Overwatch 2 Hanzo: Abilities, Playstyle, Tips

Having trouble learning Hanzo? You've come to the right place.

Hanzo is an attack character in the game, so his role in matches revolves around playing aggressively and making sure the enemy team thinks twice before engaging your team. He is a skilled assassin equipped with a bow and a quiver of enhanced arrows.
Key Takeaways
  1. Hanzo Overview:
    • Ranged damage dealer and assassin in Overwatch 2.
    • Specializes in bow and arrow combat.
  2. Role in Matches:
    • Aggressive attacks from a distance, and supports teammates.
  3. Primary Weapon – Storm Bow:
    • Damage ranges from 27.2 to 125 based on arrow charge.
  4. Abilities:
    • Storm Arrows: Instantly shoots five arrows.
    • Sonic Arrows: Reveals enemies in a sonar range.
    • Lunge: Double jump for vantage points.
    • Wall Climb: Improved agility for map traversal.
    • Dragonstrike (Ultimate): Summons two damaging spirit dragons.
  5. Strengths and Weaknesses:
    • Excels at picking off isolated enemies and key targets.
    • Vulnerable in close combat, countered by strong close-range abilities.
  6. Effective Gameplay:
    • Utilize mobility to maintain a safe distance.
    • Aim carefully for maximum damage.
    • Communicate with teammates for coordinated kills.

Hanzo Role

hanzo in overwatch 2
Character Screen (Image Credit: eXputer)

Hanzo’s ideal role in any match would be to relentlessly keep his distance and attack enemies from afar. Being forced to use a bow against enemies with futuristic weapons certainly puts him at a disadvantage; therefore, it is recommended to keep your distance.

Damage200.0Wall Climb
Storm Bow
Sonic Arrow
Storm Arrows

Hanzo’s Weapon And Abilities

Hanzo In Overwatch 2
Storm Arrow Ability (Image Credit: eXputer)

As seen in the image above, Hanzo is a skilled bowman and an assassin; thus, his weapon and abilities allow him to be silent and deadly while also allowing him to be agile and traverse the map easily so he can get the upper hand on his opponents in Overwatch 2. 

Aside from his Storm Bow, Hanzo has five distinct abilities that can be used in multiple situations, allowing you to assist your teammates or get out of tricky situations.

Storm Bow

Type Weapon
Effect Type Arcing Projectile
Damage 27.2 – 120 dmg
Spread Angle Pinpoint
Move Speed -30%
Projectile Speed 25 – 110 m/s
Area Of Effect 0.1 meters
Rate Of Fire (ROF) Recovery: 0.5 secs

The Storm Bow is Hanzo’s trusty bow, which he uses to attack his enemies from a distance and support his fellow DPS heroes as they face their opponents on the front lines.

  • The Storm Bow can do damage between 27.2 and 125.
  • The damage is determined by how much time you spend charging your arrow before releasing it.
  • Of course, depending on how much time you spend charging your arrow, you can shoot between 0.8 to 2 shots per second.
  • The amount of time you spend charging your arrow can also affect the projectile and movement speeds.

Storm Arrows

Type Ability
Effect Type Arcing Projectile
Damage 65 dmg
Spread Angle Pinpoint
Projectile Speed 110 m/s
Area Of Effect  0.1 meters
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 1 shot/0.24 secs
Casting Time 0.24 secs
Duration 5 secs
Cooldown 10 secs

The Storm Arrows are Hanzo’s best friends if he finds himself face-to-face with the opponent and does not find an opportunity to retreat. Using Storm Arrows in a situation like this is exemplary because this ability allows him to shoot five arrows instantly. In other words, Hanzo can use his bow like a gun and not spend extra time charging an arrow after every shot, thus giving him a better chance of surviving a 1v1 battle.

  • When the Storm Arrow ability is activated, every arrow does 70 damage, which equates to 350 damage if all five arrows hit the enemy successfully.
  • This ability lasts only 5 seconds and has a 10-second cooldown, so be sure to fire all the arrows before the time runs out.

Sonic Arrows

As an assassin who always prefers attacking from a distance, it is advantageous to know the location of hidden opponents or opponents that are out of your line of sight. The Sonic Arrows help with that as they temporarily reveal enemies in its sonar tracking range.

  • The sonar in Sonic Arrows has a 9-meter radius, and any enemy in the sonar range will be highlighted and shown on the screen. 
  • It lasts for 6 seconds and has a 12-second cooldown.


Type Ability
Effect Type Movement
Move Speed 15 m/s (Horizontal)
Max Range 7.85 meters
Cooldown 4 secs

The Lunge ability allows Hanzo to double jump and reach vantage points more easily than other heroes. Players can use these vantage points to get a better perspective of the battlefield and their opponents so they can deal ample damage to them more quickly.

  • It is a non-damaging movement type with a 5-second cooldown.

Wall Climb

Type Passive Ability
Effect Type Movement
Move Speed 7.15 m/s vertically
Duration 1 sec

Like the Lunge ability, the Wall Climb also improves Hanzo’s agility and allows him to traverse the map more efficiently. It enables him to reach new heights easily and find the best sniping position to aid his allies from afar. Unlike the Lunge, the Wall Climb ability has no cooldown and can be used as frequently as you desire.


Type Ultimate Ability
  • Arrows: 125 dmg
  • Dragons: 150 dmg/sec
Projectile Speed 20 m/s
Max Range Infinite Distance
Area Of Effect 4 meter
Rate Of Fire (ROF) 1.5 secs
Casting Time 0.91 secs
Duration 0.6 secs
Ultimate Cost 1,680 points

And finally, the Dragonstrike ability is Hanzo’s ultimate ability that can change the course of the battle and give your team a few seconds of relief they desperately need if the enemy team is giving you a hard time.

The Dragonstrike ability summons two dragons that damage every opponent it passes through. Let’s say the entire enemy team was in the point zone trying to keep your team out. Suppose you were to find the right angle. In that case, you can kill the entire enemy team or give your allies the opportunity to overpower the enemy team with this one ability. 

  • When you summon the dragon, the arrow you shoot will do 125 damage, while the dragon will do 150 damage each second the opponent is in contact with it.
  • But since this ability summons two separate dragons, you can inflict 300 damage per second.
  • This ability has a 4-meter radius and unlimited range.
  • These dragons can also pass through walls, and their cast time is 1.5 seconds.

My Tips For Hanzo In The Latest Update

Hanzo in OW2 can be played for close combat, as well as for long-ranged combats. Again, playing Hanzo requires positioning mastery in OW2. While playing Hanzo, I make sure to keep myself covered around a corner or some cover and do not expose myself unnecessarily. 

naqib overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours on Steam

However, the recommended playstyle for Hanzo is highly influenced by the composition of the enemy teams. If the enemy plays a dive-type composition, I would rather play defensive or hold the high ground, making it hard for them to push rather than just push into them and die. Sometimes, you must play smart; one should not always rely on their aim.

Overwatch 2 is a brand-new free-to-play online game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. If you are still new to the game and decided to make Hanzo your main but don’t know much about the game mechanics and characters, then make sure to read our entire guide. Aside from Overwatch 2 Hanzo, we also have hero guides for Widowmaker, Cassidy, Lucio, Genji, and Tracer, so consider reading them if you ever decide to switch to one of these characters.

Next: BEST Overwatch 2 Tracer Skins

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Naqib is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is a passionate gamer and a die-hard anime fan since a very young age. Now, after gaining 15+ years of gaming experience and spending more than 5,000 hours on Valorant, Naqib creates content based on his firsthand knowledge of the most recent video games! You can further follow his gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ years || Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Software Engineering.

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