Monster Hunter World: Piscine Wyverns [Explanation & Strategy]

Learn everything about the Piscine Wyverns in MHW, the exact monsters related to this type, and how to efficiently hunt them.

Since its initial debut, Monster Hunter has had many unique creatures for you to hunt, with multiple of them being divided into sub-categories of monster types, just like the MHW Piscine Wyvern. While they are generally considered the niche monster archetypes, if you ask me, you’ll most likely look them up, being confused as to who they are so you can get your bounty related to them done whether you’re a new player or a veteran like me.

Key Takeaways
  • The Piscine Wyverns in Monster Hunter World consist of monsters with aquatic traits such as fins and other properties like a wet habitat.
  • As of 2024 and on the latest patch, Monster Hunter World has three main Piscine Wyvern monsters: the Jyuratodus, Lavasioth, and the Beotodus.
  • Each of the three monsters has specific weaknesses and body parts that you need to target to take them down with ease.
  • I suggest studying these monsters occasionally at Ecological Research to learn more about their overall anatomy.

What Are Piscine Wyvern In MHW?

mhw piscine wyverns
A Lavasioth is one of the three Piscine Wyverns found in Elder’s Recess. (Image by Me)

The Piscine Wyverns in Monster Hunter World translates to the fish-based monsters in the game or those that carry aquatic species’ properties.

  • As of the Iceborne expansion and Patch 15.21, there are a total of three Piscine Wyvern Monster types in the game, which are the following:
    1. Jyuratodus
    2. Lavasioth
    3. Beotodus
  • Any one of these monsters can be targeted and hunted to complete the Piscine Wyvern bounty.
  • The Jyuratodus and Lavasioth are from Monster Hunter World’s base game, while the Beotodus was introduced with the release of the Iceborne DLC.

1. Jyuratodus

mhw piscine wyverns
Jyuratodus, found in the Wildspire Wastes. (Image by eXputer)
LOCALE Wildspire Wastes
  • Thunder (Without Mud)
  • Water (When covered in Mud)

If you’re jumping into MHW for the first time, the Jyuratodus will be one of the first monsters you encounter in Low Rank during the main campaign. This monster can become annoying as it occasionally covers itself in mud, inverting your elemental damage against it. Still, thankfully, if you have any Puddle Pod ammo, you can fire it off from your slinger to neutralize it.

Lastly, I would strongly recommend targeting its head and tail to easily slay it, as the monster’s fins on its body can be tough to break into unless you’re using a Hammer or Greatsword. You can also deal enough damage to the Jyuratodus so that it won’t retreat to cover in mud again for armor.

2. Lavasioth

monster hunter world piscine wyverns
Lavasioth is found in the Elder’s Recess. (Image by eXputer)
LOCALE Elder’s Recess
  • Water (When hardened)
  • Thunder (When not hardened)

The Lavasioth can be found in the Elder’s Recess once you reach High Rank and are at the late-game stages of the campaign. Similar in appearance to the Jyuratodus, the Lavasioth has a tough outer body. Unless you’re using weapons like Bows or Hammers, your attacks will likely bounce on its side parts.

I strongly recommend targeting its head and underbelly as those are the monster’s weak points and most efficient areas to slay him quickly.

When it goes into a berserk state, the Lavasioth can cover its entire body with hardened Lava, making attacks difficult to hit, so be prepared to bring weapons modified with its weak elements. I easily farmed it with my friends by using my Chargeblade’s hidden water element properties to decimate the head, and, of course, one of my friends used a Bow at long range to tear through its tough exterior.

3. Beotodus

monster hunter world beotodus
The Beotodus, a Piscine Wyvern, was introduced via the Iceborne expansion. (Image by eXputer)
LOCALE Hoarfrost Reach
WEAKNESSES Fire and Thunder

The Beotodus is one of the first monsters you’ll encounter when diving through the Iceborne expansion for the first time. It has a similar appearance to a shark due to the fin on its head.

Like the Diablos monster, this monster can dive underneath the ground, so I highly advise bringing some Screamer Pods with you to force it out of the ground when necessary. While I haven’t fought him much, Beotodus’ attacks can be pretty easy to telegraph, making its fight predictable if you’re skilled enough.

My Thoughts On The Piscine Wyverns

This brings me to the end of my guide. If you enjoyed reading this, I recommend visiting my friend and fellow MHW fan, Hamid Shah’s extensive and updated Tier list of Monster Hunter’s weapon types. While the Piscine Wyverns can be annoying under certain circumstances for new players, as a Chargeblade and Long Sword main, I didn’t face too much trouble taking them down on my first hunt.

If you have any sort of questions related to the guide or the game in general, feel free to reach out to me so I can get back to you. I hope you’re hyped for the next entry in the series, Monster Hunter Wilds, and if you are, what changes do you wish to see? What new monsters would you like to be added? Let me know all about it in the comments below!

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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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