Overwatch 2 Lucio: Abilities, Playstyle, Tips & Tricks

The job of a support hero is to stick with the team and provide them with support when the need arises, Lucio is no different.

Lucio is one of the many heroes in Overwatch 2, and in this guide, I will be covering Lucio’s playstyle, his abilities, and generally everything related to the character. I will also be giving tips and tricks on how you can utilize Lucio’s abilities in Overwatch 2 and make the best of any situation you may find yourself in.

Key Takeaways
  • Lucio is a support hero in Overwatch 2 who can either heal his team or increase their movement speed.
  • The Sonic Amplifier and Soundwave abilities are used for attacking, while the Crossfade, Amp It Up, and Sound Barrier abilities are used to support and help out your team.
  • The best way to use Lucio is to keep moving with your team and support them with heals and buffs whenever you get the opportunity.
  • As for tips and tricks, the player’s first priority should be to get comfortable with Lucio’s movement and not be afraid to play aggressively when the need arises.

Lucio’s Role And Abilities

Lucio in Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 Lucio (Image Credit: eXputer)

Lucio can very easily be considered one of the best support heroes in the game. Lucio is a DJ and an international celebrity who inspires social change through his music. On the battlefield, Lucio uses his music and Sonic Amplifiers to heal his allies, increase their speed, and defeat his enemies. Lucio has six distinct abilities.

  • Sonic Amplifier
  • Crossfade
  • Amp It Up
  • Soundwave
  • Sound Barrier
  • Wall Ride

Sonic Amplifier

Type Weapon
Effect Type Projectile
Damage 4 x 20
Spread Angle Pinpoint
Projectile Speed 50 meters/sec
Area Of Effect 0.15 meter
Rate Of Fire 1 burst / 0.93 secs
Ammo 20
Reload Time 1.5 secs

The Sonic Amplifier shoots blasts of sounds and can hold 20 rounds per clip. Its reload speed is 1.2 seconds, and it has two fire modes.

The primary fire mode shoots bursts of projectiles. 4 projectiles are shot at a time, and each of these projectiles to 20 damage which equates to 80 damage if all 4 bursts of projectiles successfully hit the enemy.


Type Ability
Effect Type Area Of Effect
  • 16 HP per sec for Allies
  • 10 HP per sec for yourself
Move Speed Buff: +25%
Area Of Effect 12 meters
Casting Time 0.192 secs
Cooldown 0.38 secs

The Crossfade ability allows you to switch between two songs. One of the songs will heal your allies, while the other will increase their movement speed. This ability will heal your ally’s HP at the rate of 16.25 HP per second. If you switch to the second song, then it will increase your ally’s speed by +25%. The Crossfade ability range has a 12-meter radius.

Amp It Up

Type Ability
Effect Type Area Of Effect
Healing 52 hp/sec
Move Speed Buff: +60%
Area Of Effect 12 meters
Casting Time 0.69 secs
Duration  3 secs
Cooldown 12 secs

The Amp It Up ability is more of a buff for your Crossfade ability as it increases the effectiveness of your current song. If you use this ability while listening to the song that heals your allies, then it will replenish your ally’s HP at the rate of 46.8 HP per second.

If you were to use the Amp It Up ability while listening to the song that increases movement speed, then it will increase your ally’s speed by +60%. This ability lasts for 3 seconds and has a 12-second cooldown.


Type Ability
Effect Type Area Of Effect
Damage 25
Move Speed 15 meters/sec
Max Range 8 meters
Duration 0.56 secs
Cooldown 4 secs

The Soundwave is the secondary fire mode of the Sonic Amplifier. This ability is extremely useful if your opponent gets too close to you, as the Soundwave ability will create a short-range blast wave that will knock back your enemies. 

It does 25 damage, has an 8-meter range, and a 4-second cooldown.

Sound Barrier

Type Ultimate Ability
Effect Type Area Of Effect
Health  750 Over HP
Area Of Effect 30 meters
Casting Time 0.72 secs + 0.83 secs
Duration 6 secs
Ultimate Cost 2,420

The Sound Barrier is Lucio’s ultimate ability, as it will temporarily create extra health for all your allies nearby. It has a 30-meter radius and lasts for 6 seconds. I would recommend this ability if your team is holding out and taking on the enemy team. Having extra health will certainly make everyone’s life a whole lot easier.

Wall Ride

Type Passive Ability
Effect Type Movement
Move Speed
  • Buff: +30%
  • +2.5 meters/secs for Wall Leap
Cooldown 0.5 secs

The Wall Rideability allows Lucio to ride along a wall after jumping on it. Many players consider it one of the best Lucio’s abilities as it increases your movement speed by +30%. Once you master it, then you will be able to traverse the map very efficiently and dodge enemy bullets as well.

Lucio Best Playstyle

lucio in overwatch 2
Activating Amp It Up (Image Credit: eXputer)

Our Key Tips for mastering Lucio’s playstyle:

  1. Utilizing Crossfade: Keep your team together and switch between healing and speed boosts as needed, using an extra mouse button if available.
  2. Speed Boosting: Use speed boost to push aggressively or retreat quickly, depending on the situation and team composition.
  3. Wall Riding: Master wall riding to increase speed and maneuverability, allowing for quick repositioning and objective control.
  4. Targeting Weak Enemies: Focus on taking out weak or nimble heroes with burst shots followed by melee strikes when in close combat.
  5. Awareness: Stay aware of your surroundings to effectively heal and support your team, maximizing Lucio’s disruptive potential.

Lucio’s Tips And Tricks

Lucio Overwatch 2
Activating Sound Barrier (Image Credit: eXputer)

As I have stated previously, Lucio is a support hero whose playstyle boils down to moving around quickly, taking down weak heroes, and healing his team when the opportunity arises, as seen in the image above, so here are a few tips tricks for Lucio in Overwatch 2.

  • Master Lucio’s wall ride for map familiarity and advantageous movement is a top priority for every Lucio main.
  • Use Amp It Up at the match start with the speed-boosting song for quicker objective reach.
  • Play support but adopt an aggressive playstyle; leverage Lucio’s movement while shooting to avoid being an easy target.
  • Strike a balance between ground and air mobility to avoid vulnerabilities.
  • In critical situations, deploy Lucio’s Sound Barrier to turn the tide by providing extra health for the team and securing victory.

My Experience With Lucio

Lucio, in my experience, can be undoubtedly counted as one of the best support heroes in OW2. The reason for me to claim this statement is not only Lucio’s high mobility but also the match-winning situations that I can create as a Lucio player. Lucio is a beginner-friendly character, and one should be able to use Lucio properly after a few matches.

naqib overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours on Steam

Despite Lucio being a support hero, I adopt an aggressive playstyle due to his high mobility and, of course, the Wall Ride. Learning Lucio’s mechanics took me some time; however, once you get used to his movement, dominating the battlefield and healing allies is not a hard task to accomplish anymore.

Overwatch 2 is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Next: Overwatch 2 Best Ultimate Abilities

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Naqib is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is a passionate gamer and a die-hard anime fan since a very young age. Now, after gaining 15+ years of gaming experience and spending more than 5,000 hours on Valorant, Naqib creates content based on his firsthand knowledge of the most recent video games! You can further follow his gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ years || Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Software Engineering.

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