Overwatch 2 Cassidy: Abilities, Changes, Playstyle

Overwatch 2 is here and it has brought back many familiar faces. Today we are going to take a look at Cassidy, the badass cowboy.

Overwatch 2 is here, and Blizzard has made a fantastic decision to make it free-to-play and with crossplay enabled; now is the best time to invite all your friends and jump into this brilliant team shooter together. Today, I will be providing the definitive guide for Overwatch 2’s Cassidy, who is among the strongest characters in the game. 

Key Takeaways
  • Cassidy, a damage hero in Overwatch 2, focuses on eliminating opponents or deterring them from engaging with the player’s team.
  • Cassidy’s Peacekeeper revolver has high damage with regular and alternative fire modes, known as Fan the Hammer.
  • The Magnetic Grenade, an explosive ability, sticks to surfaces and damages and slows enemies in range.
  • Cassidy’s Deadeye ability marks and automatically kills enemies within his line of sight.
  • Quickdraw lets Cassidy swiftly switch between Peacekeeper modes, boosting mobility and damage output.
  • Positive changes in Overwatch 2 enhance the alternative fire mode of the Peacekeeper, reduce Deadeye’s cost and duration, and increase overall damage for the Magnetic Grenade.

Cassidy’s Role

Cassidy overwatch 2 new look
Cassidy as he appears in the game (Image credits: eXputer)

Cassidy is a damaged hero, as I briefly mentioned earlier. His primary focus is ensuring the opponents are either dead or too scared to engage with your team. His weapon of choice helps him achieve his goals as a damage hero because of its devastating damage. 

With Cassidy, you don’t have to think about your teammates. Just provide them with the occasional cover. Other than that, your entire focus should be on the enemies. He is a perfect pick for people who just want to go in, assist their teammates, and get kills. 

All you need to know about Cassidy’s role: 

-Damage focused
-Team Support
Peacekeeper Revolver with two fire modes – Magnetic Grenade
-Deadeye (Ultimate)
– Combat Roll
Strategy Damage Dealing and Team Support – 7.5% increase in alternative fire Fan The Hammer of Peacekeeper.
– Deadeye’s duration increased to 7, damage reduced to 40%, and cost swelled by 10%.
– Combat Roll ability reduced to half.

Peacekeeper Weapon

Overwatch 2 peacekeeper weapon guide
Overwatch 2 Peacekeeper alternative fire(left) and normal fire(right) (Image credit: eXputer)
Type Weapon (Primary Fire) 
Effect Type Hitscan
Damage 21 dmg – 70 dmg
Falloff Range 25 – 35 meters
Spread Angle Pinpoint
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 2.02 Shots/Sec
Ammo 6
Reload Time 1.5 secs

What makes Cassidy a beast of a damage dealer hero is his trusty revolver, Peacekeeper. It deals very high damage and can literally demolish your foes if you get consistent headshots with it. The best part is that getting headshots isn’t that hard; it is one of the easier weapons to master in the game.

As shown in the image above, the weapon has two fire modes. When you press the left click, it shoots like a regular revolver, and if you get a headshot with this, it can be very disastrous for your opponents.

Type Weapon (Secondary Fire)
Effect Type Hitscan
Damage 15 dmg – 50 dmg
Falloff Range 20 – 40 meters
Spread Angle 6.50 Degrees Constant
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 8.93 Shots/Sec
Ammo 6
Ammo Usage Upto 6
Reload Time 1.5 secs

The alternative fire mode is what makes you feel like a true cowboy; when you press the right mouse button, Cassidy quickly empties the entire magazine as quickly as he can. This can be used to demolish opponents at close range. The alternative fire mode is called Fan The Hammer. 

Tips For Peacekeeper

If you naturally have the best aim, then you will be killing your enemies far more efficiently than the average player. However, while having a good aim is pivotal, there are some tips that you should keep in mind while using the Peacekeeper. 

