BEST Overwatch 2 Healers [All Ranked]

After playing the game for countless hours, here are all the Healers In Overwatch 2 that you must equip

Overwatch 2 is a team game, and having an effective healer on your team can, at times, decide the outcome of the game. With the restriction of 1 tank per game and an overall faster pace, it is more important than ever for healers to hold their ground instead of hiding behind a tank.

Key Takeaways
  • When selecting the best healer in OW2, only considering their healing ability is not enough.
  • Their mobility and damage are just as important.
  • The main advantage of using healers is that players can effectively heal their teammates and damage enemies.
  • The disadvantage of using healers is that players won’t be able to get a large amount of frags and will mostly have to focus on providing support to their team.
  • However, having the best healer can highly impact the outcome of the matches one plays.

Overwatch 2 Best Healer Comparison

RankNameRoleHealthPrimary WeaponAbilitiesUltimate
6MercySupport 200Caduceus Staff, Caduceus BlasterGuardian Angel, Resurrect, Sympathetic Recovery, Angelic DescentValkyrie
5AnaSupport200Biotic RifleSleep Dart, Biotic Rifle, Biotic GrenadeNano boost
4BaptisteSupport200Biotic LauncherRegenerative Burst, Immortality Field, EXO BootsAmplification
3KirikoSupport200Healing Ofuda, KunaiSwift Step, Protection SuzuKitsune Rush
2MoiraSupport200Biotic GraspBiotic Orb, FadeCoalescence
1LucioSupport200Sonic AmplifierSoundwave, Crossfade, Amp it Up, Wall RideSound barrier

6. Mercy

Most Mobile Healer
Caduceus Staff
Mercy Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support  200 Caduceus staff (weapon 1), Caduceus blaster (weapon 2) Guardian angel, Resurrect, Sympathetic recovery (passive ability), Angelic Descent (passive ability) Valkyrie

Mercy uses the Caduceus Staff, which buffs allies through healing or attack enhancement. Her attack buff complements healing when allies are healthy. However, her own offensive abilities are limited, and her Caduceus Blaster is not for elimination. Mercy relies on a Tank to protect her.

Pair her with a Tank for a potent combo, as she excels at healing and buffing. Alone, she struggles in battle. Notably, Mercy is the sole healer capable of reviving fallen allies.

  • Heal and boost ally damage
  • Can fly
  • Resurrect fallen ally
  • Can heal and fly at the same time
  • Relies on the team for protection
  • Long resurrect cooldown
  • Can be easily targeted by enemies

5. Ana

Best Long-Range Healer
Biotic rifle
Ana Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support 200 Biotic rifle Sleep dart, Biotic Rifels, Biotic Grenade, Nano Boost Nano boost

A support sniper, Ana wields the Biotic Rifle for healing and damage. Her strategy mirrors typical sniper gameplay: find a good spot, stay at a distance, and shoot enemies. There’s no need to switch modes for healing; just point and shoot to heal allies.

She also possesses a versatile toolkit, including the Sleep Dart and Bionic Grenade. When thrown at them, the grenade can heal allies and damage enemies caught in the blast. The Sleep Dart is more than an immobilization tool; it can disrupt enemy actions, making it highly valuable.

Sleep Darts can halt foes mid-action, such as interrupting an enemy’s ultimate ability like Reaper’s. Ana is a strong healer and support, but mastering her sniper role demands skill. Overwatch 2’s fast-paced nature requires precise aiming and tracking.

  • Disable enemies
  • Prevent enemies from healing
  • Boost ally damage and resistance
  • Requires precise aim
  • Frequent reload on biotic rifle
  • Hard to win closed-range duels

4. Baptiste

Best DPS Healer
Biotic Launcher
Baptiste Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support 200 Biotic launcher, Biotic launcher alt fire Regenerative burst, Immortality field, EXO boots Amplification

Baptiste is a DPS/Support Hybrid who is surprisingly good at both. His main weapon, Biotic Launcher, can be used as a burst rifle to deal damage and a grenade launcher for throwing healing orbs at allies. Despite being a support unit, his damage is comparable to DPS units, which says a lot about Baptiste’s offensive capabilities

Compared to a normal support unit’s overtime heal, Baptiste’s Regenerative Burst ability can give an instant health boost to all nearby allies in addition to overtime heal. One ability that makes Baptiste stand out from the rest of the support units is his Immortality Field ability. If used at the right time, this Immortality Field can make a lot of difference and can turn the tides of battle.

