Just Cause Is Finally Getting A Movie Adaptation By Universal Pictures

It has been about 2 decades since Just Cause made its debut in the gaming world in 2006.

Story Highlights

  • Just Cause is getting a live-action movie adaptation.
  • The live-action adaptation will be helmed by Universal Pictures and the director of Blue Beetle.
  • The new studio aims to handle the production with urgency following the success of other adaptations.

It has recently been confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter that a Just Cause movie is in production and is helmed by Blue Beetle’s director, Ángel Manuel Soto. The IP has also received a new studio and will be adapted by Universal Pictures instead of Constantin Film, which had been overseeing a Just Cause adaptation for the last few years before losing the rights.

Other than Blue Beetle’s director, the Just Cause movie adaptation will feature Kelly McCormick and David Leitch as producers under the banner of 87North.

Note that 87North had previously also produced The Fall Guy. Universal Pictures is expected to helm the film with utmost urgency following the recent success of other live-action adaptations of video games, such as HBO’s The Last of Us and Amazon Prime’s Fallout TV series. 

Will A Just Cause Movie Adaptation Live Up To The Hype?

Just Cause 4 came out in 2018. | Image Source: YouTube
Just Cause 4 came out in 2018. | Image Source: YouTube

After the success of the recent live-action adaptation of video games, it’s safe to assume Just Cause might also be able to live up to the mark, especially since such talented names are working on it. To be sure, we’ll have to wait and see how it goes, but considering how Universal Pictures aims to handle the adaptation with urgency, we might not have to wait too long to see it bear fruit.

Developed by Square Enix and Avalanche Studios, Just Cause made its debut in 2006, featuring Rico Rodriguez as the main character. The latest edition to the franchise, Just Cause 4, was launched in 2018 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

There have been several speculations and fake rumors floating around regarding Just Cause 5. Still, nothing about the title has been officially announced yet, so it’s safe to assume it isn’t even in the development stage yet.

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The Hollywood Reporter

Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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