefield 2042 update.

Battlefield 2042 patch notes
Battlefield 2042 patch notes

The slower health regen delay will go down from 7.5s to 6.5s. On the other hand, the soldier’s health regen will go up from 5hp/s to 7.5hp/s. Developers have also increased the health regen rate post-revive from 5hp/s to 7.5hp/s to match the new regen values of 2042. Regarding weapons in Battlefield 2042, the AC9 will require more bullets to kill someone with medium ammo between a distance of 50-75m.

In addition, you will need 1 more bullet to kill someone with Subsonic ammo if their distance is beyond 40m. For the RPT-31, the number of bullets required to kill with Heavy Ammo under a 30m distance will reduce from 5 to 4. The headshot multiplier will decrease from 2x to 1.6x for the M39 EMR. SVD will go through a similar change in Battlefield 2042, as its new Headshot Multiplier is 1.6x.

Last but not least, an issue regarding vehicles has been rectified. The CAV-Brawler will now spawn correctly with the “Tier 1” and “Water Wheel” vehicle cosmetics. These are all of the changes coming to Battlefield 2042 season 4 (Eleventh Hour) with update 4.0.1.

Similar Reads: Battlefield Mobile Now Available on Google Play Store

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Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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