Games On Steam’s Current Publisher Sale That You Shouldn’t Overlook

Crazy prices on fantastic games await you, as they do for me.

Story Highlights

  • Steam, being one of the most big-hearted video game storefronts, is enjoying a new sale at present.
  • A Publisher Sale that involves different companies have chimed in to put their games on discounts.
  • Titles such as Stray, Journey, and Outer Wilds are some great picks that you shouldn’t sleep on. 

Steam has this hobby of slapping on enticing discounts month in and month out, and I’m glad things are that way with the industry mega-giant. As far as the latest course of development is concerned, a Publisher Sale on the storefront is making waves, cutting down prices of some really well-made games that you definitely shouldn’t sleep on.  

Companies such as Bohemia Interactive, Annapurna Interactive, Firestoke, and others have chimed in on the special occasion to bring forth their best products to date. This article will go over some of the discounted games that deserve the average player’s attention. 

Steam Is Being Generous With These Great Games At Present

Before we get on with the list, please note that the forthcoming entries are all a personal suggestion, and aren’t definitive by any standard. Should you spot more suitable games in the currently active Publisher Sale, let me and others know in the comments section ahead.

1. Stray

Everyone Should Play Stray
Everyone Should Play Stray at Least Once 

Stray is the reason we need more animal protagonists in games, considering the level of quality on display. It’s a fantastic adventure game played from the perspective of a furry feline, with a much deeper lore and story than what meets the eye initially. And surprisingly, Stray gets a lot right about cats as well, so I’ll wager you’ll have a great time going through this one if you happen to be a cat owner. 

eXputer reviewed Stray and rated it 4/5, praising its adorable protagonist, terrific dystopian world, and superb lighting effects amplifying the entire gameplay. Get it for less than $10 thanks to the Publisher Sale right now—don’t miss it. 

2. Journey 

Journey is a Magnificent Gaming Experience
Journey is a Magnificent Gaming Experience

Journey is for those who wish to find true relaxation in video games by just sitting back and unwinding as this beautiful masterpiece travels along its course. Starting out as a PlayStation 3 exclusive originally, the game stands tall even today as one of the most beautiful gaming experiences, uplifted by its fantastic soundtrack, simple yet captivating gameplay, and, of course, remarkable visuals.

It’s also a game you can play and finish all in under 5 hours, so there’s that.

3. What Remains Of Edith Finch 

What Remains of Edith Finch
What Remains of Edith Finch is a Thriller Like No Other 

Annapurna Interactive’s reputation didn’t solidify for no good reason. It’s through games like What Remains of Edith Finch that the US-based publisher rose to fame, with the title at hand offering a one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t be getting tired of anytime soon. I’ll keep the details vague — primarily because I want you to jump into it blind — but don’t think of skipping this one, especially for the price it’s coming at right now.

4. Outer Wilds 

Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds Is Extremely Versatile 

Similar to What Remains of Edith Finch in terms of the lasting impression left on the player, Outer Wilds is a video game treasure that doesn’t get recommended enough. Played from a first-person perspective, the title blends multiple genres of modern-day gaming together, including action, exploration, puzzles, and mystery, and ends up achieving what it sets out to do remarkably well. 

YouTube video

I genuinely can’t explain what type of a game Outer Wilds is. The proof is in the pudding, and for $7.19 on Steam right now, this is a pudding you want all over your face

5. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim 

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Anniversary Edition
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Is a Timeless RPG 

Likely one of the greatest games that are going down in history as such, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the best $5 right now that you should never spend, in case you’d want to have a life outside of this game as well. It’s an experience so immersive — made better through mods by a multiplier of 1000 — that despite coming out about 8 years ago, Skyrim still manages to hold its ground as a completely relevant RPG in 2024. 

In all honesty, it’s still a better effort than Starfield, Bethesda’s latest RPG that has went crashing down in terms of player interest after hype that fell through the roof prior to release. 

6. DayZ

DayZ Has Potential
DayZ’s Post-Apocalyptic Setting Has You on the Edge of Your Seat 

Although Bohemia Interactive — the developer — is working on more interesting projects set in the DayZ universe that you should look forward to, one of the company’s most noteworthy works to date is currently 40% off on Valve’s platform. This puts DayZ below the $30 price bracket, offering a fantastic adrenaline rush thanks to zombie hordes in a godforsaken, post-apocalyptic world.

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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