Psychonauts 2: Emotional Baggage Locations in Hollis’ Hot Streak

Get the location of every Emotional Baggage collectible in the wildly vivid mind of Hollis Forsythe in Hollis' Hot Streak in Psychonauts 2!

The Hollis’ Hot Streak location in Psychonauts 2 stores three pieces of Emotional Baggage. The collectibles are tucked away deeper within the mind of the Second Head of the Psychonauts than they were in previous mental worlds, perhaps pointing to the newfound emotional complexity Raz has uncovered within the character.

Moreover, one of the bags requires a Psychic Power upgrade that players will not have been able to unlock yet. This means that just like in Loboto’s Labyrinth, you will not be able to get all the Emotional Baggage collectibles on your first playthrough.

Key Takeaways
  • In Psychonauts 2 there are many different mind worlds that a player will visit.
  • Each of these worlds is a home to different Emotional Baggage that players can acquire. 
  • Hollis Hot Streak is one of these mental worlds.
  • This world contains three pieces of Emotional Baggage that players can find and acquire.
  • The Suitcase: The tag for the Suitcase can be found in the Hospital Turned Casino’s Parking lot.
  • The Suitcase itself can be found in the High Rollers Lounge. 
  • The Purse: The tag for the Purse can be found in the Maternity Ward section.
  • As for the Purse itself that can be found after going in the Records door.
  • The Duffle Bag: The tag for the Duffle Bag can be found in the Maternity Ward Backroom.
  • The Duffle Bag itself can be found in the Maternity Ward.
  • Note that the Dark Thoughts upgrade is going to be needed.

Emotional Baggage Locations in Hollis’ Hot Streak

Here are all the locations of Emotional Baggaes in Hollis’ Hot Steak:

CollectibleTag LocationBag Location
The SuitcaseOn the roof of the hospital-turned-casino, in the far-left corner, between some ventsIn the bar lounge of the Cardiology section, at the right-most table
The PurseOn the top side of the vent in the Maternity Ward, underneath the last thought bubble of a chainIn the Records room, at the end of a passage on the right, sobbing in front of a dumpster
The Duffle BagIn the Maternity Ward Back Room, visible towards the left end of the path of three poker chipsBehind the Roulette wheel in the Maternity Ward, on top of a stack of dice, accessible with the Dark Thoughts upgrade

The Suitcase

The Suitcase tag will be the first collectible you can secure on the level. It can be found in the parking lot of the hospital-turned-casino after Raz is kicked out of the ambulance. You’ll recognize this place from Hollis’ Classroom, back when it was just a humdrum hospital parking lot.

To reach the tag, you need to get to the roof of the building by either grappling onto the thought bubbles or by using the ambulance roof to jump up. Once there, make your way to the far-left corner of the roof. You’ll find the Suitcase tag here, in between some vents.

Psychonauts 2 Hollis Hot Streak Emotional Baggage Collectibles
Suitcase tag

You will come across the Suitcase Emotional Baggage itself a little later on in Hollis’ Hot Streak during Raz’s mission to find three Gazillion Dollar coins and gain entrance into the High Roller’s Lounge. From the Morgue (the place with the rolling grey cube with doors on each face), take a dip into the Cardiology section.

Go through the long plain tunnel until you come into a bar lounge that definitely does not seem to be interested in heart care. Look towards the left where you’ll see some tables. At the right-most table of the lot, you’ll find the Suitcase, looking absolutely dejected.

Psychonauts 2 Hollis Hot Streak Emotional Baggage Collectibles

Looking to get every collectible in the game? Don’t miss out on the Emotional Baggage in PSI King’s Sensorium!

The Purse

As you continue, you’ll eventually go into the Maternity Ward section from the Morgue. Proceed through the entrance passage until it opens up to the Maternity Ward itself. Instead of going ahead, however, you should jump onto the first broken shard platform and then look behind, towards the left.

You should be able to spot a thought bubble. Grapple onto it using Mental Connection, and follow the thought bubble chain. This will eventually take you to the top side of the vent you just entered through. Here, right underneath the last thought bubble, you’ll find the Purse tag.

The Purse tag
Purse tag

To acquire the Purse, go back to the Morgue, and this time go into the Records door. There’s not much to do in this location, except for getting a couple of collectibles. Go forward a bit and you should see another passage originating on your right. Follow that passage till the end, and you’ll stumble upon the Purse sobbing in front of a dumpster.

Psychonauts 2 Hollis Hot Streak Emotional Baggage Collectibles

Also Read: Emotional Baggage Locations in Cassie’s Collection

The Duffle Bag

The last piece of Emotional Baggage collectibles for Hollis’ Hot Streak will be the Duffle Bag.

You can snag the tag on your first playthrough in the Maternity Ward Back Room. This is the platforming area you enter by going through the backside of the large Roulette wheel in the Maternity Ward. Proceed ahead, make your way across the moving platform, and jump onto the broken shards. You should subsequently see three poker chips going in a circle, with the Duffle Bag tag visible towards the left end of their path.

To reach the tag, jump onto a Poker chip. Before the chip passes through the dice, grapple onto the thought bubble in front. Grapple again towards the next bubble, and drop down onto a chip as it passes. You can now simply ride the chip to the tag.

Psychonauts 2 Hollis Hot Streak Emotional Baggage Collectibles
Duffle Bag tag

The Bag itself requires the Dark Thoughts upgrade to find, which can’t be unlocked before Intern Rank 30. Once you do get it, return to Hollis’ Hot Streak using the Collective Unconsciousness. Go to the Maternity Ward again, and go behind the Roulette wheel. You’ll see two dark blue thought bubbles here that you can now grapple onto. Do that, and it will finally lead you to the last Emotional Baggage collectible in the level – the Duffle Bag. You’ll find the bag lying on top of a stack of dice.

The Duffle Bag
The Duffle Bag

Hollis’ Hot Streak Summary

With that, you’ve acquired all the Emotional Baggage collectibles in Hollis’ Hot Streak in Psychonauts 2! How did you enjoy playing through the massively changed mind of Agent Forsythe? And what other secrets were you able to uncover about her character? Let us know all your thoughts down in the comments.

Continue your hunt for Emotional Baggage in the subsequent level of Compton’s Cookoff! Additionally, you may also be interested in checking out our guide on how to find Queepie in Psychonauts 2!


How many Emotional Baggage collectibles are there in Hollis’ Hot Streak in Psychonauts 2?

There are three pieces of Emotional Baggage at this level. They are the Suitcase, the Purse and the Duffle Bag.

Can I collect all of the Emotional Baggage collectibles in my first playthrough of Hollis’ Hot Streak?

No. The Duffle Bag requires the Dark Thoughts upgrade for Mental Connection, which cannot be unlocked before Intern Rank 30. Therefore, a revisit to the level will be necessary.

How can I revisit or replay the level in Psychonauts 2?

To replay the level, visit the Collective Unconsciousness through the Brain Tumbler found in Sasha’s office. Once you’re in, go towards the purple door for Hollis Forsythe’s Mind, and select the Hollis’ Hot Streak level.

What rewards will I get for collecting Emotional Baggage in Psychonauts 2?

Emotional Baggage are collectible items that reward you for exploration and encourage you to visit new areas. They help you level up your Intern Rank faster.

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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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