Disney Dreamlight Valley Fugu: How To Catch & Recipes

In our guide we will look at how to catch Fugu and what dishes you can make with it.

If you are a fishing fan, we have good news for you! The new Disney Dreamlight Valley actually lets its players fish like Fugu in the game.

Key Highlights
  • Fugu fish is one of the Rarest Fish in the game, which is going to reward with around 900 coins.
  • The Fugu Fish can be found only in the Bubbling Spots in Dazzling Beach.
  • For capturing the Fugu Fish, you will need to meet some specific requirements, which are Rainy and Stormy Weather.
  • There are people who have caught the fish on a warm and sunny day, but the chances are almost zero.
  • The recipes you can make from the fish are Fugu sushi, Steamed Fugu, and much much more.
Catching Fugu in the game
How to Catch a Fugu

The fugu fish is one of the rarest types of fish in the game. So as you can imagine, since it is very rare, the number of coins you will be able to get will be out of the world. If you want to know more about how to make money faster, we have the perfect guide for you!

Okay, so one important thing that you should know while fishing is that each type of fish has a different value. You might be wondering how you will know how many coins each fish is worth. Well, there is a very simple trick to it. Let us look deeper into that!

How Many Coins Can You Get For The Fugu

When fishing in Disney Dreamlight Valley, the color of the circle that forms when you catch a fish indicates the fish’s value:

  1. White Circle: Usually represents a low-value fish, but there’s a slight chance of finding a rare fish.
  2. Golden Circle: Signifies a high-value fish, and you can expect to receive 500 coins.
  3. Blue Circle (Fugu): Indicates a super rare fish like the Fugu, and catching a Fugu rewards you with 900 coins.

Where To Find A Fugu Fish

To find a Fugu fish, you need to understand a few key details:

  1. Bubbling Spots on Dazzle Beach: Fugu can be found in the bubbling spots on Dazzle Beach. These spots are part of specific biomes in the game.
  2. Weather Conditions: Fugu is a rare fish and can only be caught when it’s raining or during a thunderstorm. This means you need to wait for unfavorable weather conditions in the game.
  3. Bring a Friend: When you head to the bubbling spot to catch a Fugu, it’s recommended to bring a friend along. Fishing with a friend increases your chances of finding one.

While some players claim to have caught Fugu on a sunny day, the probability is much higher during rainy or stormy weather. So, be patient and wait for a thunderstorm to improve your chances of catching this elusive fish.

Recipes To Use Fugu 

Once you catch the fish, you should use it to make different types of recipes in the game. One such dish can be Fugu Sushi. For the recipe, you will need rice, seaweed, and of course, fish!

You may also make steamed Fugu, which will require ginger, garlic, and Fugu. If you want to look at more recipes, you should certainly take a look at our Disney Dreamlight Valley recipe guide!

We hope that our guide was able to help solve your question, happy fishing!

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Amama Farrukh is a News Reporter on eXputer who’s been passionate about playing and writing about games since an early age. As a die-hard God of War fan, she’s really into gory hack-and-slash titles that get her adrenaline pumping. She’s got a bachelor's in Business Administration and several years of experience reporting on the gaming industry. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration || Previously worked as a Freelancer || Published 100+ News Stories

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