Overwatch 2 Maps: Control, Escort, Hybrid & More

Our guide is all about the maps in Overwatch 2 including the new ones with strategies you can use to conquer the maps easily.

Overwatch 2 has a lot of maps in-store with amazing explorable areas, with each map having different missions for the players to complete. Other than that, you will also see some of the most powerful starting heroes in Overwatch 2, with 15 characters in the roster for you to play.

Key Takeaways
  • There are several maps available in Overwatch 2 for different game modes including Arcade, Competitive Play, and Quickplay.
  • Each of these maps has different strategies and they require you to make use of the role-specific heroes in Overwatch 2.
  • Along with the original maps, there are some new maps introduced in Overwatch too as well that feature beautiful environments for one to play on.
  • Some of these maps include; Illios, Nepal, Busan, and Oasis.

All Overwatch 2 Maps

IlliosControlGreece IslandsCity AreaWell, Ruins and LighthousesFlying Heroes eg: Pharah, Zenyatta, and Junker Queen
NepalControlNepalMonasteryVillage, Shrine, and SanctumHighspeed DPS Heroes eg: Sombra, Tracer, and/ or Reaper.
For Support: Mei, Lucio, and/ or Moira
BusanControlSouth KoreaCity AreaSanctuary, Downtown, and the MEKA baseDamage Heroes eg: Genji, Sombra, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Zarya, Winston, and/ or Lucio
Lijiang TowerControlChinaCity AreaNight Market and GardenFlying Heroes eg: Echo and/ or Pharah
OasisControlIraqCity AreaGarden and City CenterTanky Flying Heroes eg: Echo, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Zarya, Winston, and/ or Roadhog.
For Support: Moira an/ or Lucio
HavanaEscortHavana, CubaCoast City AreaCity Streets, Distillery, and the Sea FortAnna, Lucio, and/ or Widowmaker
Circuit RoyalEscortMonte Carlo, MonacoCity AreaThe Casino Front, Hotel, and Vertical Curving Racetrack.High Mobility Flying Heroes eg: Echo, Soldier 76, Widowmaker, and/ or Pharah
DoradoEscortMexicoTown City-Tanky Heroes eg: Sigma and/ or Reinhardt
Route 66EscortAlberque, New Mexico, USADesert RoadGas Station, Western Town Complex, and a BunkerDamage Heroes eg: Torbjorn
JunkertownEscortCentral AustrliaShanty Town in a DessertBruce's Wreckyard, Gates, Scrapyard, Wolf Wood'sOrisa, Bastion, and/ or Reinhardt
RialtoEscortVenice, ItalyCanalsThe Grand Hotel and Courtyard, Rialto Bridge and Dock, and Talon Headquarters.Reinhardt
Watchpoint: GibraltarEscortGibraltarResearch FacilityBridge and Research StationFlying Heroes with high vertical mobility eg: Mercy, Echo, Hanzo, Kiriko, and/ or Genji

Control Maps

You will get to experience 36 maps in the game. These maps can be played in different game modes like Arcade, Competitive Play, and Quick Play. In some of the game modes, you will get to play all the maps; however, some maps are exclusive only to a single game mode. 

Control maps are great for characters like Doomfist, Winston, and Genji. Also, don’t forget to check out our guide on the best heroes, where I have listed every great support, tank, and DPS character. Following are all the control maps in the game. 


Control Greece Islands City Area Well, Ruins and Lighthouses Flying Heroes eg: Pharah, Zenyatta, and/ or Junker Queen

Maps like well, ruins and lighthouses are a part of it, and you will have to capture the flag on the map. I recommend going for the flying heroes when playing the map, as they can easily navigate the whole area.

maps in Overwatch 2
Illios [Image Captured By eXputer]
The map is set on beautiful Greek islands, so Pharah might be a good option. It is important to be aware of your surroundings as there are a lot of environmental hazards lying about. Additionally, try to choose players that have great knockback abilities, like Zenyatta and Junker Queen. Having them on your team will help you knock off enemies and ensure victory.


Control Nepal Monastery Village, Shrine, and Sanctum Highspeed DPS/ Damage Heroes eg: Sombra, Tracer, and/ or Reaper

For Support: Mei, Lucio, and/ or Moira

The map includes regions like Village, Shrine, and Sanctum. These three Nepal locations are perfect for damage heroes. It can go for heroes like Sombra, Tracer, or Reaper, as they have powerful flanking abilities and the dashing speed Is quite high.

maps in Overwatch 2
Nepal [Image Captured By eXputer]
However, keep in mind that you can fall off the map here, so you need to be careful. There are a lot of covers here so getting caught is not an option. Make sure to check out our guide on the best DPS heroes for Overwatch 2, as you will need them for a lot of these regions. 

For support, I recommend playing Lucio, as he can be a good pick for help in every Control Map in general. You can also use Moira for support, as her Floating Orbs can prove to be quite helpful in the matches. 


Control South Korea City Area  Sanctuary, Downtown, and the MEKA base Damage Heroes eg: Genji, Sombra, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Zarya, Winston, and/ or Lucio

You will get to experience the map in the control game mode. The maps in Busan include the Sanctuary, Downtown, and the MEKA base. 

