Abilities make a comeback in this newest entry as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills, and they are just as flashy and over the top as ever. These aren’t found in the Skill trees as you might first expect, and players instead have to venture out into the world and look for unique tomes called Books of Knowledge to unlock and then use them. Their Upgrade Locations also have to be hunted down separately.
- Skills in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are unique as you have to find Books Of Knowledge to be able to unlock skills.
- These skills can be found around the world map at specific locations where sometimes you have to fight enemies.
- Some of the best skills that you can find in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are:
- Thorn Of Slumber.
- Mark Of Death.
- Throwing Axe Fury.
- Rage Of Helheim.
- Focus Of The Nornir.
Skills/Abilities Locations
Skill Name | Location/How To Get | Upgrade Location |
Thorn of Slumber | Bandit settlement called Gryttirsand | Dover Fortress |
Mark of Death | Town of Alrekstad | Meldeburne Monastery |
Throwing Axe Fury | In Nottfall | Fortress named Caustow Castle |
Rage of Helheim | A settlement named Kjotve’s Fortress | In Jorvik |
Focus of the Nornir | In Offchurch | In Bolingbroc Castle |
Piercing Shot | A settlement named Templebrough Fort | City of Lincoln |
Raven Distraction | A town called Tonnastadir | Belesduna Bandit Camp |
Man’s Best Friend | Complete the side quest A Little Problem | Crepelgate Fort |
Kick of Tyr | Threaded Pass Enemy Camp | Ulkerchorpe Fort |
Poisonous Powder Trap | Odin Mine Hideout | Petuaria Ruins in Eurviscire |
Incendiary Powder Trap | Walden Village | Island of Briggworth |
Harpoon Impalement | Venonis | Colcestre |
Feign Death | Leah Villa Garrison | Aelfwood |
Vengeance of Thor | Thieves’ Warren | Oxenforda |
Rush And Bash | Town of Ravensburg | Island fortress of Dunwic |
Dive of the Valkyries | Isle of Ely Monastery | Lolingestone Bandit Camp |
Blinding Rush | Ruined Tower | Chertsey Abbey Ruins |
Axe Blizzard | South Eastern border of East Anglia | Wincestre Garrison |
Poison Strike | From Haytham for 4 Order Medallions | N/A |
Fire Strike | From Haytham for 6 Order Medallions | N/A |
Ranged Poison Strike | From Haytham for 9 Order Medallions | N/A |
Ranged Fire Strike | From Haytham for 11 Order Medallions | N/A |
Subsequently, If you have started playing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and want to get all Skills, this guide is precisely there to help you locate all Books of Knowledge in the game.
Thorn Of Slumber
Thorn of Slumber allows players to fire an arrow marked with the Svefnthorn rune that instantly knocks enemies.
It can also be upgraded so that when the arrow comes into contact with any surface, it releases a cloud of gas that instantly puts any nearby enemies to sleep.

Thorn of Slumber is found in a bandit settlement called Gryttirsand, on an island in the south-west of the Rygjafylke region.
Look for a tall wooden tower in the middle of this settlement and climb the exterior staircase to reach the second floor. Break the loose wooden panels on the floor, and then climb down to the ground level to collect the Book of Knowledge.
Upgrade Location

Thorn of Slumber’s upgrade can be found in the south-eastern part of Cent’s region, known as Dover Fortress.
It is located in a room at the front of the large ruined tower in the fortress’s eastern part. To access it, first, climb up to the very top of the tower to find a key, and then return to the room to unlock it. Inside, you should find the Book of Knowledge.
Mark Of Death
Mark of Death allows you to mark multiple enemies and then unleash a volley of arrows at them all together. This ability from my list is best suited for ranged builds.
Upgrading this Skill allows you to mark a more significant number of enemies at a time.

Mark of Death can be located in the town of Alrekstad in the Hordafylke region, just to the left of the road that leads into the settlement.
Look for the house with a pen full of pigs, and then use your raven Synin to locate a key amongst the group of animals. Now, look across from the pen, and you should easily spot a net full of rocks hanging over a breakable wooden floor. Use your bow to shoot it down, and a passage should open up.
Climb down, and use the key on the locked door. The Book of Knowledge should now be right in front of you.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Mark of Death can be found in the Meldeburne Monastery, located near the center of the Grantebridgescire region.
Once in the area, use Synin’s raven sight to find an enemy Pikeman carrying a key. Kill him, and then use the key to unlock the door of only the nearby tower to find the book.
Throwing Axe Fury
As the name implies, Throwing Axe Fury lets players throw axes at all enemies in range. The upgrade for this Skill allows it also to stagger the foes hit by the attack.

