The original PlayStation’s comeback-in a “Classic” way

Many people applauded Nintendo’s move when they relaunched smaller, throwback versions of their classic consoles. Be it the NES classic or the Super NES classic, Nintendo gave life to its once loved, classic consoles. A bunch of games were included with these too. These games happened to be the classic titles such as those like Super Mario. Not only that, to give support for the latest hardware, these consoles were included with HDMI ports. This time around, this is Sony’s turn to introduce their brand new, yet old, console.

SNES Classic
SNES Classic Edition Packaging

Revisiting their classic and first entry into the gaming console industry, Sony pays homage to the original PlayStation (the dark grey one, of course). Sony announced recently that it would be coming out soon, by the holidays for people to relieve their childhoods and for children to see what made their parent’s or their older brother’s or sister’s childhood truly magical. Coming in at a smaller form factor, the console comes with two controllers and a 45 per cent smaller form factor. The console, like its counterparts back in the Nintendo offices, has an HDMI port for new generation TVs and monitors and it also comes preloaded with twenty different classic titles. These titles include classics like Tekken 3 and Final Fantasy 7.

Original vs Classic PlayStation
Size comparison between the original PlayStation and the PlayStation Classic

The console is set to hit the markets by the third of December, this year, just in time for the holidays and for people to keep their eye on the console. Given its limited status, it might just run out at any point after its launch.

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Martin Bell is a News Writer on eXputer who’s been invested in the latest technology and games since the very early years of his childhood. He’s clocked in several hours into CS:GO and other eSports games and is enthusiastic about PC hardware. His passion for gaming and PC hardware shows in the News stories that he breaks for his audience. He is a professional journalist who loves networking with people in the industry to catch the latest scoop before it hits the mainstream media. Experience: 5+ years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Broken 250+ News Stories || Mainly Covers News Articles on eXputer

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