Busan [Image Captured By eXputer]
We recommend choosing damage heroes like Genji and Sombra for the map. Furthermore, Widowmaker and Junkrat are also good options for the map. If you have the proper strategies and you can prioritize timing, you can also go for heroes like Zarya and Winston. Be very careful of your surroundings as you can be attacked off guard thanks to all the covers the map has.

Make sure to check out our extensive guide on the tank tier list in Overwatch 2 as well. 

Lijiang Tower 

Control China City Area  Night Market and Garden Flying Heroes eg: Echo and/ or Pharah

Using flying heroes on the map is a good option, as the maps have high areas where air mobility might be required. Maps like Night Market and Garden in the tower of Lijiang are best suited for characters like Echo and Pharah. While you are at it, don’t forget to check out our support tier list in Overwatch 2 to see what support heroes might be the best for Lijiang Tower. 

maps in Overwatch 2 - Lijiang Tower
Lijiang Tower [Image Captured By eXputer]
Furthermore, you will get a lot of opportunities here to flank. However, sneaking behind the other team is no easy task. As you might not be able to make use of the tank heroes here, the missions might be quite difficult for you. 


Control Iraq City Area Garden and City Center Tanky Flying Heroes eg: Echo, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Zarya, Winston, and/ or Roadhog. 

For Support: Moira an/ or Lucio

A great control map for flying heroes, Oasis is best for characters like Echo. Their abilities shine the most on the Oasis map, and locations like Garden and City Center in Oasis are perfect for the flying heroes. Go for heroes that have vertical mobility and can easily navigate through the area.

Oasis [Image Captured By eXputer]
Furthermore, go for tanky heroes like Zarya, Winston, and Roadhog. You can also choose Widowmaker or Junkrat. However, I recommend not using Zenyatta for the map due to the limited sight visibility. For support, Moira and Lucio are always good options.

Escort maps 

In the escort mode, the enemy team will have to move a certain payload, navigating through the map. On the other hand, any defending team will have to look for ways to stop them. In case the attacking team successfully delivers the payload at the market delivery point located at the end of the map, it will mark their victory.

While you are at it, make sure to check out our guide on Reinhardt in Overwatch 2. 

Following are all the escort maps in the game. 


Escort Havana, Cuba Coast City Area City Streets, Distillery, and the Sea Fort Anna, Lucio, and/ or Widowmaker

If you are playing as a defending team on the Havana map, make sure to stay near the spawn room of the enemy team. Be stealthy with your movements and make use of the covers that can be found on the map. Also, Anna or Widowmaker a good options to keep on the payload. 

Havana maps in Overwatch 2
Havana [Image Captured By eXputer]
Using Lucio is also a good option as he has high mobility, which will help you in case you need to catch up with the team fast. 

Circuit Royal 

Escort Monte Carlo, Monaco City Area The Casino Front, Hotel, and Vertical Curving Racetrack. High Mobility Flying Heroes eg:  Echo, Soldier 76, Widowmaker, and/ or Pharah

The map was called Monte Carlo originally as it was set in Monaco and had many elements of the Monaco Grand Prix, which is the most popular race featuring Formula One cars. I recommend players that have exceptional high mobility, like the flying heroes for the defending game.

maps in Overwatch 2- Circuit Royal
Circuit Royal [Image Captured By eXputer]
There will be a lot of covers available on the map. You can also use damage heroes, as they are also a good option for Circuit Royal.

We have also formulated a guide on the best tank characters in Overwatch 2 that you can check out. 


Escort Mexico Town City Tanky Heroes eg: Sigma and/ or Reinhardt

For Dorado, I recommend going through tanky heroes that also use Shields. Some of the good options can be Sigma or Reinhardt. Furthermore, they can help a lot if you have placed them in the defending team as they can deliver the payload quickly.

maps in Overwatch 2- Dorado
Dorado [Image Captured By eXputer]
We recommend that you place the shield in front of the payload. Also, damage heroes, especially the sniper or flying heroes, shine the most on the Dorado map. The reason is that there are a lot of platforms with extensive sight lines that heroes who specialize in vertical mobility can cover easily. 

Make sure that you have heroes like Ana or Widowmaker on the payload, as they have a good movement speed. 

Route 66 

Escort Alberque, New Mexico, USA Desert Road Gas Station, Western Town Complex, and a Bunker Damage Heroes eg: Torbjorn

Damage heroes do exceptionally well on the Route 66 map, and there will be a lot of places available where you can stick a turret in case you are using Torbjorn. The spawn point is quite located at a distance, so you will have to move around a lot.

maps in Overwatch 2- Route 66
Route 66 [Image Captured By eXputer]
We recommend going for as many ultimates as you can and using damage heroes on the map. A gas station is a good option if you want to position your defense team where there is a good angle and line of sight is available. Also, you will have the option of using three teammates on the payload, and you will be able to escort it faster as compared to using only one teammate. 