Players can find Throwing Axe Fury in Nottfall, on a large island in the south-west region of Rygjafylke. Here, in the south-western corner of the town, you will find a passageway built into the cliff-side.
Enter the passage, and you should come across a locked door. Look to the top right to find a gap that you can climb through, and inside, you should find the Book of Knowledge.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Throwing Axe Fury can be found in the western part of Sciropescire, in a fortress named Caustow Castle.
Enter the main chamber of the castle, and then head into the small room to your left. Now pass through the second door on your right and turn right once more to come across a breakable wall. Find a firebomb nearby, and use it to blow open the way to the Book of Knowledge.
Rage Of Helheim
Upon using Rage of Helheim, players enter a rage and tackle an enemy to the ground. This is then followed up with a barrage of punches. The upgrade allows you to land more attacks with faster taps.

Range of Helheim can be found in the eastern-most part of the region of Rygjafylke, in a settlement named Kjotve’s Fortress. It’s in a secret cave, hidden behind a breakable ice wall.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Rage of Helheim can be found in Jorvik, directly in the Eurvicscire region center. Look in the archive building to the east.
Focus Of The Nornir
The Focus of the Nornir lets you slow down time and shoot enemies with your bow. With the upgrade, each enemy killed while using this Skill increases the damage you deal to the next one.

Focus of the Nornir can be found in a location called Offchurch, in the south-west part of the region of Ledecestrescire. It’s in an underground tomb.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Focus of the Nornir can be found in Bolingbroc Castle, located near the center of Lincolnscire. Look for the fort to the north.
Piercing Shot
Piercing Shot lets players fire a powerful arrow that can pass through multiple enemies. The upgrade for Piercing Shot multiplies the damage of the arrow for each enemy it passes through.

In the north-west of the region of Ledecestrescire, there is a settlement known as Templebrough Fort. Piercing Shot can be found here, in a building marked by red flags.
Upgrade Location

Look for the upgrade in the city of Lincoln, near the center of the region of Lincolnscire. It’s in the mansion with the statues, towards the east of the town.
Raven Distraction
Raven Distraction lets you use your raven, Synin, to distract enemies. Once upgraded, Synin attacks a target to begin the distraction, and it can also stun enemies during combat.

Near the western-most part of the region of Ledecestrescire is a town called Tonnastadir. The Book of Knowledge is here, in a hidden underground entrance towards the south of town. You’ll need a key to access it, though, so look for enemies in a nearby longhouse.
Upgrade Location

The Raven Distraction upgrade can be found in the heavily guarded Belesduna Bandit Camp towards the south-east of the Essexe region. It’s inside the overgrown and abandoned church.
Man’s Best Friend
Man’s Best Friend summons a wolf that attacks your target. Upgrading this ability allows the wolf to stay and fight by your side.

To get Man’s Best Friend, you need to complete the side quest ‘A Little Problem.’ This can only be found in your settlement, Ravensthorpe after you upgrade it and build the Seer House. To start the quest, seek out the crying child near your longhouse.
Upgrade Location

In the south-east of the region of Oxenefordscire, there is a restricted area called Crepelgate Fort. The upgrade for Man’s Best Friend can be found in a tower here, but its entrance is blocked. Look for a hidden crawlspace underneath the structure to access it.
Kick Of Tyr
A powerful kick that sends enemies flying. If you manage to knock them into other enemies or objects, they take additional damage. This ability from my Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills list is basically like the Spartan Kick in the previous game.
Upgrading it ensures that enemies stay knocked for a more extended time.

Kick of Tyr can be found in the Threaded Pass enemy camp in the east of the Eurvicscire region. The book is found in a locked hut in the south of the camp, and you can get the key to it by climbing the guard tower in the middle of the area.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Kick of Tyr can be found in the Ulkerchorpe fort, in the south-east of Snotinghamscire. Look for the black banner on the western side of the fort.
Poisonous Powder Trap
Poisonous Powder Trap turns your next arrow into a poisonous trap that can either be shot directly at enemies or anywhere on the ground to create a mine. When upgraded, this trap can be triggered twice during a single use.

Poisonous Powder Trap can be found in the north-west of the Snotinghamscire region, in the Odin Mine Hideout. Look for it in the cave behind the waterfall.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade for Poisonous Powder Trap can be found north of the Humbre river, at the Petuaria Ruins in Eurviscire. Search for a breakable wooden barrier that leads underground.
Incendiary Powder Trap
Incendiary Powder Trap turns your next arrow into a trap that spreads explosive powder wherever it strikes. Any movement nearby causes a small explosion. When upgraded, can be detonated twice during a single-use.

The Book of Knowledge for Incendiary Powder Trap can be found in Walden village, south-east of the Grantebridgescire region. Look inside the church to find it.
Upgrade Location

The upgrade can be found on the island of Briggworth, in the north of Suthsexe. Look for it at the top of the ruined stone tower in the northernmost part of the island.
Harpoon Impalement
You can impale foes with a harpoon and throw them in any direction. Bonus damage is dealt if the enemies crash into objects or other enemies. By upgrading Harpoon Impalement, you can pull enemies towards you and then execute them with style.

