Bossa Studios Want Fans to Choose Their Next Game

The developer is allowing players to decide its next game.

The gaming industry gives a lot of importance to player feedback. Developers are keen on making games which the consumers would like to play. The opinion of fans matters a lot in the industry. Studios want to make a product that the players will play repeatedly. So, every company works hard to produce stuff the fans would like. But, one developer has taken fan feedback to a whole new level.

British Game Developer Bossa Games wants fans to choose their next game. In a tweet, the studio presented two concepts for a new game and asked fans to vote for the one they liked. The two concepts, The Few and They Come At Night, have separate voting links on the tweet. The links take you to the Bossa Presents page, which has information about both games. You can select which feature of the game you like and vote if you want the game to be published or not.

The Few is a survival game based on role-playing, crating and strategy. You can play multiplayer or go on the journey alone. Your decisions directly affect the gameplay, so every step of yours needs to be careful. The players will have to survive in a bleak world, but this dark place won’t be without its comedy. Built on teamwork, this concept is gripping.

They Come At Night is the second concept game. It is a melee combat game with first-person shooter elements. So, it’s an engaging combination of two genres. The most important part of the game is the strategy and building mechanics. You need to build a fortress to survive against the dark lord and his army. But, the player will have futuristic technology for this task. Your task is to free the kingdom of Indar from the dark lord by killing his army. So, this world of fantasy will undoubtedly capture the interest of fans.

Bossa Games Wants the Fans to Choose Their Next Game
They Come At Night Concept Art

Bossa has discovered a new way of fan service. This has never been done before and is something different. This way of greenlighting games can become a trend in the future. Developers value their players’ opinions, which is one way to ensure fan service. It’s safe to say Bossa have done something completely new and something that may interest more prominent publishers. So, there won’t be any surprises if major publishers use this method to release games in the future.

We would love to know which game you prefer and why. So, let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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