Overwatch 2 Doomfist: Playstyle, Abilities, & Tips

In our guide we will have a detailed look at the Overwatch 2 Doomfist playstyle, abilities as well as tips and tricks.

The new Overwatch 2 Doomfist has been making quite a spectacle among fans but is it all that it is made up to be? Let’s find out! In this guide, we’ll cover the best playstyle, along with Doomfist’s Abilities in Overwatch 2.

Key Takeaways
  • Doomfist, originally a Damage hero, has been changed to a Tank hero in the latest game update.
  • He is a skilled combatant and leader who thrives on chaos to strengthen humanity.
  • Doomfist is a cyborg with enhanced abilities and proficiency in martial arts.
  • His new Tank role emphasizes melee attacks and damage absorption.
  • Special abilities include a knockback punch, a protective shield, and the ability to launch himself into the air for aerial attacks.
  • Overall, Doomfist is a powerful and versatile character in Overwatch 2, with a unique playstyle that makes him stand out from other heroes in the game.

Who Is Doomfist In Overwatch 2?

Doomfist [image captured by eXputer]
Tank300 (Open queue)
450 (Role queue)
The Best Defense
Hand Cannon
Seismic Slam
Power Block
Rocket Punch
Meteor Strike

Doomfist, once a damage hero, is now a Tank as a starting hero (which you can read more about with our guide on it.) He’s a skilled combatant turned leader, seeking to incite a catastrophe to strengthen mankind. He views the established world order as unjust, aiming to destroy it.

Without his gauntlet, he’s less potent but remains a formidable force, leveraging his powerful cyborg prosthetics, speed, and martial arts expertise. Going into more personal details, he’s also fairly fluent in English and Yoruba.


Akande Ogundimu, an heir to a Nigerian prosthetics innovation business, excelled in martial arts, mastering judo and traditional African styles like Dambe and Gidigbo. Following the Omnic Conflict, he severed his right arm, ending his martial arts career prematurely.

Despite the setback, he recovered using cybernetic prostheses from his family’s company, enhancing Doomfist’s abilities significantly, albeit disqualifying him from active competition.

Doomfist Abilities

Doomfist Abilities [image captured by eXputer]
As a close-quarters combatant, Doomfist specializes in eliminating adversaries with his combinations. He can immediately eliminate non-tank heroes by pushing opponents into corners with his special move. The special move is called Rocket Punch.

  • In addition to doing injury, Rising Uppercut likewise permits Doomfist to occupy a more prominent position.
  • Yet another two-in-one move that boosts maneuverability as well as inflicts damage airborne is seismic slam.
  • Doomfist gains invulnerability when deciding where to strike upon performing Meteor Strike.
  • As you might imagine being shifted to a new class will mean that he will be able to have better abilities usage, which will be far more suitable for his character.

The Best Defense 

Type Passive Abilities
  • Normal Abilities: +35 Overhealth/Enemy
  • Meteor Strike: +75 Overhealth/Enemy

Doomfist automatically receives 30 additional hp after executing a skill for every hero, regardless of the amount of destruction his skills cause. 

He can target numerous opponent characters to gain additional bonus HP thanks to his radius of impact skills. Its maximum bonus strength is 150, but then following around 2 seconds, additional vitality begins to deplete gradually.

Hand Cannon

Type Weapon
Effect Type Shotgun Projectile
  • Per Pellet: 1.8 – 5 dmg
  • Per Shot: 19.8 – 55 dmg
Falloff Range 15 – 30 meters
Spread Angle 2.5 Degrees Constant Angle
Projectile Speed 80 m/s
No. Of Pellets 11/shot
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 3 shots/sec
Ammo 4
Reload Time 0.4 secs/shot

Doomfist’s main attack originates through its left hand and spreads out like a cannon. When every bullet hits your adversary, it delivers 66 injuries. Since players are limited to only four rounds, scoring every round is crucial for getting rid of your enemy. 

Rocket Punch

Type Ability
Effect Type
  • Melee
  • Movement
  • Impact Dmg: 25 – 50 dmg
  • Wall Slam: 10 – 30 dmg
Move Speed
  • Self: 44 m/s
  • Self Empowered: 66 m/s
  • Knockback: 15 – 35 m/s
Max Range
  • Self: 6.3 – 19.7 meters
  • Self-Empowered: 9.3 – 29.4 meters
  • Knockback: 5.5 – 13.2 meters
Casting Time
  • Minimum: 0.2 secs
  • Full Charge: 1 secs
  • Max: 1.6 secs
  • Recovery: 0.4 secs
  • Max Travel Time: 0.5 secs
  • Punch Impact Stun: 0.4 secs
  • Wall Slam Stun: 0.25 secs
Cooldown 4 secs

The iconic technique, called Rocket Punch, is one of the most important moves that you will encounter in the game. So what does the move do? Well, utilizing it, he prepares the monstrous gauntlet, propelling himself ahead and stunning the victims when he is able to catch them.

  • Rocket Punch will inflict additional damage if it is fully charged.
  • What ends up happening is that it will further push the adversary backward.
  • When uncharged, the immediate effect causes 25 injuries.
  • If it is fully charged, it causes 30 damage.

Perhaps one of the strongest mobility techniques, the Rocket Punch does a lot further than just damage. The skill does have a quick cooldown which is pivotal when you are on the battlefield. But it is not all fun and games, and there are some issues that you should be aware of.

Seismic Slam

Type Ability
Effect Type
  • Area Of Effect
  • Movement
Damage 50 dmg/target
Move Speed 30 m/s
Area Of Effect
  • 18-meter 90-degree angle cone
  • 1.45 meters vertical range
Cooldown 6 secs

Doomfist is launched in an action sequence by Seismic Slam until he slams his gauntlet towards the dirt. It causes a large blast pulse to be released, dealing 50 hp damage to any opponents who are in the radius of the attack.

