Overwatch 2 Sojourn [Ultimate Hero Guide]

Check out the guide for the BEST Tips and Tricks to master Sojourn!

The Overwatch series is back with tons of exciting features and new heroes. The game features some free starting heroes that you can equip and try out in the training grounds, while some are unaccessible and can be unlocked through hero challenges. Sojourn in Overwatch 2 is featured as a readily available Damage hero who possesses offensive and straightforward abilities to crush down opponents and dominate the battlefield.

Key Takeaways
  • Sojourn is a starting Damage Hero and one of the newly introduced characters in Overwatch 2.
  • Sojourn is suitable for players who have a quick playstyle with aggressive traits. 
  • She is a decent all-rounder and a pretty reliable soldier in a team.
  • Use her power slide and jump abilities to dominate the opponents.

Sojourn Role In Overwatch 

Overwatch 2 Sojourn Overview
Sojourn (Image credits: eXputer)
Railgun Alt Fire
Power Slide
Disruptor Shot

Sojourn Abilities

Sojourn features a distinctive mid-range playstyle while showing some impeccable mobility and flux. Although her moves look simple, they are quite good at distracting the opponents and stalling them off the entire arena. Her fast movements and abrupt playstyle make her a good fit to flank the opponents and catch them off guard. 

Let’s have a look at all the abilities of Sojourn so you can master them and learn to use them according to the situation. 


Sojourn Primary Weapon (Image credits: eXputer)
  • Attack Type: Primary Fire
  • Damage: 9 per Shot
  • Ammo: 45
  • Command: Left Click

Sojourn possesses an advanced high-tech automatic rifle as her primary that causes 9 damage per bullet with a firing rate of 14 rounds per second. The gun has a mag capacity of 45 before it needs to be reloaded. The gun has a snappy reload time of 1.2 seconds, thanks to her quick movements and reflexes.

Just like Sojourn, her weapon is also fast-paced, with a high DPS of 126. Sojourn is great against Overwatch 2 Tank heroes as her Railgun can apply continuous pressure and keep the enemies on their toes. Once Sojourn has generated her energy to max power through her primary fore, you can use the discharge. Here are some useful tips to remember while using Railgun Primary Attack.

  • Railgun fires projectile bullets, so make sure to use it in close to mid-ranged opponents.
  • Use your primary fire against tank heroes to rapidly boost your secondary fire.
  • Hitting the opponent’s barriers will also generate secondary fire energy.
  • The energy gain is at the rate of +5 per body Shot with +10 per critical hit.

Secondary fire

Overwatch 2 Sojourn
Special Ability  (Image credits: eXputer)
  • Attack Type: Secondary Fire
  • Damage: 30 (plus 1 per charge)
  • Command: Right Click

The secondary attack of Railgun is a high-damage shot that utilizes the charged energy to create massive explosive damage. The damage of a secondary attack ranges from 30-130, depending on the charge. The secondary attack can be charged a maximum of up to 100, but you can use the attack at any charged amount, considering the damaging impact will be low.

Here are some useful tips to remember while using Railgun Secondary Attack.

  •  It is a great finishing move in a one-on-one fight. If you’re engaged in a fight and your opponent is about to go down, finish the battle by blowing the opponent in a cool way.
  • You can also deal headshot damage with this attack; if the opponent is a non-tank character, you can take them down in even a single headshot.
  • Your secondary charge will keep accumulating until it is maximum, or you use it yourself, so save up your attack until you really need it.

Power Slide

  • Duration: 2 seconds
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds
  • Command: LShift

Power Slide is a distinguishing ability of Sojourn that makes her a great, fast-paced troop. Through this ability, she can perform a rock-powered slide that can also be canceled into an elevated leap by pressing the jump command. Through Power Slide, Sojourn can attain ultra movement speed that can easily distract opponents and mess up their aim. However, there are some limitations to the Power Slide, and it is not so optimal in close-quarter combats.

Here are some useful tips to remember while using Power Slide:

  • Sojourn can use her weapon during Power Slide. So burst some rounds during the flight, but make sure that your aim is accurate.
  • Use the ability to strike toward an opponent aggressively or use it to escape heated situations if things go south.
  • Cancel the power slide into a jump to take the high ground, where you can have a better view and angles.

Disruptor Shot

  • Damage per second: 52
  • Duration: 4 seconds
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds
  • Command: E

The Disruptor Shot is a ranged attack that stuns the opponents for four seconds duration, dealing 210 damage in total. When the ability is active, the snare effect gives you an optimal chance to attack the enemy with full force and initiate the Ultimate attack to bring them down completely.

The Disruptor Shot has a wide range of 30 meters with considerably decent AoE, which makes it difficult for the opponents to escape the attack. If you’ve used the Shot, you have to be patient to use it again, as the ability has a cooldown duration of 15 seconds.

Here are some useful tips to remember while using Disruptor Shot.

