PlayStation 4 Is The Best-Selling Used Console Of 2022

According to a research conducted by The Slot Buzz, the Sony console sells the most used units.

With how the world economy is looking, not everyone can afford to purchase their favorite things brand new. So, many people look to buy used things and the gaming industry is a major center of used purchases due to its cost and demand.

Now, new research has found that the PlayStation 4 is the best-selling used console in the industry.  Hence with the prices of consoles and gaming rising, gamers worldwide have reverted to second-hand PlayStation 4 in bulk.

Major Takeaways:

  • PlayStation 4 is the best-selling used console, followed by Nintendo DS and Nintendo Switch.
  • Minecraft is the most sought-after second-hand game in the market, followed by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, GTA V, Mario Kart 8, and Red Dead Redemption II.
  • Pre-owned game searches rose by 60% in the past month as people look to enjoy gaming at a lower price.

Observatorio De Games reported this study conducted by The Slot Buzz. To conduct this research, they made a list of the 15 most popular consoles and 61 popular games. All of these consoles and games were selected based on the most recent sales in the year 2022. 

According to Observatorio, the data collected is from the week of 15th November to 21st November. So, even though it’s not a year-end list, the trends will most probably still uphold across 2022. Every game and console was put on a global e-commerce website, hence the results are weekly but accurate on a worldwide scale.

PlayStation 4 takes the No.1 spot with 13,000 second-hand units sold in the 1-week time frame. Its numbers aren’t surprising as the success of PlayStation 5 and the demand for the next-gen console have decreased its price. Most of the new games still release on the console and with the price hike of the PS5, a second-hand version is a cheap alternative.

PlayStation 4 console
best-selling Consoles

Surprisingly, Nintendo DS takes the 2nd spot in the ranking. No doubt it is the 2nd best-selling console of all time, but it came out 18 years ago in 2004. Therefore, seeing it beat some heavy hitters of the present age is a surprise, but nostalgia is a hell of a thing.

Nintendo Switch is at No.3 with 11k console sales in the given period. It has been a massive success for Nintendo since its release, setting new records every day. And it is seemingly doing well in both the new and second-hand markets.

Xbox One is No.4 on the list selling 9.1k second-hand consoles in the 1-week. The Microsoft console wasn’t a huge success for the company so its numbers aren’t a surprise. Nintendo Gameboy closes out the top 5 as the legendary console sells 8.4k units in the second-hand market.

Switching to games, The Slot Buzz did in-depth research similar to the consoles and made a top 10 list. Among the most popular games of this year, these are the most bought in the used gaming market. The one which tops the list is none other than the cultural behemoth Minecraft.

Games Minecraft
Best-selling games

It has been around for more than 11 years now and is showing no signs of stopping. Minecraft’s sales in the used form are no surprise as it is an old game and people would prefer to spend less on it. it sold 5.7k copies in the data collection period and PS4 editions sell for $13, 50% less than the actual price.

Recent release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II comes in at 2nd with 5,500 sales of second-hand copies. As it is a recent game the used copies only sell 10% cheaper at $55. Following the blockbuster sequel at No.3 is another highly successful sequel, GTA V.

Grand Theft Auto V sold 4.5k second-hand units in the 1 week. Its inclusion is also no surprise as the game is one of the best-selling titles of all time and is still popular and alive. Sold at $22 on average in the used games market, it saves players 27% more than a new edition which is a sweet deal.

YouTube video

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe holds the No.4 spot with 3.3k second-hand sales. Red Dead Redemption 2 and FIFA 22 are at No.5 and No.6 respectively, displaying their longevity. Another Nintendo game is at No.7 with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, selling 2.4k used copies.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Animal Crossing: New Horizons further show Nintendo’s gaming catalog at No.8 and No.9. God of War 2018 closes out the list at No.10, with 1,800 used copies sold. The Slot Buzz made a 61-game list too which you can view in this OneDrive link.

As the price of gaming continues to rise, so will the value of the used gaming market. Pre-owned game searches shot up by 60% this past month according to Observatorio. Hence in the face of inflation, people are looking to enjoy their favorite hobby at a lower cost.

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Observatorio De Games
The Slot Buzz

Ahmed Mansoor is a News Writer who has a deep passion for single-player adventure games. He loves to keep tabs on the gaming and technology industries and loves to break stories that interest his audience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and several years of experience writing for games. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Written 600+ News Stories.

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