The Downfall Of Call Of Duty Zombies

Ditch the fetch quests and bring back the wonder.

Story Highlights

  • CoD Zombies devolved from puzzles and wonder weapons to chasing trends.
  • Zombies’ narrative went from cryptic radio messages to boring cutscenes.
  • Complex easter eggs and fetch quests choked Zombies’ casual fun.

WaW Zombies
Simpler times. Wonder weapons in hand, perks activated, ready to slay the hordes | Source: Call of Duty

The Decline Of Zombies Narrative

The zombie storyline change in the Call of Duty franchise took a major blow. Gone are the days of figuring out the story from radio messages and ciphers hidden throughout the maps. Back in Call of Duty World at War and Black Ops 1’s Zombies, the story unfolded at a good pace, demanding active participation from the players.

We had to piece together fragments of the Aether story through clues and hidden easter eggs. This method of storytelling was very immersive and kept players engaged.

Black Ops 4 and the follow-up games with Zombies threw that subtlety out the window. Instead of cryptic lore, Treyarch gave us Zombies with exaggerated plots that spanned multiple games. Lengthy cutscenes replaced the environmental storytelling with the voice acting being way too overdramatic

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The Dilution Of The Zombies Experience

Innovation is necessary. However, with the Cold War, Vanguard, and even Modern Warfare 3, it seems like Treyarch did not even bother to try. Maps expanded in size, filled with ridiculous fetch quests and overrated Easter Eggs. They even straight-up copied maps from Call of Duty’s multiplayer mode and Warzone. Even the wonder weapons are behind elaborate scavenger hunts that often require online guides.

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The basic gameplay mechanic of Zombies, wave-based survival with a bit of mystery, was burdened by unnecessary complexity. Casual players were left out. Lengthy gameplay replaced the pick-up-and-play that made Zombies so popular.

The Sad State Of Call Of Duty Zombies

The consequences of these changes can be seen pretty clearly in the current state of Call of Duty Zombies. The new maps are disappointing, lacking the atmosphere and detailed design of the previous titles. Wonder weapons feel nerfed. The narrative remains a mess.

Unpopular opinion: COD zombie has been on the downfall since 2017
byu/JohnsonBrody inCODZombies

Zombies was once a hub for having fun with friends. Now, it resembles a dead game mode populated by a few diehard fans clinging to whatever is left of the story. The huge community, where we shared experiences and completed cooperative challenges, has almost vanished.

A Hopeful Outlook For Zombies’ Future

Will Treyarch revive the Zombies mode to its former glory? I hope so. But it requires a return to its previous gameplay mechanics that made it great – the core loop of wave-based survival with a focus on teamwork and having fun. Also bring back the cryptic messages, the hidden ciphers, and the environmental storytelling that made us curious about the lore.

YouTube video

Let us uncover the narrative ourselves, creating a sense of discovery and community discussion. Map design should encourage exploration and experimentation. A return to these mechanics wouldn’t be a step backward, it would be a return to what made Zombies special in the first place.

Rebuilding The Lost Connection

Rebuilding the Call of Duty Zombies community is necessary for its future success. The developers should actively engage with players on social media platforms, address concerns regarding the new gameplay, and take feedback seriously as essential steps in making Zombies great again.

Moreover, the dedicated Zombies community is a valuable resource for Treyarch. Hosting community contests, beta testing new maps and features, and involving them in the process would generate valuable feedback for developers within the community.

Call of Duty BO3 Zombies Origins
From Kino to Shadows, we have seen it all. | Source: Call of Duty Wiki

The decline of Call of Duty Zombies was due to chasing trends and ignoring the core elements that made this game mode special. However, there’s still hope for a revival. By returning to its roots, focusing on simple, accessible gameplay, a chilling atmosphere, and an organic narrative, Treyarch can breathe new life into a beloved mode. Rebuilding the lost connection with the community and creating a collaborative environment are also crucial steps in the right direction.

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Fahad Shabbir is a 3rd-year computer science student with a lifelong passion for gaming. As an opinion writer at eXputer with a deep love for challenging experiences, Fahad brings a unique perspective to the table. His background in various genres and active participation in gaming forums fuel his insightful analysis of the industry's hottest topics. Expect him to dissect the latest releases, unpack hidden depths, and provide a detailed look at the ever-evolving landscape of PC gaming. Get familiar with Fahad's gaming library by checking out his Steam profile.

Covers Opinion Pieces at eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Computer Science.

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