Player Breaks Tallest Pyramid World Record In Minecraft Survival Mode

"It occupies the space of at least a Minecraft continent", says the player.

Pyramids are popular and well known throughout the world, historically and scenically. Minecraft players have a keen eye for such wonderful creations and many other things. Minecraft players have always left the world astounded by recreating many real-life and in-game landscapes and even functioning emulators, among many other things. This time around, a player has recreated the tallest (yet) pyramid in Minecraft survival mode. Previously, this world record was held by John Brydon from Stone Titans, who recreated the Great Pyramid of Giza on a 1:1 scale back in November 2013 with 2,629,176 blocks.

I built the tallest Pyramid in Minecraft survival mode (for now) and a sculpture in the middle from Minecraft

Player, u/AhRayWasTaken, recently posted a video on r/Minecraft. In the nearly 3-minute video, the player showcases a timelapse of them recreating the pyramid and the sculpture inside of it from a bird-eye view all the way from the beginning to the end. It was an extremely satisfying build to witness, and many of us could watch the video even multiple times without getting bored. They started by creating a gigantic hand sculpture in the middle, which was huge in itself, but it was nothing compared to the pyramid that encompassed it. The hand sculpture held a giant coffin, which had the lid opened — truly mesmerizing.

After creating the sculpture, the player began creating the pyramid in Minecraft, which was even bigger than the hand, confining a total of 217,185,571 blocks. The build was in progress for three months, and it took the player a total of 208 hours to finish this project; 92 hours to clear the land to bedrock, and the rest for building the pyramid along with the sculpture. For context, that’s eight-and-a-half days of non-stop work. Upon asking how the player was able to get that much material for the build, they said that they “mined them with (their) pickaxe and shovel”. Additionally, the player even shared a before and after screenshot of their effort.

Minecraft Pyramid Before Land
Minecraft Pyramid After Land

The admiration for the build in the comments section was certainly well deserved. The player did an amazing job at creating such a huge pyramid in Minecraft, and we truly admire such efforts, creativity, and dedication to even the slightest of details. While this recreation hasn’t officially been recognized in the Guinness World Records as of now, it could soon be.

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Saqib is a Senior Guides writer at eXputer with multiple years of writing experience. His love for RPGs, Roblox, and mobile games knows no bounds. In his free time, Saqib is on yet another adventure with Roblox or free roaming in RPG. Saqib has completed a Journalism degree and worked for notable gaming sites including DualShockers and Gamepur. You can follow Saqib's gaming activity on his Steam profile.
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