Overwatch 2 Moira: Role, Weapons & Abilities

This Overwatch 2 Moira guide will uncover a character overview of Moira for players to use in-game!

Overwatch 2 is an immersive game that is a 5v5 teamed shooter game. With many characters to choose from as your hero, in my Moira guide, I will uncover her role, playstyle, weapons, abilities, skins, and the best tips and tricks you can use for her in Overwatch 2!

Key Takeaways
  • Moira is a support hero in Overwatch 2, meaning she is responsible for healing and buffing her teammates rather than focusing on damage output.
  • Moira’s main weapon is the Biotic Grasp, which has a Primary Fire form for healing and a Secondary Fire form for damage.
  • Moira has three abilities:
    1. Fade, which allows her to become intangible and move quickly.
    2. Biotic Orb, which can be used for healing or damage.
    3. Her ultimate ability is coalescence, a long-range beam that can heal allies and damage enemies.
  • Moira is versatile; it can be used in long and short ranges and effectively against weaker enemies.

Moira’s Role 

Overwatch 2 Moira Role
Moira Role (Image Captured By Exputer)
Support200.0- Biotic Orb
- Fade

First, let’s start with the class she will belong to. As an overwatch 2 hero, she will fit into the support role. Typically, heroes that will fit into the support class will be responsible for helping their teammates get buffed up and all the more powerful in combat rather than placing their focus solely on damage output.

Apart from that, they will also provide versatility to the team by fitting into several team comps. Moira can use her abilities to heal or deal with a certain amount of damage. She can be used in both long and short-range, and she can take advantage of enemies on the weaker end to demolish them. 


Overwatch 2 Weapons
Weapons (Image Captured By Exputer)

As for her weapons, her main weapon of use will be known as the Biotic Grasp, and she will have a Primary Fire and a Secondary Fire. 

Biotic Grasp (Primary) 

  • Healing: 70/s
  • Aim Type: Beam
  • Duration: 2 Seconds
Healing Aim Type Duration
70 per second Beam 2 Seconds

Let’s start with her Primary Fire weapon, which will continue to heal the player every second, after which it will heal 35 over 2 seconds. With an Ammo of 160 biotic energy, players can use a 15-meter range, using 12.5 energy every second the weapon is activated. 

  • It will take 0.08 seconds to cast the Biotic Grasp, receive healing, and stay on the field for 2 seconds.
  • While it does provide a significant amount of healing, players will originally need to have a total of 8 biotic energy to use the weapon. 

Apart from that, it will restore 3.84 biotic energy and grant it back to the player, and it will take a certain amount of time for the heals to be provided to the players. Regarding the projectiles, they cannot go beyond any barriers the enemy has put up to protect themselves against you.

Biotic Grasp (Secondary) 

  • Aim Type: Beam 
  • Healing: 24/s
  • Damage: 50/s
Healing Aim Type Damage
24 per second Beam 50 per second

Now, let’s discuss the secondary form of the Biotic Grasp, which will essentially be a longer-ranged weapon that allows Moira to take the weapon in her hand and use the long-range to stay at a distance and slowly but surely start to deplete the enemy’s overall HP. 

As the enemies die out, she can also take healing based on the amount of damage she deals to the opponents in front of her. The range that the weapon will cover will be 20 meters. 

Apart from that, it is worth noting that the weapon provides damage and healing, but the healing will not be impacted by damage if it is changed. The weapon can also regenerate your biotic energy as it gets spent in other ways, and it will continue to give you back 21 biotic energy every second. Because the weapon also auto-regenerates the biotic energy, it will give you 25 biotic energy back in total. 


Overwatch 2 Moira Overview
Moira Overview (Image Captured By Exputer)

Next up, let’s discuss the abilities that will be provided to Moira. There will be a total of 3 main abilities, two of which will be skills and one of which will be known as her “ultimate ability”.


  • Movement Speed Increase: 250%
  • Cooldown Period: 6 seconds
Movement Speed Increase Cooldown Period
250% 6 seconds

Introducing Fade, her first ability. Activate it by pressing L1 on your PS controller. Experience a significant boost in movement speed, allowing swift map traversal. Become temporarily invisible, confounding enemies and providing crucial support to teammates.

  • Additionally, you attain virtual invulnerability, rendering you impervious to damage.
  • The ability also removes debuffs like DOT.
  • With a maximum range of 15 meters, Fade lasts 0.7 seconds, with an additional 0.04 seconds in recovery.

Biotic Orb 

  • Aim Type: Projectile 
  • Damage: 50/s
  • Healing: 65/s 
  • Cooldown Period: 8 seconds
Damage Aim Type Healing Cooldown Period
50 per second Projectile 65 per second 8 seconds

Next, let’s discuss Moira’s special ability, Fade. This unique skill allows Moira to choose between dealing up to 200 damage to enemies or healing her teammates, with a maximum healing capacity of 300.

Opting for damage becomes especially effective when opponents are on the verge of elimination or as the match concludes. It proves invaluable for delivering the final blow and securing victory for your team.

The healing aspect covers a maximum range of 5 meters, with the projectile traveling at 20 meters per second. If choosing to deal damage, the range is slightly shorter at 4 meters. Notably, the ability can be reflected off walls and remains active for 7 seconds.


  • Aim Type: Beam
  • Movement Speed Buff: +50%
  • Cost: 2800 points
Movement Speed Buff Aim Type Cost
+50% Beam 2800 points

Last, I have her ultimate ability, known as Coalescence. It can be activated once her energy is full, and players must press the Triangle button on their PS controllers. 

It not only hurts enemies by being a long-range ability, but it will also be able to deal 70 damage per second to enemies. , it will also provide healing for your teammates by healing players by 140 every second. Players will also boost their movement speed, allowing them to move from one end to another easily. 

The max range for the ability will be 30 meters, and it will take 0.5 seconds to cast the ability and stay active for 8 seconds. While Coalescence is activated, her biotic energy will regenerate a lot faster. 

My Experience Playing With Moira

As a player who has been playing the support role in OW2, Moira is one of my main picks. Her mobility might not be close to that of Solder 76 or Sojourn, but I can do a lot more with Moira in my hands. Being a support, many enemy players might expect me to play passively, but that’s not really the case.

naqib overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours on Steam

I play more aggressively with Moira and deal a large amount of damage to the enemy Tanks and DPS, but I also heal my teammate when required, unlike many Moira mains. However, I can pull this off due to my many hours of experience as a Moira player. I would definitely recommend new players to main Moira, but they should not show more aggression than needed.

Overall, this was an overview of how Moira will operate for all Overwatch 2 players, and with that, I will wrap up my Moira guide! While at it, you might find my Overwatch 2 Sigma a worthwhile read!

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Naqib is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is a passionate gamer and a die-hard anime fan since a very young age. Now, after gaining 15+ years of gaming experience and spending more than 5,000 hours on Valorant, Naqib creates content based on his firsthand knowledge of the most recent video games! You can further follow his gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ years || Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Software Engineering.

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