Ada Wong’s VA From The Resident Evil 4 Remake Continues To Get Harassed

The darkside chronicles of the internet.

Story Highlights

  • Resident Evil 4’s remake launched on March 24, 2023, featuring a new voice actor for the iconic double agent, Ada Wong. 
  • The new voice actor, Lily Gao, has been harassed for her performance since the launch of Resident Evil 4. She has since deleted most of the pictures from her account.
  • It’s currently unclear as to how this will impact the future of the character. However, there are better ways of providing feedback than harassment.

Lending her voice to the iconic character of Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4‘s remake, Lily Gao has been on the receiving end of harassment in light of her performance. Players have bombarded her on social media with hate comments resulting in Gao deleting most of her pictures from the account. The hate train commenced with the launch of Capcom’s latest hit, to which Gao initially responded by deleting and disabling comments.

Capcom replaced Ada Wong’s voice actor from the remake of Resident Evil 2 in favor of Gao. This was due to its initiative to hire actors of the same ethnicities as the characters. Many have cited Lily Gao’s performance to be lacking in contrast to other characters in the game. Players have said that she sounds uninterested and bored, which detracts from the character within the larger picture.

On the other hand, some fans have defended Gao, saying that her performance was decent enough. While opinions will exist on both sides of the spectrum, the one constant is that no one deserves to be harassed, especially over a performance. There are proper ways of giving feedback which are often not followed by the dark side of the internet.

Resident Evil 4’s remake has launched to glowing reviews while surpassing 3 million units in just two days. Considering the massive achievement of this legendary title, targeting the voice actor for harassment detracts from the image of the game. 

We have yet to receive any official statement regarding the matter. However, it might be difficult to imagine the future of Ada Wong as we move forward with the Resident Evil franchise. 

In other news, you’d be surprised to know that a rare egg allows you to decimate one of Resident Evil 4’s toughest bosses in the remake. If you find yourself struggling to beat this adversary, be sure to try this tactic to make your life a bit easier. Additionally, there are several other details in the game, with many more yet to be found.

Experience the perfection of Resident Evil 4’s remake on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

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Saad is a News writer at eXputer. With vast journalistic experience working for a multitude of websites, Saad currently reports to eXputer with the latest news and dishes out his opinions on a frequent basis. He's currently studying Game and Interactive Media Design, which has further increased his knowledge about the ins and outs of the industry.

Experience: 1+ Year || Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Media Science.

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