  • When using the regular fire mode, keep your distance.
  • It gets harder and harder to aim the closer you are to your enemy, and many heroes also have excellent mobility.
  • Remember that the Peacekeeper only has 6 bullets in its chamber, so make every shot count and try not to miss, as patience is key here.
  • The Peacekeeper has a fallout range of 20-40, so while I advise that you keep your distance, don’t stay too far away. Cassidy isn’t a sniper. 
  • Since it is a revolver, it has a low fire rate, so once again, place your shots carefully.
  • Think of the alternative fire as a shotgun.
  • Only use it when you and the enemy are in each other’s face; it will demolish the opposition.

Cassidy’s Abilities 

All of these are great. Cassidy literally doesn’t have a single useless ability. Each one beautifully supplements his damage-focused playstyle. The best thing about abilities in Overwatch 2 is that every single one of them can be used in multiple situations. There are very few abilities that are only useful during specific conditions.

In addition, Overwatch 2 has balanced all of the abilities really well, too. If you have proper game knowledge and know how to counter or use abilities, you can turn into a phenomenal player. I will discuss all three of his abilities and provide tips on how to use them effectively. 

Magnetic Grenade

overwatch 2 magnetic grenade strategy and guide
Magnetic Grenade stuck on a training bot (Image credit: eXputer)
Type Ability
Effect Type
  • Arcing Projectile
  • Area Of Effect
  • Stick: 10 dmg
  • Explosion: 70 – 18 dmg
  • Explosion On Self: 35 – 9 dmg
Move. Speed -25%
Projectile Speed
  • Thrown: 25 m/s
  • Homing: 10 m/s
Area Of Effect
  • Lock On: 1.3 meters
  • Explosion: 3 meters
Casting Time 0.4 secs
  • Homing Limit: 0.75 secs
  • Max Travel Time: 1.5 secs
  • Stick Duration: 1.25 secs
Cooldown 10 secs

As the name suggests, the Magnetic Grenade is an explosive that sticks to surfaces. It deals a lot of damage and can even kill characters at as high as half HP. It is among the most valuable tools that Cassidy has in his arsenal. The Magnetic Grenade is a remarkable ability that can save you from enemies trying to rush you.

Moreover, it can stick to everybody, as you can see in the image above. The grenade becomes a mass destruction tool once attached to an opponent. Throwing the grenade correctly and sticking it allows you to use it to its maximum potential.

Below are some tips that will help you utilize this ability to its fullest:

  1. Stay close when deploying the ability; the chasing range is limited to about 13 meters, ensuring it sticks instantly at close range.
  2. Aim carefully to avoid missing—precision is crucial, akin to the Peacekeeper, for maximum damage by sticking the grenade.
  3. After use, the Magnetic Grenade goes on a 10-second cooldown, whether it hits or misses.
  4. Employ the Magnetic Grenade strategically for pressure, especially when foes attempt to close the distance.

Combat Roll

Type Ability
Effect Type Movement
Damage Reduction 50%
Move Speed 15 m/s
Max Range 6.22 meters
Duration 0.4 secs
Cooldown 6 secs

The Combat Roll is a very self-explanatory ability. It is a dodge move that can save you from enemies who are trying to rush you. You can quickly get to a healer or dodge and place the killing shot on the opponent who is attacking you.

It is relatively easy to use, and the timing is also naturally learned after a couple of matches. The animation for the roll is nothing nauseating, as it is just a simple dash forward.

It would be best if you kept the following things in mind, as they will assist you in using the ability more effectively:

  • Alongside the dodge that the Combat Roll provides, there is also a 50 percent damage reduction.
  • The dodge is instantaneous and very fast, so make sure you aim it well, or you will just run into a wall.
  • Like all the other abilities, the Combat Roll has a cooldown that lasts for 6 seconds. 
  • It is most useful when turning a corner or when it allows you to fall from a height. 

