Apex Legends: In-Depth Guide on Lifeline

From War Profiteers to Frontier Corps, Lifeline has been around for as long as you can imagine. She is a combat medic, with dozens of unique abilities circled around her support role. Lifeline used to the main for a lot of players. However, with better support legends like Gibraltor and Wattson, she hasn’t been that popular until now. Apex Legends Season 6 has brought a bit of change to her character, transforming her from average to the best.

In this article, we aren’t going to compare Lifeline’s ability with other legends. Instead, we will look at her abilities, season 6 changes, and how to use her efficiently. Other than that, we’ll also discuss various scenarios In which you will have to be cautious with a lifeline.

Key Highlights
  • Lifeline is a starting Legend, renowned for her support capabilities.
  • Tactical Ability: Deploys a healing drone that attaches to nearby teammates, healing 7.5 health per second for 20 seconds.
  • Passive Ability: Revives fallen teammates with a deployable drone and shield.
  • Ultimate Ability: Calls in a Care Package containing medical equipment for self-healing.

Lifeline’s Tactical

Apex Legends Lifeline
Apex Legends Lifeline

Her tactical remains the same. You can call the D.O.C Heal Drone to heal all the players nearby. The D.O.C heals 7.5 health per second and lasts 20 seconds. The hovering drone won’t follow you around, so you will have to stick close to it. Further, it can be pushed, so you can move it while getting healed in some scenarios. It’s not easy, but it certainly proves the drone is versatile. Lastly, her drone won’t heal Revenant’s Death Totem, so do not waste time on that. Lifeline’s tactical can be used in three common scenarios.

  • Heal teammates
  • Save resources and heal yourself
  • Call for the drone in the middle of a fight and get instantly healed

Lifeline’s Passive

Apex Legends Lifeline
Lifeline in action

In Season 6, her passive has gotten a buff. Now she can revive teammates without being even close to them. Players call for the D.O.C drone, and afterward, Lifeline deploys a shield. The drone revives the teammate, while the protection saves the teammate from any incoming attacks. During all this automated process of getting revived, Lifeline herself can do anything she wants. Most of the time, you will be busy defending your teammates. In season 6, there is no cooldown on her passive.

There are a few things you should note about her passive. Firstly, if the D.O.C is shot, the revive is automatically cancelled. And secondly, she can only revive one teammate at a time. Here are two cases, where you might be needing her passive.

  • Reviving knocked teammate
  • Blocking enemy fires through the shield

Lifeline’s Ultimate

Another strong ability of Lifeline to further enhance her support character is the Care Package. Lifeline can call for a three-slot care package. The care package has numerous items, ranging from medic to weapons and attachments. The cooldown for her ultimate is 360 seconds, which I think is fair given that it requires no effort.

The care package is primarily used in three common scenarios

  • You haven’t got the best loot, so why not call care package for extra goodies
  • Getting your newly revived teammate some items
  • Lastly, it can be used to distract enemies and retreat from fights.

How To Efficiently Use Lifeline

Apex Legends Lifeline
Package Drop

Now that you know what Lifeline traits are. It’s worth looking forward to how you can use her. Every player has set a different bar on how they use Lifeline. From my personal experience of playing Apex Legends both casually and competitively. These are some of the ways you can use her.


Without a doubt, the best way to use Lifeline would be as supportive. All you can do is stick back, allow your teammates to engage in fights naturally. Whenever they need heals or revive, you can jump in, support them, and stay relaxed. Just make sure, you are always there when needed. Secondly, try to communicate thoroughly and do not go as far as leading the team in fights. If you are support, you shall play properly as support.


Lifeline can also be used for aggressive playstyle. One of her traits that makes a positive impact is her low profile. In case you don’t know what low profile is, well, we used this term to describe a character that’s not easy to hit and has a low hitbox. Lifeline’s profile is similar to Wraith’s.

The best way is to push enemies consistently, take cover, and heal yourself through the DC Drone. The DC Drone is impeccably fast, so you can always heal up in few seconds. Other than this, you can also use her shield and block enemy fires while playing aggressively. Just focus on not getting trapped, since she has no counter ability to escape from traps.

Apex Legends Lifeline Tips

Like all the good things, Lifeline also has few problems, which aren’t easy to tackle. Firstly, whenever you are using her passive.

  • Proper Use of Passive:
    • Focus on placing the shield and drone in the right direction, typically away from enemy sightlines.
    • Avoid reviving teammates in front of enemies, as it exposes them to immediate danger upon revival.
  • Care Package Placement:
    • Request care packages in safe, high-ground areas, away from enemy attention to avoid getting ambushed.
  • Strategic Shield Usage:
    • Avoid unnecessary use of the shield, as it can give away your position to enemies from a distance.
    • Reserve shield usage for situations where manual revive isn’t feasible or exposes your position.
  • Resource Management:
    • Communicate with teammates to maximize Lifeline’s healing abilities and avoid wasting heal resources.
    • Prioritize reviving teammates using Lifeline’s passive for efficient healing and survival.
  • Supportive Playstyle:
    • Stay behind and support teammates rather than pushing aggressively, leveraging Lifeline’s support abilities.
    • In aggressive scenarios, use tactics mentioned earlier to maintain a supportive role while engaging.
  • Avoid Getting Stuck:
    • Lifeline lacks escape abilities, so avoid getting stuck in unfavorable situations.
    • In emergencies, use shield as cover and retreat, but recognize limitations compared to other legends.

My Experience With Lifeline

As someone who likes to play aggressively and try to rack up as many kills as possible, I barely play support characters. But when I do, of course, my first pick is Lifeline due to her easy-to-use abilities. Lifeline’s abilities not being complicated can keep a player’s mind at ease.

naqib apex hours
My concurrent progress on Apex Legends

While playing Lifeline, I don’t have to focus on gathering healing items, as I have the healing drone and can fill my backpack with other required items. During fights with enemies, the healing drone can prove to be a lot more useful than you think. Deploy the healing drone during fights, and it will keep healing you, which makes it hard for other players to kill you.

After explaining all the abilities in detail, my guide on Apex Legends Lifeline comes to an end. This guide contains my unbiased opinions regarding Lifeline and how she can prove to be one of the best Support characters in Apex. Apart from that, Lifeline’s Ultimate Ability calls in a Care Package that contains first-rate healing items along with shields and high-level backpacks.

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Sameer Noman is a Guides Writer on eXputer who’s fascinated by the eSports scene in the gaming industry. You’ll find Sameer grinding away at Valorant or any other FPS game when he’s got the time. He’s got several years of writing experience under his belt, you can find out more about Sameer's gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: BBA || Published 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Guides

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