Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 Early Prototype Images Leak Online

The game is barely in skeletal stages.

Story Highlights

  • Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 early prototype images have seemingly leaked online.
  • The images show Silk swinging through a barely-developed park landscape with style.
  • These leaks are still emerging from the massive ransomware attack on Insomniac Games last year.

While it’s not unexpected, Sony’s Insomniac Games is already working on Marvel’s Spider-Man 3. As captured by VISCERAL on Twitter, two early prototype images have leaked online. The leak shows Silk swinging through the barely-developed New York City park with grace. And the visuals look something out of the PlayStation 2 era, but that is to be expected for a title that hasn’t even entered alpha.

Marvel's Spider-Man 3 has only barely entered development, so the images do not show the final product | Image Source: Twitter
Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 has only barely entered development, so the images do not show the final product | Image Source: Twitter

Nevertheless, some players were still not satisfied with how underwhelming the leaked images looked. VISCERAL explained that Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 barely entered pre-production in the middle or end of last year. So there’s not much to see or discover at the moment.

Insomniac Games Is Still Feeling The Effects Of The Huge Leak Last Year

The ransomware attack last year made Insomiac’s timeline for the next decade public for everyone to see. It revealed that the studio was preparing to work on multiple projects, both in the Spider-Man franchise and other IPs. So, it’s not surprising that Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is already in the works. However, the project felt pretty much confirmed once Insomniac’s creative director also teased it last year.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was one of the most enjoyable superhero games ever to release | Image Source: IGDB
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 was one of the most enjoyable superhero games ever to release | Image Source: IGDB

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All in all, it is best to take these details with a pinch of salt. Insomniac Games has barely started on Marvel’s Spider-Man 3, so a lot—and I mean pretty much everything—is subjected to change as it develops. Although, we may learn more from the devs themselves as the title continues to brew over the months.

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Shameer Sarfaraz is a Senior News Writer on eXputer who loves to keep up with the gaming and entertainment industries devoutly. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and several years of experience reporting on games. Besides his passion for breaking news stories, Shahmeer loves spending his leisure time farming away in Stardew Valley. VGC, IGN, GameSpot, Game Rant, TheGamer, GamingBolt, The Verge, NME, Metro, Dot Esports, GameByte, Kotaku Australia, PC Gamer, and more have cited his articles.

Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor in Computer Science.

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