Overwatch 2 Kiriko: Role, Abilities & Playstyle

This article entails Kiriko's role, skills, playstyle, and character combination in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 launched with some old fan-favorite heroes and some fresh new faces. Heroes are mainly divided into three roles: Support, Tank, and Damage. Kiriko, in Overwatch 2, is a brand-new hero in the support category alongside old faces like Lucio and Ana. Kiriko’s lore also shows her back story with one of the best DPS heroes in Overwatch 2, Genji, and his bother Hanzo.

Key Takeaways
  • Kiriko is a brand-new Support character in Overwatch 2.
  • Kiriko’s weapon of choice is her Kunai, and her primary fire is her healing.
  • Her abilities let her teleport to allies in need and provide them with healing and invulnerability.
  • She is an agile healer with a small hitbox who can easily escape enemies and protect her team. Her all-range attack allows her to deal damage from behind her tanks and stay close to the team so she can heal them.

Kiriko In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 support character Kiriko In Overwatch 2
Support Character Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Support200.0Wall Climb
Healing Ofuda
Swift Step
Protection Suzu
Kitsune Rush

The newest addition to the Overwatch 2 roaster is Kiriko; she is the poster girl for Overwatch 2, and for good reason. She is a ferocious but kind-hearted ninja who protects those unable to defend themselves. Her ninja training alongside Genji and Hanzo, under her mother’s wing, allows her to climb walls and have a precise aim. Meanwhile, her grandmother’s teaching helped her form a bond with the fox spirit.

Kiriko’s Role And Abilities

Role And Abilities Of Support hero Kiriko
Support Character Kiriko’s Support and Abilities – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Kiriko, the newest support hero, excels with high mobility, elusive defenses, and potent damage potential. She safeguards allies through healing and rendering them invulnerable while also offering tactical advantages such as wall climbing and teleportation for support or escape.

Her abilities include:

  • Wall Climb.
  • Healing Ofuda
  • Kunai
  • Swift Step
  • Protection Suzu
  • Kitsune Rush

Wall Climb

Support Character Kiriko's Wall Climb Ability In Overwatch 2.
Wall Climb Ability Of Support Character Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Kiriko’s ninja training paid off, giving are the ability to climb walls as a passive. Wall Climb helps you escape enemies who are not as agile as you. Her passive can help her hit enemies from unexpected locations and reach teammates positioned on top of buildings. 

  • Wall climb increases Kiriko’s agility and gives her a movement advantage not available to most heroes in the game.
  • With her wall climb ability, you can climb buildings and flank enemy snipers.

Healing Ofuda 

Support Character Kiriko's Healing Ofuda ability
Healing Ofuda Ability Of Support Character Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Talisman Bursts Heal Total Heal Range
10 total every 1.65 second 5 13 per talisman 130 35 meters

Kiriko’s primary fire in Overwatch 2 is her Healing Ofuda. She shoots homing talismans in bursts of two, tracking her allies after being shot. The Talismans turn yellow when following a target or blue if flying straight. 

  • The tracking feature allows you to fire, forget, and focus on the enemy or other teammates.
  • Even though the talismans shoot in bursts, you will want to use all ten to get the most out of them.
  • The talismans need a line of sight to work and have a medium range.
  • Swift Step and Healing Ofuda have the same radius, so you can use the teleport indicator as a guide to know if you are close enough to your allies.


Support Character Kiriko's Kunai Ability In Overwatch 2.
Kunai Ability Of Support Character Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Body Damage Headshot Damage Rate Of Fire Ammo Reload
40 per shot 120 1 shot per 0.55 second 12 1 second

Her weapon of choice, the kunai, proves deadly in the hands of a skilled player. While it inflicts low body damage, its 3x headshot multiplier makes Kiriko a formidable hero in duels. Notably, the kunai lacks damage dropoff, enabling precision sniping from behind your tank.

Despite the primary focus on healing and team support, the kunai serves as a potent means of self-defense. Its balanced design aligns well with Kiriko’s support role, allowing you to leverage its capabilities while fulfilling your healing duties.

Swift Step

Swift Step Ability Of Kiriko In Overwatch 2
Support Character Kiriko’s Swift Step Ability – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Range Cooldown
35 meters 7 seconds

Swift Step allows you to teleport to teammates after a quick animation. The teleport also cleanses Kiriko of some debuffs and can even be used through walls. You cannot use her teleport if you are under a movement lock, such as Gravitation Surge or Steel Trap. You even gain invulnerability for a swift moment. 

  • Moreover, you can use this ability for numerous uses, just aim at an ally who is within range and teleport to them.
  • You can use the teleport to get back in fights after respawning or teleport to a teammate on critical health.
  • You can use it to escape a losing duel with the enemy or to aid your team in battles.