The Ultimate Ability Deadeye

overwatch 2 deadeye strategy and tips
Using the deadeye ability on bots in practice range (Image credit: eXputer)
Type Ultimate Ability
  • For The 1st 2 seconds: 130 dmg/sec
  • 260 dmg/sec for the rest of the ability’s duration
Damage Reduction 40%
Move Speed -70%
Max Range 200 meters
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 8.93 shots/sec
Ammo Usage 1/Target
Casting Time
  • On Fire: 0.7 + 0.3 secs
  • On Cancel: 0.3 + 0.4 secs
Duration 7 secs
Ultimate Cost 1,850 Points

Lastly, I have the ultimate ability for Overwatch 2 Cassidy. Think of ultimate abilities as super moves in fighting games. They are your strongest attack and, when used at the right time, can turn the tide in a match. The image above showcases what Overwatch 2 Cassidy’s ultimate ability looks like.

Read the following tips to learn how to use Cassidy’s ultimate ability effectively:

  • Stand still when you are about to shoot and use the ultimate ability. Moving can prove to be very detrimental as it reduces the damage by 70 percent. 
  • The max range for the ability is 200 meters.
  • It has a great rate of fire, so just wait for your enemies to get locked in and then shoot. It will rapidly kill them.
  • When you are using the ability, a 40 percent damage reduction is applied to Cassidy. 
  • The maximum duration for it is 7 seconds.

Optimal Playstyle With Tips & Tricks

As I briefly discussed earlier, Overwatch 2 Cassidy is the perfect character for players who just want to go in and shoot others. Moreover, his entire kit is designed around going solo and taking down opponents. Due to his high damage, he can also serve as great support by simply shooting the enemies.

I advise that you read the following tips and tricks so that you can perfectly utilize everything that Overwatch 2 Cassidy has to offer:

  • Keep your distance when shooting normally with the Peacekeeper, as it is far easier to aim when you and your opponent aren’t in each other’s face.
  • When using Fan The Hammer with the right mouse button, do the exact opposite: go in and use the weapon like a shotgun.
  • Try your best to use the Magnetic Grenade on enemies whenever you get close. 
  • Using the Combat Roll can literally save your hero from death, so use that regularly. 
  • Make good use of Cassidy’s Deadeye ultimate ability. I recommend you use it when the enemies start ganging up on a teammate in front of you.
  • Memorize all the cooldown timers for each skill.

My Experience And Thoughts Using Cassidy

Personally, my experience with Cassidy in OW2 has been a mixed bag. He’s a classic hitscan hero with a high skill ceiling, and it’s very satisfying to land headshots and make big plays. But he’s been struggling in the current meta. His damage output is a bit too low, and he’s very vulnerable to flankers and dive comps.

Overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours (Steam ID: ;-;)

Playing Cassidy on King’s Row attack, I stunned the enemy Reinhardt with a Flashbang and took him out with my Peacekeeper, allowing my team to capture the checkpoint. But on Lijiang Tower’s defense, Sombra’s constant hacks made it difficult to use my abilities, resulting in a loss.

Overall, I enjoy playing Cassidy, but he’s definitely a hero that needs some buffs. Otherwise, he’s going to continue to struggle in the current meta.

And with that, my Overwatch 2 Cassidy guide comes to an end. I made sure to provide useful tips and basic information forever, and I hope you have fun reading through the entire guide. What do you think about Overwatch 2? Is it a worthy sequel? Who do you main? Did your main get the changes they deserved? Let me know all about it in the comments section below.

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Saqib is a Senior Guides writer at eXputer with multiple years of writing experience. His love for RPGs, Roblox, and mobile games knows no bounds. In his free time, Saqib is on yet another adventure with Roblox or free roaming in RPG. Saqib has completed a Journalism degree and worked for notable gaming sites including DualShockers and Gamepur. You can follow Saqib's gaming activity on his Steam profile.
Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Accounting || Previously Worked for DualShockers & Gamepur || Published 200+ Guides

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