To the west of your settlement Ravensthorpe, in Ledecestrescire, there are ruins named Venonis. Harpoon Impalement is found here, underground.
Upgrade Location

To get the upgrade for Harpoon Impalement, go to Colcestre near the center of the region of Essexe. The book can be found in a church in the north-west part of the area.
Feign Death
As implied by the name, this Skill allows you to trick enemies into thinking that you’re dead. The upgrade then allows you to follow up this little trick with a surprise assassination from your prone position.

To the west of the region of Oxenefordscire, there is a settlement called Leah Villa Garrison. The book can be found here in a locked room. Look for the key in the villa to the south of the location.
Upgrade Location

Seek out the upgrade in a location named Aelfwood, in the region of Glowecestrescire. You’re looking for a cluster of four caves. The Book of Knowledge can be found in the second cave from the left.
Vengeance Of Thor
Vengeance of Thor allows you to hold the Heavy Attack button to charge up an unstoppable attack. The longer you hold, the more damage the spell does. Among all of the Skills in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, this is the one that technically constitutes as a Power Attack.
Once upgraded, the attack can be charged up twice for an even more powerful blow.

You can find Vengeance of Thor in the Glowecestrescire region’s center, in an enemy camp named Thieves’ Warren.
Upgrade Location

Head to the town of Oxenforda, in the western part of Oxenefordscire. The Book of Knowledge is located inside the chapel to the north of town.
Rush And Bash
Rush And Bash lets you rush and pick up enemies, who you can then slam against walls or throw off ledges. Upgrading this ability allows you to perform an extra devastating attack against enemies who have been stunned by a wall slam.

You can get your hands on Rush And Bash in the town of Ravensburg, in the south-west of the Grantebridgescire region. Look for the house up the hill next to a very large tree.
The book is inside here, but you need to kill an enemy in the vicinity named the ‘Marksman’ to get the key to open it.
Upgrade Location

To get the upgrade, you need to get to the island fortress of Dunwic in the south-east of East Anglia. The Book of Knowledge can be found in a room in the south-east of the fortress.
Dive Of The Valkyries
You can jump up into the air and then slam down into the ground in a devastating attack. The upgraded version of this attack inflicts stun damage and has a greater radius of effect.

Head to the Isle of Ely Monastery in the north-west part of the Grantebridgescire region. Dive of the Valkyries can be found in the basement here.
Upgrade Location

You can locate the upgrade at the Lolingestone Bandit Camp in the north-west of the region of Cent.
Enter the large building with the black banner on the front, and inside, you should find the Dive of the Valkyries after some minor platforming.
Blinding Rush
Blinding Rush allows you to use stamina to run while remaining undetected. This is one of the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Skills best suited for stealth builds. After upgrading this, you can even perform assassinations without interrupting the ability.

Blinding Rush is found in the Ruined Tower in the north-east of East Anglia. The tower is easily identifiable because it’s also a synchronization point.
You need to climb inside the structure and break a wooden trapdoor on the floor to acquire the Book of Knowledge.
Upgrade Location

The Blinding Rush upgrade can be found in the Chertsey Abbey Ruins, located in Suthsexe region’s northwest corner.
Axe Blizzard
Axe Blizzard lets players aim and throw a barrage of axes at their enemies. The upgrade adds an extra combo of axe throws to the entire attack.

Near the south-eastern border of East Anglia, players can find this on an abandoned church’s second story. This location is not named on the map.
Upgrade Location

The Axe Blizzard Upgrade location is in the Wincestre Garrison, south-west of the Wincestre region. The book is in the building directly in front of the main gate.
Poison Strike
Applies a poison buff to your right-hand melee weapon. The upgrade allows the poison effect to splash in an arc in front of you, instantly poisoning enemies.

Obtained from Haytham in the Hidden One’s Bureau by turning in 4 Order Medallions
Fire Strike
Applies fire to your right-hand melee weapon. The upgrade allows the fire to spread in an arc in front of you, setting all enemies ablaze.

Obtained from Haytham in the Hidden One’s Bureau by turning in 6 Order Medallions
Ranged Poison Strike
Applies a poison buff to your bow. The upgrade allows the poison effect to splash with the path of the arrow, poisoning all enemies caught in its area of effect.
Obtained from Haytham in the Hidden One’s Bureau by turning in 9 Order Medallions
Ranged Fire Strike
Applies fire to your bow.
The upgrade allows the fire to spread with the path of the arrow, setting all enemies in its path ablaze.
Obtained from Haytham in the Hidden One’s Bureau by turning in 11 Order Medallions
This has been eXputer’s Assassins Creed Valhalla Skills guide. While you’re here, why not check out our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Review.
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