  • Combine the Disruptor Shot with your Secondary attack to get the most optimal results.
  • You can also use the ability as a defensive mechanism. If you feel like someone is sneaking up on you, use the Disruptor shot combined with a power slide to escape the situation.
  • The ability works pretty decent at taking down a large group of enemies.


  • Charge Rate: 1.2 seconds
  • Duration: 9 seconds
  • Command: Q

Overlock is Sojourn’s Ultimate ability, during which she amplifies the charging bar of secondary attack and gives it an exceptional boost for maximum capacity. Overclock effect lasts for seconds, in which the charging bar is maximized every 1.2 seconds, allowing you to fire seven Railgun Shots. Overlock puts Sojourn into offensive mode with high DPS output.

Here are some useful tips to remember while using Overlock:

  • The ability is a perfect fit to deal with tanks. Use the charging ability to break down the defensive barriers and take them down with massive blows.
  • If the ultimate ends before you use your last Shot, you can actually save it and utilize it later on, but the Shot will lose its piercing power.
  • Try not to waste the shots on the shield, as the ability will not pierce the shields.

How To Use Sojourn In Overwatch 2

Sojourn Fight
Sojourn Playstyle (Image credits: eXputer)

Although the move sets of Sojourn look pretty simple, they can be a bit tricky to master. Due to her fast pace and quick reflexes, it often gets difficult to control the character while maintaining decent accuracy. So, I will help you out by giving you the best strategies on how to use the character according to her playstyle.

  1. Primary And Secondary Fire Combo: Utilize a Primary-Secondary combo to deplete an opponent’s health efficiently. Once enough damage is done with primary shots, quickly follow up with a secondary shot, aiming for a headshot to take down 200 HP heroes effectively.
  2. Focus More On Aim Than Movement: Concentrate on precise aiming rather than excessive movement. Since the Railgun has no recoil, it’s easier to control. Start with slower movements and gradually increase speed as you become more comfortable with the hero.
  3. Use Your Energy Beam Wisely: When your energy beam charge is complete, target DPS and Support heroes for massive damage. Avoid using it on Tanks with high HP as they can resist it with shields. Save the energy beam for critical moments or to finish off injured opponents.
  4. Save Up Your Disruptor Shot: The Disruptor Shot is a powerful ability that stuns enemies. Save it for crucial situations and avoid wasting it randomly. Effective use of the disruptor shot can create opportunities for a counterattack.
  5. Move Unpredictably With Power Slide: Power Slide is an excellent tactic for maneuvering around the battlefield and flanking opponents. Experiment with the ability to slide down obstacles or jump to higher spots. Create unpredictable movements to distract enemies and execute surprise attacks.
  6. Don’t Use Ultimate On Enemies With Guard: Sojourn’s Ultimate ability deals massive damage, but it doesn’t pierce through barriers. Avoid wasting the ultimate on shielded enemies, and instead, target exposed opponents to ensure maximum impact.

Characters That Can Counter Sojourn

After learning all the perks and playstyle of Sojourn, you must also be aware of the heroes that hard counter her. Sojourn is a reliable hero overall, but she struggles a bit while facing Pharah. Pharah has a comparatively longer range and can stay airborne while performing aerial attacks, so it becomes tricky to track her down and land your primary shots on her. If your Railgun is on a full charge, do not hesitate to use the attack on Pharah.

Other than that, you also need to maintain some distance from close-range masters such as Reaper, Reinhardt, and Tracer, as they can outperform you in close-quarter fights. The most optimal play is to keep a decent distance from the enemies while maintaining your mobility and aim.

My Experience Playing Sojourn

As per my experience, Sojourn is one of the best movement characters in OW2. Sojourn’s Power Slide is one of her greatest strengths. By using the Power Slide, I can close the gap between the enemy and can also disengage from a fight when I feel at a disadvantage. Due to her insane mobility, Sojourn can do great spam damage as well.

naqib overwatch 2
My Overwatch 2 hours on Steam

As for Sojourn’s weaknesses, it is the defensive heroes. Heroes such as Sigma, D. Va, and Reinhardt, who have great defenses, can block the railgun, proving it hard for Sojourn players to land shots easily.

Out of all the DPS heroes, Sojourn possesses some unique sliding skills that make her a great front-lineup soldier. So, stick with me to know all the perks and abilities of the mighty warrior. If you want to explore other excellent heroes in the game, then you can check out our guides on GenjiReaperReinhardt, Ashe, and Hanzo. Other than that, if you want to go for advanced soldiers, then heroes like Torbjorn,  SymmetraAna, and Widowmaker may be a good fit.


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Naqib is a Guides Writer at eXputer. He is a passionate gamer and a die-hard anime fan since a very young age. Now, after gaining 15+ years of gaming experience and spending more than 5,000 hours on Valorant, Naqib creates content based on his firsthand knowledge of the most recent video games! You can further follow his gaming activities on his Steam profile.

Experience: 1+ years || Mainly covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Software Engineering.

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