Please Don’t Screw Up The Max Payne Remakes, Remedy

The remakes have entered full production at Remedy Entertainment.

                                                                           Story Highlights

  • The Max Payne remakes are in good hands since Remedy was responsible for creating the original games.
  • Remedy can use its experience from Control and AW2 to push the boundaries for these remakes.
  • The studio needs to preserve the essence of the originals while adding improvements in the remakes.

Max Payne 1 and 2 have had a huge impact on the gaming industry, so much so that Remedy Entertainment is remembered today for creating these marvels. These games were truly ahead of their time in terms of gameplay and storytelling. However, the visuals do not stand the test of time which is why remaking these titles was a necessity as the modern audience will finally be able to access them on the latest platforms.

After the success of Alan Wake 2, there’s no better time than now to create the perfect remakes for these widely popular games. I really hope that Remedy improves upon the original product and does justice in the remakes.

Max Payne remakes entered full production, Control 2 in "production readiness" phase
byu/Electricman37cz inGames

James McCaffrey Is Max Payne

James Thanking The Fans On The 20th Anniversary Of Max Payne
James Thanking The Fans On The 20th Anniversary Of Max Payne | Image Credit: Remedy Entertainment

Max isn’t Max without the voice of James McCaffrey behind the character and I’m not even exaggerating. Half of the reason why the series has become so iconic over the years is due to the amazing performances given by James McCaffrey in all of these games. There isn’t a world where fans can imagine playing a Max Payne title and not hearing the voice of James behind the protagonist.

byu/anonymous_guy111 from discussion

Unfortunately, time doesn’t stop for anyone and it didn’t for James either as he sadly passed away last year. Even though James is no longer with us, his memory lives on with us through the character of Max Payne and fans don’t want anything to change that. I really hope that Remedy had pre-recorded dialogue for the remakes and even if that’s not the case, fans would rather prefer reusing voice lines from the original games.

Learning From The Success Of Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 Uses Multiple Forms Of Entertainment For Storytelling
Alan Wake 2 Uses Multiple Forms Of Entertainment For Storytelling | Image Credit: eXputer

Alan Wake 2 has redefined story-telling as Remedy succeeded in incorporating multiple forms of entertainment to express the narrative of its game. The studio needs to implement what it learned from Alan Wake 2 into the Max Payne remakes. Imagine learning the story not only through cutscenes and comics but also through in-game music and straight-up movies playing within the levels.

by from discussion

That is the level of storytelling that Remedy is currently capable of. Aside from the narrative aspects, I also hope that atmospheric design and massive set-piece battles featuring Old Gods of Asgard from Alan Wake 2 make their way into the remakes.

Taking The Gameplay A Step Ahead

Max Payne 3 Features Some Of The Best Gunplay
Max Payne 3 Features Some Of The Best Gunplay | Image Credit: eXputer

Remedy can use its experience from both Control and Alan Wake 2 to vastly improve the gunplay in the remakes. The reloading animations, gun recoil, and overall weapon design from the above-mentioned games can be easily used in the Max Payne titles. Additionally, there’s another huge game that can be used as inspiration and that’s none other than Max Payne 3 itself.

I think Max Payne 3 is the best third person shooter I’ve ever played
byu/thenovas18 inXboxSeriesX

I’m not particularly a fan of Rocsktar’s writing but what the studio managed to pull off with the gameplay system of Max Payne 3 is nothing short of stunning. I’ll go as far as to say that Max Payne 3 is one of the best if not the best third-person shooters even today.

Keeping The Essence Of The Original

Comic Book Storytelling Must Make A Return
Comic Book Storytelling Must Make A Return | Image Credit: eXputer

Most remakes end up losing what made the original a great game in the first place, and that results in a product that feels nothing short of soulless. Sure, the visuals will be pretty but that’s all that a bad remake ends up delivering. I am really hopeful for the Max Payne remakes because Remedy itself was responsible for the original product which assures me that the studio will not mess up its own creations.

byu/undead_dave99 from discussion

The developers need to succeed in perfectly capturing the original atmosphere and sound design whilst improving the overall visuals. The story itself needs to be as close as it can get to the original games without getting drastically changed just to please the modern audience. These little things will go a long way in preserving the legacy of the legendary Max Payne franchise.

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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