  • High Damage output
  • Heal multiple allies at once
  • Prevent allies from dying
  • Jump higer
  • Amplifies ally damage and healings
  • Limited mobility
  • Limited range
  • Easily countered by splash damage and crowd control

3. Kiriko

Most Supportive Healer
Kiriko Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support  200 Healing Ofuda, Kunai Swift Step, Protection Suzu Kitsune Rush 

Kiriko, Overwatch’s healer and support hero, wields healing talismans and Kunai knives for offense. While her healing may resemble Moira’s, Kiriko’s Kunai knives deliver higher damage, contingent on good aim.

In terms of mobility, Kiriko ranks as the game’s second-fastest healer. Her Swift Step enables her to teleport to allies, serving as healing support and a versatile escape or flanking tool.

Kiriko’s wall-climbing ability, reminiscent of Genji, enhances her mobility further, making her adept at navigating challenging situations. Her standout ability, Protection Suzu, not only heals allies but also grants temporary invincibility and removes debuffs.

  • Teleports towards allies
  • Self-healing
  • High damage output
  • More chances to deal critical hits
  • Precise aim required
  • Hard to master

2. Moira

Most Balanced Healer
Biotic Grasp
Moira Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support 200 Biotic Grasp Biotic orb, Fade Coalescence

Moira excels in the basics of life manipulation. Her right hand heals, while her decayed left hand damages foes. What’s fantastic is her beginner-friendly playstyle. Stay close to allies for healing, or press the attack button for damage. Landing hits or healing is easier compared to characters like Ana.

The catch is her proximity requirement for normal attacks and healing. To address this, her Biotic Orb provides versatility, healing distant allies and damaging enemies, but it has a cooldown.

Moira’s mobility shines with her Fade ability, granting invulnerability and speed. This, coupled with her simple mechanics and a versatile ultimate for damage or healing, establishes her as an excellent healer.

  • Deal high damage 
  • Can escape from danger easily
  • Easy to reposition
  • Powerful ultimate
  • Beginner friendly
  • Limited range
  • Has to switch between healing and damage modes
  • Easily countered by barriers

1. Lucio

The Best Healer
Sonic Amplifier
Lucio Hero Information Screen (Image Captured by eXputer)
Role  Health  Primary weapon  Abilities  Ultimate ability 
Support 200 Sonic amplifier Soundwave, Crossfade, Amp it up, Wallride Sound barrier

Number 1 on my list is Lucio. He wields a Sonic Amplifier, a burst-type projectile gun. Lucio’s real strength lies in his Crossfade ability, letting him switch between healing and speed modes for himself and allies within a 12-meter radius, all without diverting his focus from enemies.

Amp It Up, combined with Crossfade, further enhances either speed or health regeneration. Effective use of his Wall Ride is the key to mastering Lucio’s mobility. He can swiftly reach distant allies, heal them, or boost their speed. Lucio’s Ultimate is an AOE ability, providing nearby allies with 750 extra health.

Lucio stands as the game’s premier healer with his mobility, AOE buffing, and respectable damage. He excels at healing multiple teammates and holding his ground.

  • Heal multiple allies at once
  • Boost speed
  • Can boost his abilities
  • Good damage out
  • Limited ability range
  • Switch between healing and damage modes

My Thoughts On The Best Healers

When it comes to the best healers, my thoughts center on Kiriko and Mercy, who stand out with their distinctive qualities. Kiriko balances healing and combat prowess, while Mercy’s mobility and resurrection ability turn the tide in battles. In general, your unique play style and your team’s specific needs will determine the ideal healer for you, but for starters, both of these support heroes are the best, in my opinion.

Overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours (Steam ID: ;-;)

For instance, in a ranked game, my team was pushing the enemy’s payload, and the enemy Pharah was causing us trouble. I played Kiriko and used Swift Step to teleport and eliminate her, saving our team and pushing the payload. Another time, as Mercy, I revived our Genji with my Resurrect Ultimate, turning the tide in a tough team fight and securing our victory.

This concludes my guide on the best healers in Overwatch 2. Let us know what support you main in Overwatch 2, down in the comments below. While you are at it, make sure to check out our review of Overwatch 2 by Muhammad Haris Umer.


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Naqib is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is a passionate gamer and a die-hard anime fan since a very young age. Now, after gaining 15+ years of gaming experience and spending more than 5,000 hours on Valorant, Naqib creates content based on his firsthand knowledge of the most recent video games! You can further follow his gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ years || Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Software Engineering.

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