Protection Suzu 

Support Hero Kiriko's Protection Suzu Abilitiy In Overwatch 2.
Protection Suzu Ability of Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Heal Duration Radius Cooldown
50 per second 0.75 5-6 meters 14 seconds

Another ability in your arsenal is the Protection Suzu. With this ability, you can heal yourself and your allies while making them invulnerable. The healing projectile knocks enemies within its small radius. It rids the heroes of any negative buffs. However, even though you are immune, you are free to deal damage.

Kitsune Rush

Support Character Kiriko's Kitsune Rush In Overwatch 2
Kitsune Rush Ability of Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Range Movement Boost Fire Rate Increase Reload Speed Boost Duration Cooldown Reduction
25 meter max 50 percent 50 percent 50 percent 10.5 seconds 3x Multiplier

Kiriko’s bond with the Kitsune enables her to summon a Fox Spirit, which sprints forward in a straight path, leaving a beneficial trail for Kiriko and her allies.

  • The Kitsune Rush ultimate empowers Kiriko and her teammates, boosting speed, damage output, and reducing cooldowns.
  • The Fox Spirit’s sprint follows the direction Kiriko faces, covering a short distance. However, caution is advised to prevent the Spirit from vanishing upon hitting any wall, including friendly ones like Ice walls or Cryo-Freeze.

Playstyle Of Kiriko

Support Character Kiriko Playstyle In Overwatch 2
Playstyle Of Support Character Kiriko – [Image Credit: Exputer]
Kiriko is notable at healing while staying out of trouble herself. She can take her teammates out of a tough spot and gives them the time they need to win fights. You may desire to go after enemies, but as a support, your top priority has to be your team. Here is what you need to know about her playstyle. 

Best Heroes To Partner With Kiriko

Kiriko is one the best heroes in the game, but she works even better when you combine her with other heroes. Heroes with high DPS are highly effective in their ultimate and can mow down enemy teams. Tanks who are relatively slow but deal heavy damage close-ups pair well with her. You can heal your tank and snipe the enemy while they are distracted.  

Soldier 76

Soldier 76 has one of the highest damage-per-second heroes in the game. His ultimate gives him aimbot plus nonexistent reload time. This could only be made unstoppable by one hero, Kiriko. Combining both ultimates makes Soldier 76 ruthless. He can laser through the whole enemy team without a sweat.


Due to Bastion’s ability to turn into a turret and drill through enemy defenses from a range, Bastion works perfectly with Kitsune Rush. Kitsune Rush turns Bastion into a killing machine, literally. He can easily do crowd control and hold back enemies.


Roadhog is a great tank but due to his close-range weapons and abilities has to get a little up-close and personal. The short-range can get him into some tricky situations with no way out. Kiriko helps him not only escape and get his health back, but she can also easily snipe the enemies while he hooks them.


Reinhardt is an exceptional partner for Kiriko. His shield Provides the perfect cover for her to be protected and move around the team. His ultimate turns the enemies into sitting ducks Kiriko can headshot as much as she likes.


Kiriko and Genji’s ninja training fosters remarkable synergy. You can climb and teleport after Genji’s dashes, enhancing coordination. Protection Suzu provides Genji crucial support in winning fights and evading enemies.

  • Their combined ultimates transform Genji into a swift, lethal assassin.
  • Instant two-shots and reduced cooldowns enable effortless navigation through enemy teams.
  • This teamwork establishes an unassailable combo, aligning seamlessly with the lore.

My Tips And Experience Using Kiriko

Personally, I would consider Kiriko an S-tier support in Overwatch 2. Her versatility is a huge strength, and she can be played as a traditional healer or as an aggressive support with Kunai and Swift Step. 

Overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours (Steam ID: ;-;)

On Circuit’s Royale attack, an aggressive Genji threatened my team. I utilized Suzu Protection to shield my teammates from Genji’s Blade and Healing Ofuda to heal them, securing an effortless point capture. On the contrary, while defending Lijiang Tower’s first point, a persistent Sombra hindered my abilities, preventing me from using Suzu Protection or Healing Ofuda. Sadly, my team lost the point due to the lack of support and healing.

Final Words

All and all, Kiriko is one of the best support heroes on the roster. She is the first healer who can escape and deal an immense amount of damage. She will become a must-pick in competitive play when she is finally let in. 

Her ultimate combos are the strongest in the game and can turn the tide in your favor. You should give her a try and focus on making her your main. She is a brand new hero, so most people are unaware of her abilities and how to counter them, making Kiriko one of the best picks at the moment.

Next: Overwatch 2 Pharah

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Saqib is a Senior Guides writer at eXputer with multiple years of writing experience. His love for RPGs, Roblox, and mobile games knows no bounds. In his free time, Saqib is on yet another adventure with Roblox or free roaming in RPG. Saqib has completed a Journalism degree and worked for notable gaming sites including DualShockers and Gamepur. You can follow Saqib's gaming activity on his Steam profile.
Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Accounting || Previously Worked for DualShockers & Gamepur || Published 200+ Guides

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