Cities: Skylines 2 – How To Remove Air Pollution

Learn how to create an environment free of air pollution for your cities in Cities Skylines 2 and develop a healthy environment.

Once you have built a beautiful city in Cities Skylines 2 and the city is thriving and rich in revenue and resources, you might face issues like pollution. One of the pollution inhabitants face in Cities Skylines 2 is air pollution.  Air pollution is now a natural factor and can be easily dealt with if dealt with in accordance. So, let’s jump straight into it and make your city clean.

Key Takeaways
  • Air pollution can make your residents unhappy and destroy your economy in Cities Skylines 2.
  • The best way is to make industrial zones according to the direction of the wind.
  • The direction of the wind must be away from the residential zone.
  • Other methods include planting trees, using sustainable energy sources, and making industry zones far away from residential zones.
  • Citizens can inform air pollution warnings on Chirper in Cities Skylines 2.

Air Pollution In Cities Skylines 2 & How To Control 

Clean City(image by eXputer)

Air pollution in Cities Skylines 2 can make the citizens unhappy, leading to cheap land rates and no tourism, resulting in less revenue.

Overall, it can destroy your economy and the peace of your city. Here are a few steps to control air pollution to give your city a healthy look.

Industrial Zones

Wind direction(image by eXputer)

The best way to reduce air pollution in Cities Skylines 2 is to plan industrial and residential zones in your cities. Controlling air pollution is a time-consuming process, so you need to be patient, and while creating industrial zones, wind speed and directions should be kept in mind. It would be best to place your industries in a way so that the wind blows away from the city. 

This can be done by checking the zones in Cities Skylines 2 and selecting industrial zones; check the wind direction here by looking at the brown arrows. Then, place the industries so the wind blows away from the residential area.

Sustainable Resources

Trees and Wind Turbines(image by eXputer)

Although the main step was planning your industrial zones, you can always take small steps to reduce air pollution:

Early in the Cities Skylines 2, you must depend on coal plants to produce electricity. But as we progress, you need to replace these plants with more sustainable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines. This will greatly help reduce air pollution in Cities Skylines 2.

Plant Trees

Trees can be a great agent to absorb the pollution, cleaning the air. So, I recommend placing as many trees as possible between industrial and residential areas. This will also increase the greenery factor in your city, giving it a beautiful look. This will not entirely remove air pollution, but it will make an impact.

Industrial Zones

The least recommended method to reduce air pollution in Cities Skylines 2 is to build industrial zones far away from your residential area. This can waste a lot of your time and energy.

How Will You Know That Your City Is Air Polluted

Citizens can be informed about air pollution through Chirper, the social media platform of City in Cities Skylines 2. The platform identifies the issues of your virtual citizens, and if you receive a complaint of smog from any of your citizens, it’s high time for you to take action.

This is all you need to know this to keep your city clean and make an air pollution-free environment. For more amazing content in Cities Skylines 2,  read our expert Asad Ahmad on Cities Skylines 2 Review.


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Rabiya is a versatile writer at eXputer who can cover everything from guides to tier lists and the hottest news in the gaming industry. Rabiya earned her Bachelor's in English Literature, further enhancing her writing skills. With hundreds of hours on Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, Rabiya has proudly played video games for eight years. Follow Rabiya's gaming activities on her Steam and Xbox Profiles!

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