The skill is a versatile weapon that can be applied during any type of combat situation. One key thing I want you to know about is the additional bonus health. For that, players must try to capture multiple opponents as they can. 

Power Block

Type Ability
Damage Reduction 80% dmg reduction
Move Speed -35%
  • Minimum: 0.34 secs
  • Maximum: 2.5 secs
Cooldown 7 secs

Okay, so this particular move is one of the new Overwatch 2 Doomfist abilities. It was actually made to replace the previous Rising Uppercut.

If used, it prevents Doomfist’s frontal impact from being dealt with. Power Block lowers any receiving damage to 80% instead of totally negating it. Now it may sound too good to be true, right? Well, that is somewhat true. The attack only works in the front. That means that you will still be vulnerable from the sides.

Meteor Strike

Type Ultimate Ability
  • Inner Sphere: 300 dmg
  • Outer Sphere: 100 – 15 dmg
Falloff Range 2 – 8 meters
Move Speed
  • Targeting Self: 16.5 m/s
  • Enemies: 50% Slower
Area Of Effect
  • Inner Sphere: 2-meter radius
  • Outer Sphere: 8-meter radius
Casting Time
  • Initial Activation: 0.5 secs
  • Landing: 1 + 0.8 secs
Duration 4 secs
Ultimate Cost 1,680 points

Doomfist’s signature move, the Meteor Strike, involves a fast jump followed by a broad descent. The farther away its victim is, the lesser harm it deals.

The optimal usage of Meteor Strike will be if you are trying to get away from a conflict rather than initiate one. So if you ever feel like you need a good getaway, you know which move to use!

Getting To Know Doomfist Playstyle

Playstyle  for doomfist
Doomfist’s Playstyle

To be able to understand and use the character to his maximum capacity fully, you will have to know more about how he operates. If you do not know much about that, do not fret; I will go into it in much detail! I will also give you some Doomfist playstyle tips and tricks too!

Ideal Heroes To Play With

Of course, not every hero can mesh well with each other, so knowing which character complements one another is very important. It will help ensure an effortless win!

Okay, so the thing is that if you want to go for a Dive comp, it is very important you pick the guy in your team; he is made for it. This is mainly due to the fact that being a Tank, he can now lead the battle. Similar to other tanks like Winston or Orisa, you should now let Doomfist lead you to battle.

Here is a list of all the heroes that will have great synergy with him:

Ideal Support Heroes 

With his new alteration, most players want Doomfist support when trying to eliminate the enemy’s healers. As you already know, healers can truly be the bane of my existence. You think that you have the foe within your grasp, and that is when the healer pops in. Well, that is a worry of the past. Thanks to Doomsfist’s Hand Cannon and Rocket Punch.


Since Doomfist’s maneuverability is out of the world, he will be a real challenge for any hero that is slow. He will be able to use his move like Rocket Punch against them easily, and they will be none wiser.

Long Range Characters 

As you might have already noticed, most of Doomfist’s attacks are very dependent on how close he is to the hero. Now this means that the further you can stay away from him, the better your chances at survival. Long-range characters while using Doomfist will be a huge issue for you.

However, that does not render him completely useless. In my opinion, his pros far outweigh his cons. I think most fans would agree with me too.

Tips And Tricks 

Lastly, let’s briefly look into Doomfist’s tips and tricks. These tips will be very helpful when you first start playing the game.

Do Not Rush Into Battle

It is human nature, and you want to jump into battle as soon as it starts. Well, that is not the right approach; you should always wait and analyze the situation. With an amazing character like Doomfist, you would not want to be out in the first five seconds, no?

Have A Trial Run

Okay, so the next Doomfist’s tips and tricks I want you to do is to try the character out before taking him to battle. It is important that you know his mechanics beforehand, so you are not fumbling on the battlefield.

Do Not Put All Your Cards On The Table

Most players tend to have the tendency to attack without properly strategizing, which means that they are vulnerable to attacks. In my opinion, the best way to attack a foe is to use the 2:1 ratio. Use two abilities to attack while saving one in case you need to defend yourself. 

My Opinion And Experience With Doomfist

My experience with Doomfist in OW2 has been positive. I really enjoy his new playstyle as a tank. He’s a lot more mobile and aggressive than he was in OW1, and he can deal a lot of damage to the enemy team. He is a fun and powerful tank hero in OW2. However, he’s also a bit of a high-risk, high-reward hero. He’s not a good choice for beginners, but he can be very effective in the right hands.

Overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours (Steam ID: ;-;)

Playing as Doomfist, I used Rocket Punch to knock back Reinhardt and Seismic Slam to create space for my team to capture the first checkpoint in Eichenwalde. Conversely, On Lijiang Tower’s defense, a nimble Pharah repeatedly picked off my teammates, and my Doomfist’s Rocket Punch couldn’t catch her. Unfortunately, my team lost the match due to her aerial dominance.

So, to sum up, Doomfist’s abilities now make more sense. In my opinion, he should have been a Tank from the get-go. While the new Doomfist’s playstyle has not changed a lot, it has, however, been improved upon. I hope my guide was helpful in giving you details about Overwatch 2 Doomfist.

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Saqib is a Senior Guides writer at eXputer with multiple years of writing experience. His love for RPGs, Roblox, and mobile games knows no bounds. In his free time, Saqib is on yet another adventure with Roblox or free roaming in RPG. Saqib has completed a Journalism degree and worked for notable gaming sites including DualShockers and Gamepur. You can follow Saqib's gaming activity on his Steam profile.
Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Accounting || Previously Worked for DualShockers & Gamepur || Published 200+ Guides

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