Escort Central Austrlia Shanty Town in a Dessert Bruce’s Wreckyard, Gates, Scrapyard, Wolf Wood’s Orisa, Bastion, and/ or Reinhardt

In this Escort Map, the defending team can easily sneak up behind the enemies and take them by surprise, thanks to the easy accessibility to the spawn room. However, if the other team has Orisa, Bastion, or Reinhardt, then you might be in trouble.

maps in Overwatch 2- Junkertown
Junkertown [Image Captured By eXputer]
There might be a lot of fighting around the payload, and therefore I recommend using damage heroes. There are a lot of shortcuts as well that you will get familiar with the more you play on the map. 


Escort Venice, Italy Canals The Grand Hotel and Courtyard, Rialto Bridge and Dock, and Talon Headquarters. Reinhardt

The next map is Rialto. In case you are playing on the defending team, make sure to keep an eye out for flankers, as there will be a lot of them. The map Is fairly new, so getting familiar with the areas might require some time. But since there are a lot of flanking options available, you can utilize the damage heroes as much as you want.

Rialto [Image Captured By eXputer]
We recommend Reinhardt for pushing the payload and looking out for environmental hazards that you will have to go through in the first half of the map. For the attacking team, many alternative routes can be utilized. 

Watchpoint: Gibraltar 

Escort Gibraltar Research Facility Bridge and Research Station Flying Heroes with high vertical mobility eg: Mercy, Echo, Hanzo, Kiriko, and/ or Genji

The last map I have for the escort game point is Watchpoint: Gibraltar. It is important to note that any of the heroes that possess high vertical mobility will do exceptionally well on the map.

So you can go for the flying heroes like Mercy or Echo, and you can even use heroes like Hanzo, Kiriko, and Genji, as they have wall-climbing abilities that can help you out a lot. 

Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Watchpoint: Gibraltar [Image Captured By eXputer]
Furthermore, if you are playing as the defending team, make sure to stay on the high ground. The enemy team will try to push the payload dragging it to the first checkpoint of the map. There will be a bridge, and the payload will pass under the bridge as well.

As soon as the payload comes under the bridge, you need to drop down onto the other side of the bridge where there is an enemy spawn point. 

Hybrid, Push, And Arcade Maps

Following are all the Hybrid, Push and Arcade.

Hybrid Maps 

The game mode is a combination of the Escort game mode and the Assault game mode that was originally in Overwatch. In the game mode, the attacking team will battle with the defenders, and they will have to take control over an objective point where there will be a payload.

As soon as that objective point is under the attacking team, the payload will become activated. And now, the attackers will have to escort this payload to the point of delivery that lies at the end of the map. Let’s take a look at all of the Hybrid Maps below. 

  •  Blizzard World 
  •  Eichenwalde 
  •  Hollywood 
  •  Kings Row 
  •  Midtown 
  •  Numbani 
  •  Paraiso

Push Maps 

One of the newest game modes introduced in Overwatch 2 is called Push Mode. In the push mode, there will be two teams fighting over the control of a robot. Your job is to escort it by pushing your team barricade and taking it to the delivery point. 

Following are all the push mode maps in the game. 

  •  Colosseo 
  •  Esperanca 
  •  New Queen St 

Arcade maps 

These maps can be played in the arcade game mode. You can play on these maps in different game modes like Team Deathmatch, Death Match, Elimination, and Capture The Flag. 

  •  Kanezaka 
  •  Malevento 
  •  Necropolis 
  •  Petra 
  •  Workshop 
  •  Ayutthaya
  •  Black Forest 
  •  Castillo 
  •  Chateau Gillard 
  •  Eco Point Antarctica 

Assault Maps

While the assault game mode was taken out of the Competitive and Quickplay mode, you can still play some of the assault maps in the custom games. 

Following are all the great assault maps that you can play for the sake of nostalgia.

  •  Temple Of Anubis 
  •  Hanamura 
  •  Horizon Lunar Colony 
  •  Paris 
  •  Volskaya Industries

My Favorite Maps For Each Mode

With over weeks of experience in Overwatch 2, I’ve developed some personal favorite maps, which I wish I always get whenever I’m in the queue. For Control mode, my map picks include Illios and Oasis, as these maps are perfect for flying heroes. 

Overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours (Steam ID: ;-;)

If you are looking to play Escort mode, I recommend Havana since it offers stealthy gameplay, along with Circuit Royal, which favors high-mobility heroes. Junker Town provides shortcuts and ample cover, making it an interesting map for players. For Hybrid maps, which combine Escort and Assault modes, my preferred map picks are King’s Row and Paraiso. In the case of Push maps, I like playing Esperanca and New Queen Street.

Summing It Up 

With this, I conclude my guide on maps along with some tips you can use to conquer each map successfully in Overwatch 2. If you have any queries regarding my guide, make sure to leave them down in the comment section. 

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Kashaf is an RPG and Battle Royale enthusiast and can be seen spending most of her time battling other players in Naraka Bladepoint or improving her skills in Diablo 4. She loves to curate builds based on her own expertise and writes guides to help the audience become pros in no time. She kicked off her writing career on eXputer with several years of experience. You can follow Kashaf's gaming activity on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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