Bloober Team Has To Give Its Due Competition To Capcom Now With More Silent Hill Remakes

The Polish developer blew it out of the park with Silent Hill 2 bar none.

Story Highlights

  • The newly released Silent Hill 2 remake is far from what any of us really expected in terms of sheer quality. 
  • Now that we realize Bloober is quite capable, the developer should work on more Silent Hill remakes next. 
  • Capcom’s pre-established dominance could be influenced by Bloober if it continues to remake titles.

Let me tell you this: No one really saw this genuinely coming. The level of quality on display here far surpasses all expectations previously set by Bloober Team and its respective reveals of the Silent Hill 2 remake. I got the game a couple of days ago, and it’s the only thing I look forward to playing at the end of my work day when I get back home. 

I’m sure it’s the same case with many, many of you out there. 

We’re dealing with a sleeper Game of the Year here that showcases great effort and talent by Bloober, and there’s no other way around it. But the problem is: Will Bloober scale its developmental efforts and look into another remake down the road, provided that Konami’s publishing hand rests on its shoulder? I sure as heck hope so. 

If things go that way, Capcom would feel more than just slight turbulence in its established eminence in the remake department. And this coming from a relatively smaller developer who’s ever worked on projects like The Medium and Layers of Fear in the past would be quite something. 

Capcom’s Dominance In The Video Game Remake Sphere 

Resident Evil 4’s Original Eerie Essence Captured In The Remake
The Resident Evil 4 Remake Does the Original Icon Immense Justice | Image Source: eXputer 

With all things taken into account, I consider Capcom no less than the undisputed king of remakes, and rightfully so. Take a look at the original counterparts of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 4, and then observe closely just how much the Japanese industry giant leveled up its game (pardon the pun) for the respective reimaginings of said titles. 

The difference is worlds apart. 

Although it is understood that Capcom needs to focus on forgotten franchises more, and it pains me to witness how continually ignored Dino Crisis is in that department, the work the developer has done so far is nothing but incredible, even if fans — myself included — may not always get what they want from Capcom. 

And the best part? Capcom is gauging interest in more remakes, which means that there’s a lot more to look forward to on this front. Bloober has got some way to go before it can catch up to Capcom’s legacy, and then go on to set its own, but it’s apparent that there’s huge potential on the table here, which the Polish developer needs to capitalize on. 

Silent Hill 2 And Bloober’s Sheer Effort 

Silent Hill 2 Remake
James Sunderland Is Back in Action After Several Long Years | Image Source: Konami

Bloober Team has been in the business for 15 years, with its most noteworthy works belonging to the horror genre. Despite creating titles like Layers of Fear, The Medium, and Observer, Bloober had never spearheaded a project on the same level as Silent Hill 2 before, so it was easy to assume that the dev would botch it up prior to the remake’s launch

In fact, this was pretty much consolidated back when Konami pushed out Silent Hill 2’s combat trailer, causing a lot of concerns and mixing confusion in the community of the franchise. Bloober’s CEO, however, asked for players’ trust shortly afterward, presumably knowing that what the studio is cooking behind the curtains is going to turn out fantastic when the time comes—and it did! 

The fact of the matter is: Silent Hill 2 — talking about the original from 2001 here — is actively considered one of the best specimens of the survival horror genre, so the pressure on Bloober to do the latter justice must have been tremendous. Devs inside their offices must be sweating hard, but turns out, all that patience mixed with passion more than just paid off. 

The following behind-the-scenes video goes into Silent Hill 2’s sound design development. This is effort speaking. 

YouTube video

When’s The Next Silent Hill Remake Coming? 

This is one question that’s on the mind of everyone going through the remake right now. We all know how ephemeral this joy is. I can almost feel that fleeting pleasure as soon as I beat the title, even though I haven’t done that yet, so before we venture out of Silent Hill, Maine, when can we expect to dive back in? 

Well, from a remake perspective, another iteration in the same vein is probably quite far off, considering that Konami must now be focusing on the rest of the Silent Hill projects it announced back in October in 2022. These include: 

  • Return to Silent Hill 
  • Silent Hill F
  • Silent Hill: Townfall 
  • SIlent Hill: Ascension 

Townfall, a spin-off game, has been given into the hands of Stories Untold indie developer No Code, and Konami will be co-producing it as well. Ascension is going to be an interactive streaming series, similar to Black Mirror on Netflix, wheraes Return to Silent Hill is planned to be a full-fledged movie adaptation. Finally, Silent Hill F is yet another spinoff game, one whose only had a teaser about it released so far.

YouTube video

The future for Silent Hill looks bright, especially with the way Silent Hill 2 kicked off, but I’m hard-pressed to play anything else these days just because of how good the remake has actually turned out. Here’s hoping that pertinent news arrives sooner rather than later. 

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Ahmed Shayan is a News Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s a machine learning enthusiast with a passion for a plethora of gaming genres. Ahmed is fond of Soulsborne games in which he has invested more than 3,000 hours! You can follow Ahmed's gaming activity on his PSN Profile.

Experience: 1.5+ Years || Mainly Covers News Stories on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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